Everything You Wanted To Know About Star Wars Ahsoka Tano Lightsabers
Many fascinating and strong characters in the Star Wars universe will captivate us for eternity. Ahsoka Tano is among them.
Ahsoka Tano is one of the skilled users of the Force in the Star Wars universe. Considering that Ahsoka is carrying two lightsabers, she seems formidable.
Ahsoka started with a lightsaber that had green blades. Green lightsabers are usually connected to compassion and inner serenity.
Later, as Ahsoka's talents at dueling developed, she fashioned another green lightsaber. This one has a small, Shoto-style green blade as well. The shorter blade on this Lightsaber complemented her primary weapon.
Ahsoka Tano used a green lightsaber and an unusual reverse grip when she was still a Padawan. She employed the weapons in multiple engagements, albeit she was cut off from them occasionally. When Tano departed the Jedi Order after they charged her with betrayal, she left the guns with the organization. At the end of the conflict, when she returned to lead troops in the Siege of Mandalore on behalf of the Galactic Republic, she was given the weapons back by her former mentor, Anakin Skywalker.
After Order 66, when the Sith staged the Jedi's demise and gave up the lightsabers for good, Tano staged her death to the new Galactic Empire. She later traded in her lightsabers for a pair of white ones when she joined the nascent rebels.
Ahsoka Tano – Fictional Character
In the film Star Wars: The Clone Wars, she first appeared. Ahsoka Tano’s role was portrayed by actresses Rosario Dawson and Ashley Eckstein.
By birth, Ahsoka Tano is a Togruta. In the world of Star Wars, she is a well-liked figure. She was a devoted supporter of the Rebellion.
She was assigned to Anakin by Master Yoda to become his apprentice (Disciple). Anakin was first apprehensive about taking a pupil, but when he quickly saw her potential, he was delighted to have her. She developed a strong bond with Anakin as his sole apprentice and as a pupil.
Throughout the Star Wars saga, Ahsoka is shown as courageous and having a firm resolve. To become a valuable member of the Galactic Republic, Ahsoka endured challenges and tribulations. Ahsoka gave a powerful example of the value of strengthening your allegiances. She ultimately developed into Anakin Skywalker’s best friend and a cherished figure in the Star Wars films.
Ahsoka Tano Clone Wars Lightsabers
A green-bladed lightsaber, which is typically associated with inner peace and compassion, was what Ahsoka began out with. This standard Lightsaber had a single blade and a black ornamented, silver-cylindrical hilt. Ahsoka constructed a second lightsaber when her skills as a duelist improved; this one also had a smaller, Shoto-type blade.
The main Lightsaber had a green blade, while the Shoto had a yellow-green blade. Both lightsabers had crystals from the respected planet of Ilum." During the Battle of Mon Cala, both lightsabers demonstrated their ability to be used underwater. The blades of the lightsabers that Anakin Skywalker gave back to Ahsoka Tano before the Siege of Mandalore had become blue due to his fiddling with the weapons.
Ahsoka Tano’s First Lightsaber
(Single–Bladed Green Lightsaber)
During the Clone Wars television series, Ahsoka Tano made her entrance, brandishing a lightsaber with a green blade. Every Jedi needed the Kyber crystal to construct their lightsabers.
With Ahsoka, it was the same. She got her Kyber crystal at IIUM, a distant world, while she was there. The Kyber Crystal was almost calling to Ahsoka, but it didn't take long to take on its characteristic green color.
She created her first green Lightsaber with this Kyber gem. She brought it to the planet Christophsis during the first year of the Clone Wars after being selected as the Jedi Knight and General Anakin Skywalker's padawan.
Construction and Functionality:
Tano's lightsaber stands out among the other Jedi Order members' sabers. It has a sleek cylindrical hilt made of silver metal with minimal decoration. The Jedi collected the kyber crystal for the Lightsaber from the faraway world Ilum.
It has devices that store energy, like the dictum power cell and the Kyber Crystal. When these devices are combined and focused through different lenses, they create a plasma blade." A magnetic field produced by a magnetic stabilizing ring on top of the hilt then constrains this into the right length.
Ahsoka’s Lightsaber has a blade adjustment knob that is self-explanatory, together with an activation stud. A hand-grip attachment and belt ring for carrying convenience are located towards the bottom of the hilt.
