All About Darth Maul Lightsaber
To better suit his menacing fighting style, Darth Maul created his distinctive double-bladed lightsaber. The Sith Lord's first personal double-bladed lightsaber, often known as Darth Maul Saberstaff, was utilized during the Clone Wars and the Invasion of Naboo.
A red Darth Maul double-sided lightsaber made by joining two hilts end-to-end belonged to Darth Maul, a Sith apprentice. Depending on the situation, he could employ his cleverly constructed weapon, which was made by joining two lightsaber hilts end to end, as a single-bladed or dual-bladed weapon. Because of his intense training and mobility, Maul was able to move between styles, making him a dangerous opponent in any conflict.
During the crucial fight on Naboo, Maul engaged Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi with his double-bladed lightsaber. Even when Obi-Wan sliced his weapon in two during a pivotal moment, Maul showed his resolve and Force power by fighting with just one blade. When Maul was vanquished and believed dead, he plunged into the depths beneath Naboo, losing this part of his sabre.
After surviving his trauma and reappearing years later, Maul retrieved a piece of his damaged lightsaber hilt and altered it for combat. After escaping his captivity, he did, however, construct a new double-bladed lightsaber; nonetheless, in heated combat with Ahsoka Tano during the Siege of Mandalore, his modified weapon was finally destroyed. And there was the end of that sabre.
Unfazed, Maul replaced it with another two-bladed red lightsaber, which he wielded with the same deadly precision. Until his last run-in with his old enemy, Obi-Wan Kenobi, on Tatooine, he carried this final sabre with him into his twilight years. The legendary Sith apprentice's double-bladed lightsaber, from its inception to its many variations, symbolized Maul's relentless pursuit of power and vengeance until his demise.
Darth Maul's Lightsaber (Specifications at a glance)
Technical and Physical Parameters
Hilt length: 19.48 inches (49.5 cm)
Hilt material: Alloy metals
Crystal type: Kyber (more than one type)-Synthetic lightsaber crystal
Design Based on blueprints discovered in a Sith holocron belonging to Darth Sidious
Blade colour: Red
Blade type: Colored Double-bladed, Single bladed-when damaged :
Hilt shape: Cylindrical
Construction Information
Creator: Darth Maul
Model: Sith lightsaber with two blades, later typical-hilt Sith lightsaber
Type: double-blade
Culture: Sith order
Construction date: Between (37 BBY - 34 BBY)
Destruction date: First half of 32 BBY
Discovery date: Second half of 21 BBY
Owners: Darth MaulSavage Opress
History and Usage
Aim: Lightsaber battle
Association: Sith Shadow collective death WatchNightbrothers
When Darth Maul first held the double-bladed crimson lightsaber, it was one of the most iconic weapons in the Star Wars story. During their combat on Naboo in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (32 BBY), Obi-Wan Kenobi cut Maul's lightsaber in half and seriously damaged him. Since only one blade was still in use, the weapon then operated as a single-bladed crimson lightsaber.
Later in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels, Darth Maul is seen brandishing a variety of crimson lightsabers with a single blade. Sometimes he even rebuilds a double-bladed one. As a result, following The Phantom Menace, Maul grew accustomed to wielding a single-bladed sabre until later in his narrative, when he either created or obtained additional weapons.
Darth Maul’s Double-Bladed Lightsaber:
One of the most iconic weapons in Star Wars is Darth Maul's double-sided lightsaber, which the Sith Lord created for a lethal purpose. Maul faced off against Eldra Kaitis with his lightsaber on the moon of Drazkel. When the Darth Maul saberstaff was double-bladed, he used it on several missions for the Sith Lord, Darth Sidious. Using it, he conducted operations to eliminate adversaries and murder Jedi. Using the Darth Maul blade, Maul murdered Jedi Anoon Bondara, Siolo Ur Manka, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Darsha Assant. He used the Darth Maul sabre staff to bring the Black Sun criminal enterprise to its knees.
It was out of need that Darth Maul fashioned his double-sided lightsaber. To kill the recluse Jedi Master Siolo Ur Manka, Maul was sent to the Jentares system. Maul focused on his strategic thinking because he knew that his martial talents would not be sufficient to overcome his opponent. On their first confrontation, Maul was hit in the face by his opponent's Force-infused staff.
Construction of Double-Bladed Darth Maul’s Lightsaber:
Out of need, Darth Maul crafted his double-bladed lightsaber. To kill the recluse Jedi Master Siolo Ur Manka, Maul was sent to the Jentares system. Maul focused on his strategic thinking because he knew that his martial talents would not be sufficient to overcome his opponent. On their first confrontation, Maul was hit in the face by his opponent's Force-infused staff.
