A Guide to all 21 Types of Light Sabers in the Star Wars Universe

Every lightsaber in the Star Wars Saga has a distinct narrative to tell.

Obi-Wan Kenobi famously said, “This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight,” when he handed Luke Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber in Episode IV: A New Hope (1977). It’s not. A blaster is more erratic and awkward. It’s a sophisticated weapon for a more... civilized era.

The rare kyber crystal a blade contains gives it its power. According to George Lucas, the creator and director of the original movie, a lightsaber is a type of laser sword.

Characters are linked to various blades, which explains the Blade’s strength and the wielder’s side. Let’s examine each of the 21 main lightsaber varieties in the Saga universe.

1. The Protosaber

The protostar may have been the first lightsaber design ever created. Another term for it is “Archaic lightsabers,” its traditional name.

Because of its power back’s comparatively low energy storage, the Protosaber’s operational period was severely constrained. Its model was retired instead of more contemporary sabre designs.

During the Hundred-Year Darkness and Great Hyperspace War, Jedi, Dark Jedi, and Sith wielded protostars. They engaged in combat with conventional weaponry, Force weapons, and exotic weapons like Mandalorian iron.

More information on Protosaber may be revealed in the next James Mangold Star Wars movie, which is thought to relate to the tale of the Jedi’s dawn.

2. The Lightspear

The ancient Sith were said to have used light spears.

Jedi Master Jora Malli acquired a cyber crystal lightsaber from an old Sith weapon during the High Republic era.

The lightsaber was used to heal Malli as a mental exercise to comprehend the process. Still, the original owner imbued the crystal with agony and rage, making it shine blood crimson.

This BladeBlade is very hidden in the Galaxy far, far away because it is only referenced once in the entire Saga world, in Charles Soule’s Book Light of the Jedi.

3. Ezra Bridger’s Light Saber

Ezra fashioned it on his blaster and built his lightsaber. He could switch between blaster blasts and the more conventional melee weapon, the lightsaber, because of this Blade’s blue kyber crystal power.

Later, during the mission to Malachor, this lightsaber was destroyed in combat with Darth Vader. Later, Bridger switched out his Saber for one with a green blade, signifying his increasing self-assurance and skill with the weapon.

4. Light Saber Pikes

This BladeBlade is also known as the Jedi Temple Guard lightsaber, which was a double-bladed lightsaber-like version.

They have two yellow plasma blades on either side of the staff and are used by Jedi Temple Guards. Members of the Eternal Empire’s Knights of Zakuul also utilized this advanced weapon.

In the Jedi Order, this lightsaber represents protection and justice.

5. Double-bladed Light Sabers

Other names for this recognizable Blade are Saberstaff and Lightstaff. The lightsaber’s name is justified because it has blades on both sides. There are several variations of this lightsaber:

  • Hinged double-bladed Saber
  • The split Saber

The legendary Qel-Droma Epics state that Exar Kun, a Sith Lord, is credited with creating this BladeBlade. This lightsaber’s extra-long hilt, which incorporates many kyber crystals, is both a benefit and a drawback for the wielder.

In Season 3, Episode 20 of Star Wars: Rebels, Obi-Wan cuts the hilt apart by slicing Darth Maul’s sword down the centre. As a result, the ancient Sith may have stopped using double-bladed lightsabers.

6. Training Light Sabers

As the name implies, these lightsabers are specifically made for training. The Blade’s power is relatively low, and it is short.

However, according to the book Star Wars: The Lightsaber Collection, a powerful blow is sufficient to momentarily numb muscles.

These training swords were also utilized by the planet Kesh’s Lost Tribe of Sith. According to Young Jedi Adventures, Master Yoda preserved his first training lightsaber, indicating that they may have been popular for just the previous 200 years.

7. Mace Windu’s Light Sabers

When triggered, this BladeBlade creates an amethyst blade instead of the more typical blue or green BladeBlade, making it unusual for Jedi.

He built this weapon after being selected as a senior member of the Jedi High Council, and he would use it in combat several times throughout the Clone Wars.

During a battle between Windu and the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, who used Force lightning to murder the Jedi Order’s champion, the sword went out of the window and was lost.

In Saga mythology, this BladeBlade represents resistance throughout time.

8. Starkiller’s Light Sabers

 A clone of Darth Vader’s covert apprentice, “Starkiller” made his first appearance in the video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Subject 1138. He possessed two lightsabers that were designed to be his weapons.

During his training on the planet Kamino, the Dark Lord gave him this lightsaber, which he utilized during his escape attempt as soon as Vader decided that Starkiller was just another failure in a long line of flawed clones.

However, this BladeBlade is now closely linked to Dark Force.

