Aayla Secura: A Twi'lek Jedi Master's Life and Death in Star Wars
1. Who is Aayla Secura?
Force-sensitive Rutian Twi'lek woman Aayla Twi'lek was a Jedi Master in the last years of the Galactic Republic, and she stood out as a Jedi General in the Clone Wars.
Jedi Master Quinlan Vos taught Secura the ways of the Force prior to the conflict, and he finally became a Jedi Knight.
Secura and other Jedi joined the newly established Grand Army of the Republic as officers when the civil war erupted in 22 BBY. Commander Bly became her second-in-command after she assumed leadership of the 327th Star Corps after being promoted to the rank of general.
In the Clone Wars, Secura commanded her army in many conflicts in the galaxy, such as those in Geonosis, Quell, Coruscant, and Felucia. Toward the end of the war, Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, who was actually the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, commanded the clones to carry out Order 66, which resulted in the Jedi Order being abruptly and violently wiped out by their warriors. Several times, Bly and other clone troopers shot Secura in the back, making her one of the first casualties of this purge.
Grand Master Yoda, a Jedi who escaped the purge and into exile after the Galactic Empire overtook the Republic, sensed her death and the deaths of countless other Jedi through the Force. In a Force vision on Kaller, Depa Billaba and her Padawan, Caleb Dume, also saw Secura's death. Rey received courage and direction from Secura's words and that of other fallen Jedi decades later when she faced her grandfather, Darth Sidious, in a pivotal fight on Exegol.
2. How Did Aayla Secura Rise to the Rank of Jedi Knight?
Born in the Republic Era on the planet Ryloth, Twi'lek secura was a Russian Twi'lek. Before Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos saved her, she was from a less respectable area of her home world and had an uncle.
The youngling was taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant by Vos, who personally supervised her training after realizing that she was sensitive to the Force. He eventually became her Padawan. Throughout their time together, Secura grew close to Vos, and with his help, she became a Jedi Knight. Additionally, she was connected to Tholme, who had trained Vos, and Kit Fisto.
After her uncle was killed, Secura almost gave in to her evil request to find the murderer because she was so distraught and angry. She was able to return to the light, nevertheless, with the help of Jedi Master Yoda and her inner power. Secura also experienced a terrifying meeting with an Anzati wearing Jedi or Sith-like robes. She survived the ordeal, but the Anzati grabbed her by the head and neck.
3. What Was Aayla Secura's Role in the Clone Wars?
During the Clone Wars, Jedi General Aayla Secura led the 327th Star Corps. She conducted numerous successful operations against the Separatists and played significant roles in significant battles such as Geonosis, Quell, and Felucia. She showed courage and tactical expertise in the face of extreme difficulties, including high-stakes rescues and infiltration missions. Until her death during Order 66 on Felucia, when she was betrayed by her clone warriors, her leadership and combat prowess were demonstrated throughout the battle.
3.1 How Did Aayla Secura Contribute to the Battle of Geonosis?
During the last days of the Separatist Crisis, Secura was on Coruscant. Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi crossed Secura on his way to speak with Grand Master Yoda, the Jedi younglings' tutor, about his investigation into the plot to kill Senator Padmé Amidala.
Jedi Master Mace Windu gathered all of the Jedi, including Secura, into a strike team after Kenobi found the Separatist Droid Army on Geonosis. During the attempted execution of Senator Amidala, Kenobi, and his pupil Anakin Skywalker, the gang broke into the Petranaki Arena.
In the Geonosian arena, Secura swung her blue lightsaber and battled waves of battle droids with her fellow Jedi. The sheer volume of opponents and blaster fire eventually overpowered the Jedi despite the fact that they destroyed a large number of droids, including a B2-series super combat droid that Secura herself took down. The remaining Jedi were compelled to form a defensive circle in the middle of the arena.