Why is the Lightsaber of Ahsoka Tano green?
The Jedi Consular route, one of three options available to Jedi Knights who complete their trials, is typically linked with green. Consulars are renowned for having a firm Force and systematically using it. Their focus is firmly on solving the puzzles surrounding the various facets of the Force, including the Cosmic, Unifying, and particularly the Living.
Ahsoka obtains the color-coded intellectual badge in a variety of circumstances. For instance, She employed it to float a thermal detonator into three enemy observation copes to execute a deadly surprise strike. Moreover, during her first mission on Christophis, she used telekinesis to pull a damaged wall down to kill a group of droids while keeping Anakin Skywalker safe.
She primarily wielded this Lightsaber during the Clone Wars fight. Ahsoka used her intelligence to stay safe during the "Clone Wars." She often relied on her cleverness. This also applies to being smart. She used her smarts to protect herself and her friends. A second lightsaber was added to her collection due to her skill with them.
Usage Of Ahsoka’s Green Lightsaber
Combat With Enemies
Tano used the green Lightsaber in battles against her master and others. She faced General Grievous and fought Asajj Ventress, who served Count Dooku.
- Face-off with Asajj Ventress
Ahsoka encounters Asajj Ventress, her first significant test as a Jedi in training. Ahsoka and Ventress fight on the jail deck.
Ventress releases Gunray from his cell. She uses Ahsoka's own force against her. Luminara, a Jedi Knight, saves her, but Ventress manages to flee.
- Face-off with Barriss Offee
While searching for information about who accused Ahsoka of bombing the Jedi Temple, Barriss Offee ambushes her in disguise. Tano fought with Barriss Offee, another Padawan, after the Mirialan got sick with Geonosian brain worm on the frigate TB-73 route." Ahsoka possessed her Shoto-style Lightsaber by this point, but she was still limited to using her old green single-blade.
Offee uses a steam explosion to force Ahsoka to the ground and then savagely assaults her until she collapses to the next floor. Before she can share what she has learned, a Clone reaction team disables her and captures her.
Conflicts With Separatist Troops
She employed it in conflicts with Separatist troops on planets like Felucia, Naboo, Maridun, and Geonosis. Ahsoka engaged in combat with the shape-shifting impostor while pursuing Jocasta Nu (Jedi Librarian). While both were distracted by their chase, she maneuvered a chair in front of her intended victim to trip them up.
Her master (Anakin Skywalker) momentarily used her Lightsaber and his own against two super battle droids headed by Cad Bane to save her. When his Lightsaber was stolen during the Battle of Mon Cala, Anakin Skywalker utilized it exclusively when Ahsoka allowed him to borrow it.
Ahsoka Tano’s Second Lightsaber
(Yellowish-green bladed)
Like other Jedi, Ahsoka only owned one Lightsaber. In the tenth episode of the "Clone Wars," "Heroes on Both Sides," Ahsoka was seen brandishing a second lightsaber without warning. How was her second Lightsaber acquired?
In addition to her current green Lightsaber, Ahsoka Tano is shown brandishing a new lightsaber in the Shoto style. This Lightsaber is a bit more yellowish-green in color and has a smaller blade than her last one, which was pure green. Tano's second Lightsaber was designed for smaller people like Yoda's. This time, the Shoto is positioned differently, making it easier to use with appropriate combat techniques. Its blade is shorter and measures around three-quarters the height of the standard variety. The smaller Lightsaber is perfect for her fighting style because she holds it backward.
Tano eventually decided to adopt Jar’Kai and traveled to the remote world Ilum in search of a second kyber crystal after helping to save Chi Eekway Papanoida from Separatist forces after she had been kidnapped. She constructed a Shoto lightsaber that emitted a yellowish-green blade to accompany her primary weapon.
Why is the Second Lightsaber of Ahsoka yellowish-green?
The Jedi Knight can choose from various paths, including the Sentinel. The Shoto resembles the Jedi Sentinels’ yellow lightsaber pikes tasked with guarding the Jedi Temple due to the subtle color change over the Shoto’s natural green tint. They liked combining the skill-driven third route, the Jedi Guardian, with the more reflective Consular style to tackle challenges with well-rounded solutions.
