Basic Protection and Defense Lightsaber Tips
Getting your first lightsaber gives you access to a world of thrilling opportunities. You can have it all, from dressing up as characters to making it unique. Pick a basic lightsaber or customize your own with individual parts. The following stage for most newly acquired Ultraforcesaber owners is to start studying iconic lightsaber flicks and fighting techniques.
You, Padawan, have much to learn about lightsaber battle if the thought of it makes you picture two people recklessly smacking each other's sabers around. This is a subject with more depth and knowledge than you may imagine. This guide will cover the basics of lightsaber techniques and defense principles. It will help you start and build a solid foundation for future study.
Soresu, the Way of the Mynock
Star Wars canon acknowledges seven "forms" of lightsaber combat, which you may already know. Lightsaber forms were created over many years.
They improved on older styles and adapted to different battle situations. These forms also met the specific needs of various Jedi. This helped Jedi reduce their weaknesses in combat.
Soresu, or the Way of the Mynock, is a defensive lightsaber fighting style in Star Wars. It emphasizes protection and resilience. Notable practitioners of it include Count Dooku and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Ancient combat styles were created to defend against long-range weapons in lightsaber duels. The creators specifically designed Soresu to defend against blaster fire.
A Soresu practitioner focuses on defense and only attacks when absolutely necessary. The fighter can be ready to repel any attack with little movement by keeping their lightsaber blade close to their body at all times. Because of this, the form's movements and methods emphasize movement efficiency.
However, practitioners of this martial art typically lack offensive attacks and engage in prolonged sparring sessions, requiring great stamina. The Soresu fighter focuses on defense but will also attack when they see a chance.
Protection and Defense Lightsaber Forms
The following are some fundamental lightsaber postures utilized by practitioners of Soresu for defense. They are designed to deflect enemy lightsaber attacks and blaster fire.
- To defend against a vertical downward lightsaber attack, grip the hilt with one hand and hold the blade horizontally in front of your head and just above it.
- To deflect blaster bolts aimed at your trunk, hold the hilt at your waist, with the blade pointed upward.
- To deflect a high-angle blaster bolt, hold the hilt over and in front of your head, with the blade in a downward diagonal position across your body.
- To defend against a rear blaster attack, Take hold of the hilt with both hands swing it over your head until the blade is parallel to your back and pointing downward.
- To defend against a side attack, Swing the blade down and across your left or right side after starting the motion with the hilt held vertically overhead at chest height.
- To defend against a lower-body attack, hold the hilt at your chest with the blade pointed upward to start the motion. Depending on the opponent's strike angle, swing the saber downward in a semicircle to your left or right. The motion ends with the blade in front of your opposing leg, pointing downward.
The lightsaber techniques we discussed are not enough to make you a Soresu master. However, they are a good foundation for learning how to protect and defend yourself. Visit our official lightsaber fighting forum at SaberForum.com to find out more. If you have any concerns concerning our assortment of combat-ready lightsabers, please don't hesitate to contact us.