The Confederacy of Independent Systems was led by a former Jedi named Count Dooku, who gave his troops the Order to murder the last Jedi. But before their execution could be carried out, Secura and her comrades managed to flee on a number of Low Altitude Assault Transports thanks to Yoda's prompt arrival and the newly established Grand Army of the Republic.
Confederate and Galactic Republic forces engaged in combat on the battlefield at the start of the First Battle of Geonosis. Alongside Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Kit Fisto, and other front-line combatants, Secura led her unit and clone soldiers in a successful attack that finally forced the Confederate forces to retreat. The Clone Wars began when Yoda sensed the darkness increasing even though he had secured the Republic's first triumph.
After her work on Geonosis, Secura was promoted to command her own fleet group and clone corps, the 327th Star Corps, with Clone Commander Bly serving as her second-in-command. She was identified as a violent war criminal by the Confederacy after she was implicated in multiple sneak attacks, and a citizen's notice was issued against her. One of the Mirialans who would eventually become citizens' nth Sister trained Secura at one time.
3.2 What Risks Did Aayla Secura Take to Uncover Separatist Plans?
Secura, Bly, and the 327th Star Corps were sent to the muddy planet of Escander, where the Separatists had set up a base, during the Clone Wars when Quinlan Vos discovered information regarding a new Separatist droid. When they arrived, they were ambushed by droids, and Bly was hurt.
Another clone soldier assumed command of the unit because of his injuries. While Secura went alone to penetrate the Separatist headquarters, she gave the clones instructions to keep their position. The clone tried to call Secura after a long radio silence but unintentionally warned the droids of her existence. The clone went into the base to help her despite her orders. He discovered proof of Secura's capture in a research lab while conducting his quest.
The clone eventually found Secura being questioned by Secura's Ventress, who disclosed that the intelligence had been released to trap Jedi. The two managed to escape the base after the clone diverted Ventress' attention by turning on the remaining droids, which let him rescue Secura.
3.3 What Challenges Did Aayla Secura Face in the Battle of Quell?
Secura and her fleet were attacked at Quell at another time during the Clone Wars. After suffering serious damage, her flagship, the Liberty, started to drop through the sky. As rocket droids entered the ship, the situation deteriorated. Before Anakin Skywalker, his apprentice Ahsoka Tano, and Captain Rex came to their aid, Secura and Bly were able to repel them. They battled together to get to Skywalker's frigate.
But after utilizing the Force to protect themselves from an explosion during the escape, Skywalker suffered severe injuries. Tano got Skywalker on board the frigate with Secura's help. When laser fire unintentionally triggered the frigate's hyperdrive as they were trying to dock with the Resolute, Secura gave Admiral Yularen the command to separate the ships. Then she told Tano to assist Bly in piloting the frigate so that it wouldn't crash into a nearby star.
Secura ordered the power to be cut to stabilize the situation, even though Skywalker's in danger. In the resulting confusion, she was briefly forced away from the switch, but she used the Force to bring the power back. Finally, the ship crashed on the planet Maridun.
3.4 How Did Aayla Secura Protect a Village from Separatist Attack?
Following the collision, Secura decided to get help and asked Tano, Bly, Cameron, Lucky, and Flash to go with her. Secura could feel Tano's doubt and confusion building as they went. Tano started to doubt the Jedi's attachment theory because she was worried for her master. By admitting that she had gone through similar difficulties with her own master but eventually learned to let go, Secura comforted her that such emotions were normal.
While journeying, the company was ambushed by mastiff phal ones, which resulted in the deaths of three troopers. Secura, Tano, and Bly eventually discovered a Lurmen encampment. The village elder, Tee Watt Kaa, turned down Secura's plea for assistance. Learning of his friend's plight, he allowed friends to accompany Tano and Bly in order to provide medical support as long as Secura remained in the neighborhood.
When Secura and Tee Watt Kaa discussed the Jedi's role in the battle du Jedi's visit, Secura said she thought they intended to bring peace back to the galaxy rather than start a fight.