Several times, Ahsoka went above and beyond to assist when other Jedi would have had to refrain since she likes to work alongside the individuals she is tasked with protecting. The fact that Ahsoka Tano’s Shoto-style lightsaber is yellowish-green is more than just a passing allusion to the nature of their responsibilities and what that specific route involves. It may also be seen as a turning point in Ahsoka’s development into a Jedi while still holding on to the knowledge she has gained through years of actual first-hand experience.
She helps a group of younglings who have been kidnapped to defend themselves from their captors, which is one of the more obvious applications of her technique. She also uses covert means to free Krios’s residents from Zygerrian slavers. She has a technology talent and is a people person. Last but not least, she would be able better to integrate the Shoto Lightsaber into her existing fighting talents thanks to her alliance with the Sentinel balancing act.
First appearance
The film “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” featured Ahsoka’s Lightsaber for the first time.
Usage Of Ahsoka’s Yellowish-Green Lightsaber
Major Feats
Mission to Mortis
Tano employed the two lightsabers for missions such as the one to Mortis, where the family of Force users living there was unaffected by the lightsabers. After the Son deceived her into joining the evil side, Tano engaged in combat with her lord on Mortis. Under the power of the Son, she fought Kenobi and her master, Anakin Skywalker.
She hits him brutally, barely managing to fend him off as Anakin begs her to stop. Ahsoka wields her Shoto Lightsaber and unleashes a furious strike on Obi-Wan, double her previous level of fury. She tries to return Obi-magical Obi-Wan Kenobi's blade, sensing that it would free her from the Son's hold. Despite her efforts, she loses life force when the Son touches her forehead.
Encounter with Death Watch
The Death Watch defeated Tano during their initial encounter because she lacked weapons. She battled her way out when the robot returned them to her at the camp of warriors, slashing through him with the ancient Darksaber used by Pre Vizsla, the head of the Death Watch.
Face-Off With General Grievous
When Ahsoka faces off against General Grievous, it will be a genuine testament to her growth as a warrior. Ahsoka fights against the Separatist warlord on the planet Florrum to allow his intended victims time to flee. The battle takes place in a challenging desert-like environment. Ahsoka is stretched to the edge as Grievous reveals his four cybernetic arms. She has no other chance than what she can do with the Force. She needs to hold him off until her ship is prepared to sail. She navigates her huge impediment with her exceptional agility.
Confrontation with Bounty Hunter
When Rako Hardeen, a bounty hunter, confronted Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, and Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Coruscant Underworld, where Obi-Wan Kenobi presumably lost his life in the struggle, Ahsoka Tano used her lightsabers to defend themselves.
Fight On Orondia
Cad Bane almost killed Skywalker during their fight on Orondia, but Tano sprang into action with her lightsabers after the disguised Kenobi temporarily dazed Skywalker. Because of this, the masked bounty hunters, as well as the Jedi Master, were successful in fleeing, enabling Kenobi to carry out the remainder of his mission.
How did she obtain her second Lightsaber?
The series didn’t detail how she acquired her second Lightsaber. They let fans speculate, as they had done with many other Star Wars riddles. However, the following is pertinent to this.
Some people believe Anakin gave Ahsoka the second Lightsaber when we saw him giving her lightsabers in the seventh episode of Clone Wars season 7. Ahsoka visited the planet IIum more than once. She stayed there three times. She visited there twice for her lightsabers and once to mentor some young people. This gives us a good indication of where her second Lightsaber may have come from.
She acquired the first Kyber crystal on her initial visit to IIUM. She must have come back for a second Kyber crystal. Her little, yellow-colored Lightsaber must have come from the second Kyber crystal.
First Appearance:
The Shoto that goes with the primary Lightsaber was initially seen in “Heroes on Both Sides.”
Ahsoka Tano’s Blue-Bladed Lightsabers
Ahsoka was falsely accused of plotting to overthrow the Jedi Council. The Jedi Order excommunicated her. The Jedi Order no longer held her respect. She opted not to rejoin the Jedi order and departed even after Anakin established her innocence and she was declared not guilty.
She also abandoned both lightsabers after being aware of the hardships people face and the significance of the Jedi. She decided to travel to the Siege of Mandalore to aid needy people.
Before heading to the Siege, she had one final meeting with Anakin Skywalker on Coruscant. These lightsabers from Anakin astonished her.