Upon his return to his ship, Maul built two different lightsabers using the Sith schematics he had on hand. Maul welded the weapons together to create his new lightsaber. Darth Maul's new lightsaber was composed of two identically patterned weapons linked at the pommels. Directly below the projection plate and beam transmitter of the two guns were the activator and the regulation circuitry. Beside the activator were a small, corrugated handgrip and a control lock. A second set of control locks followed the next control, which was for blade regulation. The main point of the weapon was the intersection of the two lightsabers.
Maul finds immense joy in crafting the gems that make up his weapon. He spent four days in deep meditation as he worked with the Force to control and monitor the formation of four artificial lightsaber crystals in a compression furnace.
Functionality of Darth Maul’s Double-Bladed Lightsaber:
Two lightsaber blades were fused together in a single line to form the Darth Maul saberstaff. With blade modulation controls, each blade may be activated separately based on the situation and the adversary. It was constructed utilizing ancient schematics that were found deep within one of Darth Sidious's Sith holocrons.
Maul may utilize his double-bladed lightsaber as a single-bladed weapon at any time. All Maul has to do is choose whether to utilize the second blade. Maul was able to use his weapon as a single-bladed lightsaber or to wield both red-coloured blades and engage in combat with several opponents simultaneously due to his agility and extensive training.
Major Feats
1. Battle of Naboo
On Tatooine, Darth Maul used his Darth Maul sabre to confront Qui-Gon Jinn. During the Battle of Naboo, Maul used his weapon on Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, his apprentice. After defeating Jinn by striking him with the lightsaber hilt of Darth Maul, he severely injured him by transfixing him in the stomach. Then, in a fit of wrath, Kenobi attacked Maul, effectively severing the hilt of his lightsaber, leaving Darth Maul with only half of the weapon functional.
Despite this, Maul managed to force the young Jedi to flee by pushing him into a trench, booting his lightsaber into the pit, and using it to shower the young Jedi with sparks. When Maul let his defences down and raced in his direction, Kenobi knew it was his opportunity. Kenobi used Jinn's lightsaber to cut Maul in half, seemingly killing him. After being sliced in two, Darth Maul and his lightsaber fell down the shaft and were pronounced dead.
2. Return of Darth Maul
Despite his wounds, Darth Maul carried the partially functional lightsaber with him when he fled to Lotho Minor. Maul operated his lightsaber to make a way out of the rubbish tube he had been sealed into on Lotho Minor and then utilised it to annihilate a Fire-breather, saving Morley's life. Maul did get out alive, and his brother Savage Opress found him. Savage Opress retrieved the lightsaber from Lotho Minor and reinstated Maul to Dathomir, where their mother, Talzin, would heal him. Maul used his lightsaber to exact revenge on Kenobi, but his brother gave it back.
3. Massacre on Raydonia
On Raydonia, Mual killed defenceless civilians in an attempt to entice Kenobi. When Kenobi got to Raydonia, he ran across Darth Maul and was imprisoned by both of his brothers. Obi-Wan was swiftly rendered unconscious by Savage Opress, and the two abducted him before dragging him onboard their pilfered ship.
When Kenobi arrived, he was ambushed and subdued by Maul and Savage Opress. Maul planned to use his lightsaber to torture Kenobi until Asajj Ventress arrived. Ventress and Kenobi are contested by Maul and his brother until they can escape.
4. Outer Rim Slaughter
Later in 20 BBY, the Jedi Masters Ko Solok, Bruu Jun-Fan, and Grohto were defeated by the Darth Maul saber on Paklan, Pleem's Nexus, and Yellow Blade's Landing. Additionally, it was applied to certain bounty hunters. After that, Maul and Oppress attacked Jedi Masters Padawan Dray, Salmara, and Judd on Moorjhone, destroying the galaxy. Maul's sabre cut off Dray's hands.
Darth Maul kept his lightsaber in hand as he and Savage Opress tore a gash across the Outer Rim. While she was being distracted, Maul pursued her through from behind and used his lightsaber to kill Jedi Knight Finn Ertay and an unnamed Nikto Jedi in an Outer Rim spaceport. After his battle with the two Jedis, Sith Maul used the Darth Maul dual lightsaber to cut through a large number of security droids at the Cybloc Transfer Station to attack the facility.
Six pirates from Captain Hondo Ohnaka's company were forced to join Maul at Florrum by the use of his lightsaber. After killing one of Hondo's loyal lieutenants, Sith Maul engaged in combat with Kenobi, while his brother engaged in combat with Adi Gallia.
