Lightsaber Parts: Understanding the Basics
The lightsaber is an essential piece of equipment from the first view. Where your hand goes, there is a handle. The protrusion resembling a blade used to attack your opponent has a handle at one end. New fans soon realize that lightsabers are more complex than they seem, and many need to learn more about them.
Usually, lightsabers include many parts and accessories whose use is not immediately apparent from their name. In any case, what does an "emitter" really emit? Furthermore, shouldn't an Olympic gymnast be dancing on a "pommel"? Here's a quick overview of the various lightsaber parts and how they work for beginners.
Hilt – The lightsaber's handle is called the hilt, or body. It's the portion that you hold in your hand as you swing the lightsaber.
There are many styles of lightsaber hilts by character. Most have a switch to turn the blade on and off. They also have a choke point. This is the narrowest part of the hilt.
Aside from a few valuable factors like the user's hand size, choosing the ideal hilt is mostly a matter of taste. Other electronic parts and the soundboard are also housed in the hilts of Ultraforcesabers.
A blade is a slender, light-colored cylinder that strikes targets or adversaries. The Ultraforcesabers blades consist of solid polycarbonate tubes that contain film to enhance illumination. The blades are available in different lengths. There are two types of blades: Midgrade, which is excellent for showcasing vibrant colors, and Heavy Grade, which is best for dueling.
Emitter – The emitter, attached to the hilt's end, grips the blade firmly where it connects to the body, aiding in stabilization. Specific lightsaber emitters feature windows—precisely crafted openings that let the blade's light pass through.
Other add-on emitter characteristics that are available are blades and claws. These emitter choices are more aesthetically pleasing than functional. Therefore, they might not be appropriate for people who enjoy lightsaber combat, particularly competitive ones.
Pommel – This is the "cap" that resembles a knob at the bottom of the hilt or the end that isn't connected to the emitter. The main purpose of the lightsaber grip is to look good.
It also helps balance the lightsaber's weight. This keeps the user's hand from slipping off the hilt during a fight. Vents serve as a standard feature on lightsaber pommels, allowing users to hear the soundboard's effects more clearly.
Coupler – This little cylindrical component can connect two lightsaber hilts thanks to openings on either end. When the hilts are joined in this way, the result is what is known as a double-bladed lightsaber, also called a staff in the Star Wars world. Darth Maul and a few other noteworthy figures favor this weapon.
A special type called the "quick-release" coupler was made to help users connect or disconnect the linked lightsabers easily. The coupler is exclusively required for lightsabers with two blades.
To give customers the best experience with their lightsaber purchase, Ultraforcesabers offers many accessories. These include Covertec wheels, USB cords, color discs, and more. If you have any queries concerning the items offered on this website, please don't hesitate to contact Ultraforcesabers.