Secura, Skywalker, Tano, Rex, and Bly were compelled to leave the settlement when Separatist General Lok Durd showed up to inspect it for illegal items. Secura tracked down Durd's headquarters after eliminating a scout droid and saw his covert weapon, the Defoliator tank, being tested. She was able to save Bly from the consequences of the tank.
Secura and Skywalker decided to take Durd's shuttle and stop him from using the weapon on the Lurmen hamlet in spite of Tee Watt Kaa's protests. After sneaking into the base, Secura and Tano grabbed the shield generators and destroyed the droids. Despite Tee Watt Kaa's objections, they went back to the settlement and erected a shield and barrier around its perimeter.
Secura and the others repelled Durd's squad until Skywalker damaged both Durd and his weapon, together with the Lurmen, who ultimately decided to protect their home, and the other Republic forces. Then, as the Republic fleet came, Secura captured Durd and the gunner of the Defoliator on the stolen shuttle.
3.5 What Other Battles and Challenges Did Aayla Secura Face During the War?
Afterward, Secura joined prestigious Jedi like Master Yoda and Master Windu on Coruscant; they worked together. When Cad Bane went into the Jedi Temple to steal a Holocron, she was tasked with guarding the communications center. She also helped Yoda deflect the Zillow Beast's focus as Skywalker formed a strategy to defend himself, the Chancellor, Senator Amidala, C-3PO, and R2-D2.
Recognizing that their efforts were in vain, Yoda and Secura leaped from the beast and rejoined the others, containing the cloud of gas emitted by the explosives aimed at the creature with the Force.
Later, on Alzoc III, Secura accompanied Luminara Unduli to face Asajj Ventress, a Sith assassin. She was sent to a Secret Research Facility on an uncharted moon with her astromech droid, QT-KT, to discover an "in secret." However, Ventress caught Secura off guard, and the two engaged in a lightsaber duel.
With the 327th Star Corps, Secura returned to Quell between 20 and 19 BBY and led them in combat on the planet's surface. Secura handed off QT for the mission briefing after her astromech droid, QT-KT, was chosen to accompany D-Squad on a special operation. Secura attended the funeral service for the bombing victims at the Jedi Temple hangar.
She later accompanied Commander Wolff, Tiplee, Masters Windu, and Kenobi to examine a recent conflict on Ord Mantell. In the battle against Maul and Count Dooku, she and Master Windu joined Masters Kenobi and Tiplee. With the detainees, Secura departed Maul's ship after Maul 'see was dead. When the Clone Wars ended, Secura had risen to the position of Jedi Master.
3.6 Aayla Secura's Death
Secura and Clone Commander Bly fought Separatist forces in the Outer Rim world of Felucia in the latter days of the conflict. There, Secura was part of a hologram meeting with Windu, Yoda, Skywalker, and Mundi in the Temple's battle chamber.
In addition to discussing Master Kenobi's interaction with General Grievous on Utapau, the group expressed concerns about Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine misuse of their emergency powers. After Grievous' defeat, Mundi suggested that Palpatine be removed from office if he refused to cede his authority, but Secura said nothing.
After being wrongfully convicted of the Temple hangar explosion, Ahsoka Tano, who had quit the Order, attended the gathering and announced that she had successfully captured Maul on Mandalore. After glancing at Tano, Secura signed off to carry on her campaign against Felucia, but she said nothing else during the meeting.
Sheev Palpatine, the disguised Sith Lord Darth Sidious, issued Order 66, ordering the annihilation of all Jedi throughout the galaxy while Secura and her soldiers readied themselves to face Separatist spider tanks.
After getting the Order, Bly told his other clones to start shooting at Secura. Secura was shot twice in the back by the clones she had trusted and fought with because she was too distracted by a bird taking flight to respond in time.