5. Skirmish on Florrum
He briefly engaged his brother in a fight with his Darth Maul double-bladed lightsaber amid a struggle for dominance over the teacher-student position. When the pirates led by Jiro thought they were Jedi, Sith Maul utilized the Darth Maul sword to brush aside the blaster fire, thus ending the combat and establishing a partnership. Sith Maul had planned to recruit pirates over Florrum. He soon used it on Florrum in a battle against Obi-Wan Kenobi.
6. Maul’s Upsurge to Power
When Maul and Opress were found by Mandalore's Death Watch, Pre Vizsla took away Maul's lightsaber while the two Zabraks were being treated. Vizsla was given the Maul lightsaber back after agreeing to a Death Watch-Maul alliance. Maul used his lightsaber to combat the numerous villains of Black Sun and the Hutt Clan to create the Shadow Collective, a cohesive criminal group. When the Shadow Collective invaded Mandalore, Maul used the lightsaber to fight Vizsla. When Maul and Opress were found by Mandalore's Death Watch, Pre Vizsla took away Maul's lightsaber while the two Zabraks were being treated. Vizsla was given the Maul lightsaber back after agreeing to a Death Watch-Maul alliance. Maul used his lightsaber to combat the numerous villains of Black Sun and the Hutt Clan to create the Shadow Collective, a cohesive criminal group. When the Shadow Collective invaded Mandalore, Maul used the lightsaber to fight Vizsla.
Darth Maul managed to decapitate Vizsla with his Darksaber even though he dropped it during their battle when Vizsla threw it from his hand. Following Kenobi's departure from Mandalore, Maul used his lightsaber in addition to the Darksaber against Darth Sidious. Sadly, Maul lost both his lightsaber and the Darksaber when Sidious defeated him and captured him.
Later, Maul recovered both lightsabers. He transformed the end of his original lightsaber into a second blade during the Siege of Mandalore, creating a second Darth Maul double-bladed lightsaber that he used against Ahsoka Tano. Toward the end of the battle, Maul was engaged in combat with an unarmed Ahsoka, who severed the bridge he was standing on and caused him to collapse.
However, the lightsaber fell to the city below, forcing him to repair it, and Sith Maul was saved by Ahsoka and captured by her forces.
Inspiration for the Double-Bladed Lightsaber
With the help of his new lightsaber, Darth Maul was able to employ his natural athleticism and agility in battle, even using martial arts techniques to provide a surprise element. Because each Jedi and Sith make their lightsaber, each one is distinct to the character and blending style of the wielder. Sith Maul found that a typical single-bladed lightsaber was too restrictive and not strong enough for him.
Ancient schematics found deep beneath a Sith Holocron under Darth Sidious' grasp served as the model for its creation. Two separate sabres are forged and welded together to make the Darth Maul double-bladed lightsaber. Before creating his own, Maul is also credited with learning how to wield a double-bladed sabre.
Lightsaber form of Darth Maul
Maul was trained to be a living Sith weapon as Darth Sidious' student. He became a skilled and acrobatic Sith warrior who could use his double-bladed lightsaber to pursue his enemies. Sith Maul had mastered several lightsaber fighting techniques. As a master of the unarmed duel, Darth Maul regularly used it as part of his fighting style. As opposed to the more impulsive fighter seen in "Nameless," Maul meticulously trains to wield his selected Darth Maul double-bladed lightsaber as deadly as possible before engaging in combat. There, he thinks more about obtaining to get the results he wants.
Maul employed the Juyo fighting technique, a very violent Form VII that was virtually forbidden to Jedi during the last years of the Republic. Darth Maul also became proficient in the Niman (Form VI) fighting style. Even though he had many bad performances, Maul was highly effective at fighting. This is mainly because the plot demands that he fail, which mainly takes advantage of his arrogance. In contrast, Lord Maul was considered a great Sith Lord who shared Darth Vader's undiluted might and extraordinary raw strength.
Teräs Käsi's master was Sith Maul. A form of hand-to-hand fighting called Teräs Käsi was created to take on Jedi. Darth Maul knows a lot about Jar'Kai. Maul was so powerful over Jar'Kai that he could fight Sidious on an even playing field, going blow for blow and kick for kick.
Naturally, Sith Maul is an expert with the double-bladed lightsaber. He fought with a terrible double-bladed lightsaber and with a fearsome intensity. A double-bladed lightsaber made by joining two hilts end to end was carried by Sith student Darth Maul. Maul's skill and extensive training allowed him to use his weapon as a single-bladed lightsaber, similar to the Darth Maul, or to use both red blades simultaneously to fight several opponents. In summary, he mostly used the dual-wielding form, Jar'Kai, and Form VII, Juyo, with perhaps some Form VI Niman mixed in.
