Yoda is one of those well-known Star Wars characters that doesn't need an introduction. Yoda lived for nine centuries and was present for many significant moments in the galaxy's history, such as the Invasion of Naboo and the Jedi instruction of young Luke Skywalker.
However, few things in Yoda's life had a more significant impact than the notorious Order 66 and the Great Jedi Purge that followed. Numerous Jedi Knights lost their lives during this time. The Jedi Order was on the verge of permanent dissolution. But Yoda was one of the Jedi who escaped Sith Lord Palpatine's mass execution, and the Jedi Grand Master would become a tutor to Luke Skywalker.
It should come as no surprise which Yoda survived Order 66. It's safe to say that Yoda was the only person who could have escaped execution in those conditions. That still leaves open the mystery of how Yoda managed to get away from the clone trooper rampage that killed so many Jedi. For more information, continue reading.
A sort of engineering defect in the Republic's clone soldiers served as the foundation for Order 66. Each soldier received a special device called an "inhibitor chip." This chip was designed to prevent rebel groups within the Jedi Order from taking control of the army. Unfortunately, the chips turned out to be how the Sith managed to take control of the troopers and order them to massacre the Jedi.
To what extent was Yoda aware of this before Order 66? On multiple occasions, Yoda had visions regarding the clone troopers, giving him cause for concern.
While traveling to Rugosa with three clone troopers, he sensed the presence of an evil force nearby. Another time, he saw disturbing images of the Great Jedi Purge in a cave on Dagobah, with Palpatine killing multiple Jedi Masters. These made Yoda think that the Sith might be headed for a big win but would only last a short while.
Yoda also knew that Count Dooku had been involved in the operation and that the clone troopers had been created without the Jedi Order's approval. Still, the Jedi Master thought the clone army was reliable. Yoda insisted that the revelation remain quiet out of concern that Dooku's involvement would destroy public trust in the Jedi cause.
Still, Yoda needed access to precise, helpful information regarding Order 66. Since the clone troopers had shown themselves in battle time and time again, he sincerely did not think they posed a threat to the Jedi. Though he was mistaken, there's no reason to believe that he allowed Order 66 to take effect out of some philosophical fatalism.
Yoda was on the planet Kashyyyk when Order 66 was given, and a furious struggle occurred there. The Jedi Master felt disaster immediately and went to his knees from sheer anguish.
However, this startling discovery made him highly cautious. A few moments later, by the lethal directive, Commander Gree and Captain Jek made an effort to kill him. The watchful Yoda skillfully used a sweeping stroke from his lightsaber to decapitate them.
With the Wookiees' assistance, Yoda made his escape from there. He encountered Bail Organa and Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had also managed to avoid execution. It was discovered that the Jedi Temple had been transmitting a retreat message during Order 66, which was meant to trick fleeing Jedi into falling into a trap. Yoda went to the Temple with Kenobi so they could reset the signal.
After achieving this, Yoda resolved to track down and face the recently anointed Emperor of the Galactic Empire, Darth Sidious. When he finally brought Sidious to a lightsaber fight, Yoda was forced to retreat from the scene because Sidious was too strong for the renowned Jedi Master. Due to his failure, Yoda decided to escape into exile, far from the Emperor's grasp.