Like her master, she wielded a pair of blue lightsabers. Anakin smiles cunningly when she discovers that he changed them to have blue Kyber Crystals rather than her preferred green. They look the same throughout history, excluding the color spectrum change.
Why are the Lightsabers of Ahsoka blue?
Jedi Guardians are the Order’s troops, combining their skill points into attributes like strength, agility, and, of course, a propensity for close-quarters fighting. Ahsoka's character is growing as she starts using dark blue lightsabers like Skywalker, Kenobi, and other Jedi Guardians.
Skywalker looked after the lightsabers while they were under the Jedi’s care and used the time to, in his opinion, “upgrade” them. This resulted in the blades’ hue changing to blue. Ahsoka is a fully developed fighter, even if she is not part of the Jedi. She is as skilled as the greatest of her previous fellow citizens, and with minimal help, she can stand her ground against some of the canon’s fiercest foes.
During the Siege of Mandalore, she engaged Maul in a titanic battle with these lightsabers and triumphed. She caught Darth Maul and won the siege of Mandalore by defeating him with blue lightsabers. It is unknown what happened to the Shoto Lightsaber after Ahsoka escaped from the clone ship "Tribunal" with Maul from Mandalore.
Usage Of Ahsoka’s Blue Lightsabers
Major Feats
Face-off with Darth Maul
Two of the galaxy’s most outstanding pupils, Maul and Ahsoka, square off in episode 10 of the “Clone Wars” series, “The Phantom Apprentice.” Ahsoka arrived to prevent Darth Maul from luring Kenobi and Skywalker to Mandalore to murder them and thwart Lord Sidious’ intentions. In contrast to past fights in the series, Ahsoka keeps Maul restrained the whole time, ensuring a balanced back-and-forth.
Maul makes a mistake and almost dies, giving her the upper hand. Until help arrives, Ahsoka holds him, levitating using the Force.
Combat with the clones
when Order 66 is carried out, Lord Sidious’s objectives are ultimately realized. Therefore, all of the clones in the Grand Army of the Republic, including Ahsoka, are hostile towards their Jedi Commanders.
She attempts explicitly to avoid hurting anyone, making this struggle for freedom unusual. Ahsoka moves on with the aid of her wit and a few helpful droids. She showed great skill with the Shien version while dodging multiple blaster bolts.
Ahsoka’s blue lightsabers: What happened to them?
When the blue blades were first ignited, it showed Ahsoka's growth as a hero. It also highlighted Anakin's tendency for attachments. This ultimately led to his downfall.
When Darth Maul destroyed the control ship’s hyperdrive, and it crashed into an unknown moon, Maul, Tano, and Rex were able to flee. At the same time, every other clone on the spacecraft perished in the collision.
Tano and Rex built a monument for the deceased. In her sorrow and defeat, Tano also left both of her blue-bladed lightsabers at the site. This act contributed to her death appearing fake.
Ahsoka’s eventual creation of a new set of lightsabers only highlights her decision to ultimately renounce Jedi principles out of both need and personal conscience.
When Anakin gave her the lightsabers back before the siege, they were blue-bladed, according to the episode “Old Friends Not Forgotten.”
Ahsoka Tano's White Lightsaber
A year passed after the Clone Wars ended. The exiled Jedi created a new Lightsaber. They also made a Shoto-style blade. She began by assembling her parts from salvaged debris that she had gathered while working as a mechanic on Thabeska.
She then used a crystal holder from one of Vader's followers. This holder was special. She used it to power up the Sixth Brother's double-bladed Lightsaber. The Lightsaber was powered with a purified Kyber Crystal. Any lightsaber ever seen in the canon would be in sharp contrast to the Kyber purifying process and outcome, which is a harsh gray-white.
Ahsoka gradually transformed her swords into ones with curved, elaborate hilts and rectangular contours. For many years after that, the blade’s hues persisted.
Watch television often to see Ashoka Tano wielding his unusual white lightsabers. Both live-action and animated television fall under this.
Ahsoka's white lightsabers debuted in the Star Wars Rebels season one finale, "Fire Across the Galaxy."
What is Ahsoka’s preferred Lightsaber Form?
As the series continued, Ahsoka’s proficiency with various types of lightsaber fighting would develop along with her weapons.