Several times, Darth Maul's double-bladed lightsaber has been displayed. Some notable appearances include the following: Age of Republic: Darth Maul 1, Star Wars: Force Arena, Queen's Peril, Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace, The Phantom Menace Golden Book, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Graphic Novel Adaptation, and Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy—A Graphic Novel.
Find Darth Maul's Double-Bladed Lightsaber In The Real World
Who in the world wouldn't want this amazing, lethal, double-bladed lightsaber? If you want to be a part of the evil side of the force, there is nothing more thrilling than gripping Darth Maul's lightsaber. For you, we have chosen a real-time duplicate.
The trickle around the lightsaber that Darth Maul gave up is recognizable to all serious Star Wars fans. One of the best and most stylish lightsabers available is the Original DM Double Bladed Lightsaber, which LaserPointerWorld is bringing to the market. From its construction to its technical features, this Original DM Double Blade Lightsaber is an essential addition to any lightsaber collection.
All you need to satisfy your inner Star Wars enthusiast is the Original DM Double Bladed Lightsaber, which has great features that make it appear as amazing as the lifelike Darth Maul lightsaber. This lightsaber's sound and light effects are both incredibly lifelike. It features a loud, volume-adjustable speaker and a 50-watt RGB Neopixel strip with an infinite number of colours.
In addition, it has a flash-on clash function, motion sensors that create sound effects when swinging, and a long, double-bladed, shatterproof, detachable polycarbonate blade with a defusing finish, which makes it perfect for heavy battling. A detachable lithium-ion battery and nine configurable sound themes with a variety of sound effects are also included, so you may engage in lightsaber combat for the entire day.
Lightsaber Nestling:
Regardless of Darth Maul's affiliation, admirers from both sides of the aisle are drawn to him because of the extravagant features of his lightsaber. Cosplaying with our favourite option will be a lot of fun. Seize it and crush every Bad (Good) Jedi. Goodbye!
How did Sith Maul get Darth Maul's double-bladed lightsaber in Rebels?
Darth Maul fashioned a new double-bladed lightsaber in Star Wars Rebels after breaking out of jail. The design of Darth Maul's new lightsaber was reminiscent of his old one. The red blades, however, remained. He was always good at making new lightsabers out of damaged ones and used them effectively.
Who cut Darth Maul in half?
Obi-Wan Kenobi chopped Darth Maul in half. This took place during the intense battle on Naboo. Obi-Wan defeated Darth Maul with Qui-Gon Jinn's lightsaber. He fell down a reactor shaft as a result. Because of this, a lot of people thought Maul was dead, although he was still alive.
Is Darth Maul good?
No, he isn't! One Sith Lord connected to the dark side of the Force is Darth Maul. He is driven by anger, hatred, and a thirst for vengeance. Maul was often furious with Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Jedi Master. That's because, after his loss, he sought retribution from the Jedi.
What is Darth Maul's species?
The Zabrak species, of which Darth Maul is a member, formerly inhabited the planet Dathomir. In reality, the distinctive black and red scars on his face are tattoos. During his childhood Sith training, he received these tattoos. Zabraks are renowned for their tenacity and spirit of war.
Who was Darth Maul’s master?
Darth Sidious, posing as Chancellor Palpatine, was Darth Maul's master. He received early training from Darth Sidious, who shaped him into a careless Sith killer. He grew up under strict discipline. He was indoctrinated from an early age to embrace the dark side and carry out Sidius's malevolent schemes.
How did Maul get to Lotho Minor?
Maul managed to survive after being sliced in two by Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was taken to the planet Lotho Minor, a junkyard. He resided in the planet's interior. His anger, wrath, and desire for vengeance against Obi-Wan Kenobi were all over him.
How did Darth Maul die?
On the planet Tatooine in Star Wars Rebels, Darth Maul lost his life in a final confrontation with Obi-Wan Kenobi.
How did Darth Maul get the Darksaber?
After defeating Death Watch chief Pre Vizsla during the intense battle in The Clone Wars, Darth Maul was awarded the Darksaber. He also asserted control over Mandalore and leadership over Death Watch after finally capturing the Darksaber. His dominance in the galaxy was eventually proved by this.
Why is Darth Maul red?
As a member of the Zabrak species, Darth Maul has red skin. He received the black markings as skin tattoos as he was being trained to become a Sith Lord. His devotion to the evil side and his bond with his master, Darth Sidious, are demonstrated by his tattoos.
What lightsaber form did Darth Maul use?
Form VII, also called Juyo, was his main method. It is an extremely violent and erratic lightsaber fighting style. Strong emotions like anger, retaliation, and hatred of the Force's dark side are what give rise to this form. It is therefore ideal for Maul's violent and ferocious combat style.