Darksaber Origins and History
Most people think of the classic red or blue lightsabers from Star Wars, not the unique darksaber. Star Wars has many different lightsaber designs besides the traditional one. Fans enjoy collecting and discovering these unique variations.
Some lightsabers help fighters by offering more choices in battle. For instance, the double-blade saber provides many new options when used effectively.
Some non-standard sabres, like Mace Windu's purple lightsaber, which is coloured to represent its owner's rank on the Jedi Council, have greater symbolic meaning. However, some lightsabers require revisions in appearance and functionality. The renowned—some may even say notorious—Darksaber illustrates this alternate trend in the evolution of lightsabers.
What Is the Star Wars Dark Saber?
The distinctive black plasma blade of the Darksaber sets it apart from other sabres. It is thin and flat, shorter than the typical sabre blade, and tapered to a curled point at the end. It looks more like a sword than a typical lightsaber.
The Darksaber makes a higher-pitched sound than regular lightsabers. It can also produce a crackling noise when it strikes another blade.
The Darksaber's advancements go beyond just aesthetics. This sabre is designed to block lightsaber blades. It also seems to attract an opponent's blade. This makes it harder for the darksaber user to attack aggressively.
It's critical to recognise that the Darksaber is an exclusive weapon, not a style that can be copied. There is just one in the entire Star Wars world, which explains why it is so uncommon.
According to tradition, the only way to obtain the Darksaber is to defeat its owner in battle. That being said, no other ways exist to obtain this lightsaber with a black blade. As we'll see, the Darksaber's immense symbolic meaning inspires people to uphold this venerable tradition.
A Brief History of the Star Wars Darksaber
The Darksaber's originator, Tarre Vizsla, a male human from the planet Mandalore, is the first person in its history. The first Mandalorian to be accepted into the Jedi Order was Vizsla. Vizsla became Mandalore, the ruler of his home planet, with this formidable black lightsaber at his side. His unique dark lightsaber was inextricably linked to this station.
The Jedi Temple acquired possession of the Darksaber after Tarre Vizsla passed away. But it wouldn't stay that way forever.
One of Mandalore's main political groups, House Vizsla, took the Darksaber away from the Jedi during the fall of the Old Republic. This gave House Vizsla a huge advantage when it came time to take control of Mandalore. For many generations to come, House Vizsla would possess the Darksaber.
The Mandalorian cataclysm and civil war created chaos in Mandalore. This chaos led to instability and a lack of lasting government in the city. Pre Vizsla, the leader of Death Watch, attempted to seize control of Mandalore with the assistance of Darth Maul. They used a black lightsaber in their efforts to restore the planet to its former glory.
Though victorious in this endeavour, Vizsla's triumph was fleeting. When Vizsla erred and betrayed Maul, the latter paid him a favour by killing him in a lightsaber duel. As a result, Darth Maul became the legitimate owner of the Darksaber.
But Maul soon lost the Darksaber when Darth Sidious vanquished him in battle and banished him to Stygeon Prime's prison. Maul travelled to Zanbar after leaving Stygeon Prime and took back control of the Darksaber. He would use it to his advantage in numerous subsequent fights.
We then fast-forward to the Imperial Era, where the Darksaber was found on the planet Dathomir by the Mandalorian fighter Sabine Wren. She received instruction from Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus to enable her to use the sabre to further the rebel cause.
But Wren's life would not be all sunshine and butterflies. She momentarily lost control of the Darksaber when Darth Maul's apprentice, Gar Saxon, grabbed it. But Wren won the fight against Saxon, and Mandalorian custom recognised him as its owner.
Eventually, Wren gave the Darksaber to Bo-Katan Kryze, who transformed into the new Mandalore by wielding the legendary Mandalorian blade.
Forge Your Path at Ultraforcesabers
We have an extensive inventory of excellent Darksaber reproductions at Ultraforcesabers. If you have any questions about our products, kindly contact us.