She began her training with a green lightsaber (single-bladed) and the fundamental Form I Shii-Cho technique. The most basic type of lightsaber fighting resembles more straightforward and commonplace swordplay found elsewhere in the galaxy without the use of the Force.
Ahsoka’s deceptive demeanor further complements this kind of aggressive defense. She would learn Form IV, Ataru, considerably more quickly. This specific style of warfare uses athletic acrobatics to overwhelm the opposition with a barrage of nearly unstoppable punches that are meant to finish the conflict soon.
Ahsoka decides to focus on using dual-handed martial arts like Jar’Kai. Master Yoda advises her to incorporate her own personality and learning style into her training. This preferred using a lightsaber combined with another weapon, usually another.
Ahsoka Tano would combine her expertise in the Form V Shien style of lightsaber warfare, which emphasizes protection from blaster shots. She developed a robust defensive posture with her sneaky Shoto lightsaber technique.
Find The Ahsoka Tano Lightsaber Replica In the Real World
A lightsaber with a lot of durability is the Ashoka Tano. Who in the universe would refuse this amazing Lightsaber? Holding an Ahsoka Tano lightsaber is unrivaled if you want to be a part of the force's good side and rescue the galaxy for good.
LaserPointerWorld has chosen a real-time lightsaber replica. By scrolling down, you can see what’s new.
Ahsoka Tano doesn’t need to be introduced. Everyone knows the story of this mighty warrior who gave his life to preserve the galaxy's peace.
The lightsaber fighter Ahsoka Tano was strong and skilled. She was one of the most intriguing characters in Star Wars. But her white-bladed Lightsaber was even more impressive.
You may get an Ahsoka Tano lightsaber replica from NEO SABERS. Buy a Lorian Neopixel Lightsaber that resembles the Ahsoka Tano lightsaber. The 50-watt RGB Neopixel strip with infinite colors and the potent volume-adjustable speaker are both included with the Lorian Neopixel Lightsaber.
The most significant attention to detail was put into making the most accurate lightsaber replica ever. Thanks to the removable Lithium-ion battery, you can cosplay for an entire day without needing to recharge.
BUY FROM LaserPointerWorld
The hype around Ahsoka’s Lightsaber is well-known to every die-hard Star Wars fan. If you're looking for a cool lightsaber, check out the Lorian Neopixel Lightsaber available for purchase on LaserPointerWorld's website.
It also includes a flash-on collision function and these features. You may engage in lightsaber combat for a whole day thanks to its detachable lithium-ion battery, nine customizable sound themes, and distinctive sound effects.
This weapon is ideal for intense combat. The product has a long, unbreakable polycarbonate blade that you can detach. Additionally, it features a defusing finish, a flash-on collision function, and motion sensors that create sound effects when swinging.
The Lorian LaserPointerWorld Lightsaber has a sturdy polycarbonate blade that is 92 cm long. This makes it resistant to solid lightsaber blows. This material safeguards the 12-watt LED strips inside the blades, which have 12 preset colors.
Affordable Cost
This Lightsaber is more feature-rich and more reasonably priced than others. It's perfect for newcomers or those on a tight budget who want to add more lightsabers to their collection.
For the same level of force power as a powerful Jedi warrior, purchase a Lorian Neopixel Lightsaber from LaserPointerWorld. The aluminum alloy hilt of this Lightsaber is designed for fierce fighting. The smooth swing function makes the battling experience more realistic. A long battery life means you will have plenty of time to defeat your adversaries in combat.
Lightsaber Nestling
The extravagant characteristics of her Lightsaber are what have supporters on both sides of the aisle yearning for her. You’ll have a lot of fun cosplaying with the option we suggest. Take it and put all the evil guys under it. Adieu!
Ahsoka Tano Lightsaber in Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge
The legendary nature of Ahsoka Tano's weaponry is encapsulated in Galaxy's Edge's depiction of her lightsabers.
By allowing fans to wield an Ahsoka Tano lightsaber, Disney's Star Wars Galaxy's Edge theme park honors the Star Wars heritage.
The yellow-green blades that have come to represent Ahsoka are reflected in the finely made and detailed designs of these lightsabers.
As guests set out on their adventures, the experience immerses them in Star Wars mythology and makes them feel like real Jedi warriors.
Fans may revisit classic scenes like Ahsoka's Jedi Temple training or her duel with Asajj Ventress.