The clones kept shooting at her as she fell under a huge fungal tree, guaranteeing her demise. Yoda was able to protect and flee Kashyyyk after sensing Secura's death, along with the deaths of numerous other Jedi. In the meantime, Master Depa Billaba witnessed Secura's passim Secura's Force vision when he was profoundly meditating. Before giving her life to ensure Caleb Duma safety, she told her Padawan about her vision of Kaller.
Rey heard Secura's voice during the Battle of Exegol, as well as the voices of numerous other Jedi from the past, which helped her beat the reborn Darth Sidious. Secura counseled Rey to follow the Force.
4. How Did Aayla Secura's Personality Shape Her Jedi Path?
Contrary to what Confederate propaganda claimed, Secura was a kind and sympathetic person who was also known for her brilliance and occasional mischievousness. Her discussion with Ahsoka Tano regarding Tano's relationship with her master demonstrated her empathy. Secura likened it to her bond with Quinlan Vos, her master, whom she viewed as a father figure. Secura told Tano that she would eventually have to part ways with Skywalker for the same reason, recognizing the importance of letting go for the sake of the greater good.
Secura also warned Tano against jeopardizing a thousand lives to save one person, underscoring the significance of putting the safety of many before that of a select few.
Even though Secura lamented the loss of her native Ryloth to Separatist rule, she didn't feel a strong bond with it because she was raised in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Secura believed it was her responsibility as a devoted member of the Jedi Order to assist not only Ryloth but all of the Galactic Republic's worlds.
5. What Made Aayla Secura a Masterful Duelist in the Jedi Order?
Known for being one of the Order's most proficient fighters of her day, Secura was a Form IV master who combined her knowledge of martial arts with remarkable lightsaber battling skills. She outmaneuvered opponents with her incredible athleticism and lightsaber skills.
It was also well known that Secura used the next-stance evasive role. She was able to repel the renegade Sith Lord Maul against her with the help of Mace Windu.
6. Aayla Secura's Lightsaber
Jedi Knight Aayla Secura used a blue lightsaber both before and during the Clone Wars. As one of the thirty Jedi who survived the Battle of Geonosis, she brought this weapon with her.
Additionally, Secura used this lightsaber in her fights with Confederate General Grievous on Hypori, the Dark Jedi, bounty hunter Aura Sing on Deveron, and other battlefields throughout the galaxy. She carried the identical blade to battles on Quell, Maridun, and Alzoc III, and she kept using it throughout the Outer Rim Sieges until her death on Felucia when her warriors betrayed her and killed her in an ambush before she could respond. She occasionally used her abilities in Jar 'Kai dual-blade fighting to wield a green lightsaber in addition to her regular blade.
7. Aayla Secura's Actress: Amy Allen
Am Secura, an actress and visual effects artist, brought Aayla Secura to life on screen. Allen was a crew member in the visual effects department of Star Wars before her surprising transform Allen's into Aayla Secura. Allen was chosen to play the Twi'lek Jedi by director George Lucas, who saw her as a perfect fit for the part while she was filming Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Allen brought Aayla Twi'lek to life on screen with her unique appearance, blue body paint, and Twi'lek head-tails.
During Aayla last moments, including her untimely death during Order 66, Allen played the part again in Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Allen's depiction left a lasting effect Aayla despite her little screen time, adding grace and physicality to Aayla Secura's Jedi presence and Allen's scenes. Aayla became one of the most well-known Jedi from the prequel period, thanks to Secura's efforts.
Amy Allen's portrayal of Aayla Secura struck a deep chord with the Star Wars fanbase even outside of her roles in the movies. As her character gained popularity, stories were added to the comics, animated series, and books. Additionally, Allen has established a direct connection with fans by attending conventions, where she regularly talks about her experiences playing Aayla Secura and her admiration for the character's lasting influence.
As portrayed by Amy Allen, Aayla Secura went from being a supporting character to a character of bravery and elegance in Allen's Order. Her portrayal strengthened Aayla's standing in Star Wars mythology and added to the character's reputation as a cherished Jedi icon.