9. Battle Light Sabers

 In the Star Wars: Original Trilogy, it first appeared

In the Saga, this is the most common BladeBlade. It is sometimes called the Skywalker Lightsaber, and characters including Luke, Anakin, Rey, and even Obi-Wan Kenobi utilize it.

These sabres, intended to be employed in galactic emergencies, were built by the Jedi Order at the Jedi Temple armoury.

Many of them were created during the High Republic Era’s Nihil threat. The Jedi Order served as the guardian angels amid Nihil’s danger, and they sent Jedi Master Govena instructions to assist others in building battle sabres following the destruction of Starlight Beacon.

Other modifications were made as time passed, ranging from blade colour to intensity. The most iconic weapon in the Saga is the battle lightsaber.

10. The Inquisitors’ Light Sabers

initially appeared in Star Wars: Rebels

The Inquisitorius employed a model of this specially made lightsaber, also called a double-bladed spinning lightsaber. These cadres of dark-side adepts imposed the Galactic Empire’s will.

Their goal is to find those who are force-sensitive. In battle, the lightsabers used by the Inquisitors are a sign of intimidation. Possesses the capacity to spin swords in a circle both once and twice.

The most well-known wielders are the Grand Inquisitor, Second Sister, Third Sister, Fourth Sister, Fifth Brother, Sixth Brother, Seventh Sister, Eighth Brother, Ninth Sister, Thirteenth Sister, Tuaon Yaluna, Marrok, a masked Inquisitor, Jerserra, and her Imperial master.

Although not shown multiple times in canon, the spark of interest surrounding the BladeBlade remains among Saga fans.

11. Dual-Phase Light Sabers

 The iconic lightsaber of Darth Vader

It’s reasonable to argue that without this magnificent weapon, not only would the lightsaber’s library be lacking, but the entire Saga universe would also be lacking. It fused two or more cyber crystals together to increase its strength and energy.

In Darth Vader’s hands, this artifact—which dates from a more violent era—represented evil. This BladeBlade could only be used by someone who had mastered the Dark side of the Force.

Throughout the battle, Darth Vader repeatedly used manipulation to exploit the lightsaber’s on/off operation. The term “Tràkata” refers to this blade-fighting method.

Only the Dual-Phase lightsaber made this feasible. Far away in the Galaxy, this BladeBlade increased Darth Vader’s strength and menace.

12. Light Sabers Whip

 Star Wars: The High Republic refers to

Lightwhip is another name for this heavily altered lightsaber.

These are highly modified sabre types with flexible containment shields and several plasma blades. Their flexibility limits their cutting ability and necessitates greater caution.

It originated in the Sith Wars and is usually connected to the Nightsisters of Dathomir; however, some Jedi fighters have also been known to utilize it. It works very well against prohibited Sith.

Vernestra Rwoh, a Jedi Knight from the High Republic Era, was able to alter her sword to include an extra whip mode after discovering the design in a Force vision.

This one is far more adaptable than other lightsabers because of its extra features.

13.Kanan Jarrus' Light Sabers

 Seen in Star Wars: Rebels. During the Galactic Empire’s rule, Kanan Jarrus survived the devastation of the Jedi Order thanks to his two-piece blue lightsaber.

Ezra Bridger was mentored by this young Padawan, who later participated in the Rebellion against the Empire.

Under the tutelage of Jedi Master Depa Billaba, Jarrus—then known as Caleb Dume—built his lightsaber with the help of a droid professor named Huyang.

During the early days of the Rebellion, he engaged in combat with several adversaries, including Darth Vader, the Seventh Sister, the Fifth Brother, the Eighth Brother, and former Sith Lord Maul.

Ezra Bridger, his disciple, made his third Saber after his death using the spare emitter from his lightsaber. In the Saga canon, Kanan Jarrus’ lightsaber became a symbol of a rebel and an elegant weapon due to this famous story of perseverance.

14. The Lightfoil

 seen in Ashoka on Disney+

It is thought that the early Sith invented this BladeBlade, which developed alongside Makashi’s style of sabre warfare.

Lightfoils are tiny blades that produce a thin plasma blade with a one-handed handle. Jedi utilized them initially, but they were eventually phased out because they were only helpful in quick duels.

Nonetheless, they continued to be prevalent among the Tapani sector’s so-called Saber Rakes. Shin Hati, a character from the Disney+ series Ashoka, was seen holding this item. 