Disney's commitment to bringing the cherished Star Wars universe to life is demonstrated by the depiction of Ahsoka Tano lightsabers in Galaxy's Edge.
1. What are Ahsoka Tano's lightsabers?
Ahsoka Tano debuted with a green-bladed lightsaber and continued to wield it throughout the Clone Wars television series. Later, Ahsoka Tano is shown using a new lightsaber in a different style that she uses alongside her green lightsaber." Unlike her previous pure green Lightsaber, this one has a smaller blade and is a little more yellowish-green in hue.
The Shoto is placed in a new way to make it easier to use in combat. It has a shorter blade that is about three-quarters the height of a standard sword." The way she holds the smaller Lightsaber backward makes it ideal for her combat technique.
In a nutshell, Ahsoka Tano used a set of lightsabers known as “Ahsoka’s lightsabers” during the Clone Wars. She used green lightsabers at first. Later, she added a shoto lightsaber with a yellow-green blade. She did this when she chose to use Jar’Kai in the final stages of the battle.
2. Why did Ahsoka Tano leave the Jedi?
Ahsoka Tano grew up in the Jedi Order and constructed two lightsabers as a youngling. Ahsoka was falsely accused of plotting to overthrow the Jedi Council.
The Jedi Order excommunicated her. The Jedi Order no longer held her respect. Tano lost trust in the Order and fled after she was falsely accused of treason by her old friend Barriss Offee, which resulted in her trial and close call to death.
She opted not to rejoin the Jedi order and departed even after Anakin established her innocence and she was declared not guilty. She also abandoned both of her lightsabers.
3. Who is Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars?
By birth, Ahsoka Tano is a Togruta. In the world of Star Wars, she is a well-liked figure. She was a devoted supporter of the Rebellion.
She was assigned to Anakin by Master Yoda to become his apprentice (Disciple). Anakin was first apprehensive about taking a pupil, but when he quickly saw her potential, he was delighted to have her. She developed a strong bond with Anakin as his sole apprentice and as a pupil.
Throughout the Star Wars saga, Ahsoka is shown as courageous and has a firm resolve. To become a valuable member of the Galactic Republic, Ahsoka endured challenges and tribulations. Ahsoka gave a powerful example of the value of strengthening your allegiances. She ultimately developed into Anakin Skywalker’s best friend and a cherished figure in the Star Wars films.
4. Why is Ahsoka's Shoto Lightsaber yellow?
The Shoto resembles the yellow lightsabers of the Jedi Sentinels who guard the Jedi Temple. However, it has a slight color change from green to yellow. They enjoyed combining the skill-focused Jedi Guardian with the thoughtful Consular approach to solve problems with versatile solutions.
Ahsoka often went above and beyond to assist when other Jedi would have had to refrain since she likes to work alongside the individuals she is tasked with protecting.
Ahsoka Tano's yellowish-green Shoto-style lightsaber symbolizes the nature of her responsibilities and the challenges she faces. It may also be seen as a turning point in Ahsoka’s development into a Jedi while still holding on to the knowledge she has gained through years of actual first-hand experience.
She helps a group of kidnapped young people learn how to defend themselves against their captors. She demonstrates the practical application of her skills. She has a talent for technology and is a people person. Last but not least, she could better integrate the Shoto Lightsaber into her existing fighting talents thanks to her alliance with the Sentinel balancing act.
5. What is Ahsoka Tano's fighting style?
She began her training with a green lightsaber (single-bladed) and the fundamental Form I Shii-Cho technique. Lightsaber fighting without using the Force is similar to regular swordplay found in other parts of the galaxy.
Ahsoka’s deceptive demeanor further complements this kind of aggressive defense. As a result, she would learn Form IV/Ataru considerably more quickly. Ahsoka later decides that dual-handed martial arts like Jar’Kai are her preference when Master Yoda counsels her to incorporate her unique personality and learning method into new training. This gave a choice to use a lightsaber in combination with another weapon, usually another lightsaber.
Ahsoka Tano would combine her expertise in the Form V Shien style of lightsaber warfare, which emphasizes protection from blaster shots. She developed a robust defensive posture with her sneaky Shoto lightsaber technique.
6. What is the Ahsoka Tano legacy lightsaber set?
On May 4, 2022, the Ahsoka Tano Legacy Lightsaber Exclusive Version was launched. The special edition kit includes two Ahsoka Tano lightsabers with curved hilts.
