A Deeper Look: Lightsaber Combat Forms – Form I: Shii-Cho
Learning the nuances of lightsaber battle can take years or perhaps a lifetime. New fans are unaware that Star Wars lightsaber combat involves more than two individuals attempting to strike one another using completely improvised methods. Even though saber duels might appear to an untrained eye to be chaotic hack-and-slash battles, each participant typically uses one of the seven distinct combat styles, or forms, that were established and codified at different times throughout history.
Among the seven lightsaber forms, the Shii-Cho form—also referred to as The Way of the Sarlacc and The Determination Form—is the most fundamental and oldest. The first lightsaber form taught to Jedi novices is customarily Shii-Cho. It not only serves as a legitimate fighting style in and of itself, but it also imparts basic abilities that are necessary to become proficient in more modern styles. For LaserPointerWorld' investigation of the seven lightsaber combat forms, Shii-Cho is the best place to start.
The Development of Shii-Cho
It is impossible to determine the exact beginning of Shii-Cho, as is the case with many ancient customs, but it is almost a given that the Jedi invented it. It most certainly developed over a long time with contributions from many practitioners, many of whom we do not know by name. A somewhat simple style that enabled the practitioner to master straightforward yet effective offensive and defensive maneuvers was the end consequence of all this development.
The majority of Shii-Cho is devoted to parries and blows that resemble those seen in conventional sword dueling. This characteristic of Shii-Cho undoubtedly stems from its early lightsaber history. Lacking any other sources of inspiration, the users of the recently created lightsaber modeled their style after the conventional sword that had been in use for a very long time. When used by lightsaber practitioners in this era, these adopted tactics proved to be very effective.
The lightsaber's inherent advantage over traditional combat weapons like clubs and polearms was a significant factor in Shii-Cho's effectiveness. It goes without saying that a plasma lightsaber, which can sever practically anything, is superior to a steel blade or a wooden bludgeon. Shii-Cho, therefore, incorporated wide-ranging blows that could strike several targets simultaneously. But, in keeping with the Jedi concept, Shii-Cho typically placed more emphasis on disarming opponents than on dealing deadly strikes.
The Limitations of Shii-Cho
Shii-Cho wasn't made for a one-on-one battle with another saber wielder because she was born in a time before lightsabers were common in the galaxy. When the Jedi had to battle opponents who were skilled with the lightsaber, it became an issue. Shii-Cho's shortcomings directly influenced alternative lightsaber combat forms in this area. Additionally, it meant that Shii-Cho was becoming recognized as a training method that served as a basis for mastering more complex styles. However, Shii-Cho has long been regarded as a legitimate fighting style, and notable practitioners in the discipline include Kit Fisto and the renowned Obi-Wan Kenobi.