15. The Darksaber

 made an appearance on Disney+ The Mandalorian. For the Mandalorians, the Darksaber represents leadership. This black-energy Blade is a unique weapon in Saga lore because it has a crackling white edge. The wielder has the authority to proclaim himself the ruler of the Mandalorians. Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian admitted into the Jedi Order, forged this lightsaber in 1050 BBY. It has since been handed down through the Vizsla clan’s generations and was used as a symbol of power when the Death Watch, a militant Mandalorian breakaway faction, was founded. The Darksaber was destroyed by the end of season three of “The Mandalorian,” leaving viewers wondering what would happen to this extraordinary weapon in subsequent projects. 

16. Shoto Light Sabers

first appeared in Attack of the Clones, Episode II of Star Wars.

The primary reason these lightsabers are unique is their appearance. The BladeBlade is significantly shorter than a typical blade.

Because of their size, tiny fighters like Yoda, Yaddle, or even Piell typically used it, as it was difficult for them to hold a full-sized sword.

Duelists like Ahsoka Tano and the Tenth Brother, who used twin-bladed techniques as part of Jar’Kai, also function as off-hand weapons.

After Order 66 is carried out, she gives up her original lightsabers in the most recent episode of Ashaka on Disney+ to pretend to be dead in front of the Galactic Empire. Only a year later, during the Rebellion on Raada, she made a second set of lightsabers. This Shoto sabre was the ideal weapon for “Ashoka,” a fierce Jedi warrior.


17. Kit Fisto’s Light Sabers

appeared in the Clone Wars film Star Wars.

Green-bladed lightsabers were employed by Nautolan Jedi Master Kit Fisto against the Confederacy of Independent Systems before and during the Clone Wars.

To change his lightsaber, Fisto used two crystals, energized by an ignition pulse and split into two currents. This enabled the beam to energize when fully immersed in water.

He used this adaption during his assignment to the wet battlefronts of Kamino and Mon Cala, making it a great blade in Saga mythology.

18. Cal Kestis’ Light Sabers

 Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis created this lightsaber on his journey to Illum after shattering his last one. It was first seen in the computer game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

The weapon combined Cere Junda’s and his late master Jaro Tapal’s lightsaber parts. Cal Kestis’ second lightsaber first appeared in the 2019 video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

Green, orange, purple, yellow, indigo, cyan, and magenta are among the colours that can be applied to the weapon’s kyber crystal. Nonetheless, the gun is a staple of the Saga Franchise because its BladeBlade is primarily offered in blue.

19. The Great Light Sabers

 appeared in Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, a video game released in 1997.

The most destructive artifact from the Saga is this weapon. This uncommon lightsaber, also known as the Lightclub or Greatsaber, can produce a blade up to three meters in length thanks to unique focusing crystals and power systems.

A weapon was employed by people of enormous stature, like the mutant Gamorrean Dark Jedi Gorc. “Baylan Skoll,” a character in Disney+ Ashoka, too, seems to wield a Great Lightsaber.

20. Switch BladeBlade

seen in The Rise of Skywalker, Episode IX of Star Wars

This Saber is unique in the Saga since it has two blades that can be folded up and used side by side, which increases its deadly power.

Jedi General Pong Krell, Jedi Wayseeker Orla Jareni, and a few Jedi Temple Guards were all brandishing Switchblades.

While looking for the Wayfinder on Kef Bir in the most recent film, “The Rise of Skywalker,” Rey battled a vision of herself as a Sith. Her dark counterpart was brandishing a Switchblade in the vision, indicating that the Dark side of Force is closely associated with it.

21.Crossguard Light Sabers

 first seen in The Force Awakens, Episode VII of Star Wars

This fabled ancient Blade results from three blades: a main blade and two quillons, or vents, located directly beneath it.

It was pretty prevalent among Makashi practitioners during the Great Scourge of Malachor. Two of these blades, brimming with rage, were wielded by the Sith Lord Darth Atrius. During the High Republic Era, Stellan Gios, another Jedi Master, wielded a crossguard lightsaber.

The Crossguard lightsaber was first shown in Saga in Episode VII: The Force Awakens, when Kylo Ren, a First Order warlord and subsequently Supreme Leader, held one.

The quillons on the blades also functioned as vents to balance an unstable and fractured kyber crystal. In the Saga universe, this lightsaber has come to represent devastation.


There are a ton of different lightsabers in the Star Wars galaxy, ranging from the original Protosaber to Kylo Ren’s terrifying crossguard lightsaber!

Every BladeBlade has a backstory reflecting its wielder’s strength and loyalty.

Browse the lightsaber collection at LaserPointerWorld to learn more about the nuances of these weapons. The same blades discussed in this tutorial served as the model for these sabres.

At LaserPointerWorld , we provide comprehensive instructions, personalized designs, and everything a lightsaber lover could ever want. Spark your enthusiasm for your far-flung voyage across the Galaxy.

May you be blessed by the Force!