In honor of Star Wars Day, Disney made the Ahsoka Tano Legacy Lightsaber Set available on the shopDisney webpage. The ornamental box that houses the hilts sounds the Force soundtrack when it is opened. The Special Edition of 2,000 sets on the shopDisney portal sold out in minutes.
The authorized set has two hilts. One hilt is 14 inches long and the other is 11 inches long. The main hilt is 14 inches long. The shoto hilt is 11 inches long.
7. What race is ahsoka tano?
Ahsoka Tano is a Togruta, a species of sentient humanoid known for its lekku (or headtails), montrals (sensory organs resembling horns), and brightly colored skin.
8. What species is ahsoka?
The Ahsoka Tano phenomena is still gaining steam. Ahsoka didn't win over fans when she made her debut in Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) as Anakin Skywalker's teenage Padawan. However, as her adventures during this turbulent period of Jedi history were expanded upon in the later animated TV series that further detailed the epochal conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Separatists, Ahsoka's popularity skyrocketed.
A new chapter in the history of this fascinating Star Wars figure will begin on August 23, 2023, when the eight-episode limited TV series Ahsoka premieres on theDisney+ streaming service. Ahsoka is going to be the main character for the first time in this series.
Many fans who haven't followed Ahsoka's escapades from the beginning are attempting to fill in the blanks on the one-time Padawan from the planet Shili as the release date draws closer.What species is Ahsoka Tano? From where does she originate?These are legitimate inquiries that call for a response.
Ahsoka is a member of the Togruta species, which is indigenous to the planet Shili. However, revealing this information merely raises further questions because little is known about these creatures, which are very rare in the Star Wars universe. In light of this, it could be beneficial to try learning as much as possible about the Togruta, including their biology, culture, and place of origin. To find out more about this fascinating aspect of Star Wars mythology, continue reading.
9. Why does Ahsoka have two lightsabers?
Ahsoka Tano decides to use two lightsabers, a technique Anakin Skywalker taught her called Jar'Kai. She fights opponents like Count Dooku with a special reverse grip technique that works quite well. She uses a shoto, her second lightsaber, which is a little shorter, for surprise attacks or defense.
10. Why did Anakin change Ahsoka’s lightsaber colors?
Anakin assisted Ahsoka in adjusting the sound effects and activating them, but he did not alter the colors of her lightsaber. The crystal (kyber) that powers a Jedi's lightsaber typically determines its hue.
11. Why is Ahsoka Tano’s lightsaber white?
The purification procedure of the crystals that power Ahsoka Tano's lightsabers is what gives them their white color. During the Clone Wars, Ahsoka broke away from the Jedi Order and finally encountered the Sixth Brother, an Inquisitor. After defeating him, she seized his red kyber crystals and cleansed them using the Force, turning them white.
12. How many lightsabers did Ahsoka Tano wield during the Clone Wars?
Ahsoka Tano used two lightsabers during the Clone Wars: a shoto, which is shorter than a conventional lightsaber. At first, the shorter lightsaber's blade was green, but by the time of the Battle of Mandalore, it had turned blue. In contrast, the longer lightsaber's blade was green.
13. What are the differences between Ahsoka’s green and white lightsabers?
The primary distinction between Ahsoka's green and white lightsabers is their hue, which is determined by the kyber crystals that give them their strength. Ahsoka used the green and blue lightsabers as weapons when she was a member of the Jedi Order. She departed from the Order, purified the red crystals she had stolen from an Inquisitor, and fashioned fresh white-bladed lightsabers.
14. How did Ahsoka obtain her white lightsabers?
After leaving the Jedi Order, Ahsoka acquired her white lightsabers. She vanquished the Sixth Brother, an Inquisitor, on Raada during the Imperial Era. She then took his crimson kyber crystals and made them "bleed" and eventually turn white through a process called purification.
15. Does Ahsoka Tano have a unique lightsaber hilt design?
Indeed, the hilts of Ahsoka Tano lightsabers are distinctive. They have black and silver finishes and are cylindrical. In contrast to the smaller shoto hilt, which is more simple and straight, her larger hilt is more curved for her primary weapon. Her unique fighting style is demonstrated by the lightsaber hilts, which are ideal for her reverse grip fighting style.