What colors of lightsaber are there, what do they mean, and which one suits me best?
Lightsabers come in different colors, but what do these colors actually mean?
Because light sabers come in a variety of sizes and designs, we are familiar with light..
The Lightsaber Parasol: Origins, Design, and Combat Use
The Sith lightsaber version, known as "The Lightsaber Parasol" or "The Lightsaber Umbrella," resembled a conventional parasol. When the handle was removed, it operated as a single-bladed lightsa..
Every Single Lightsaber Crystal in Star Wars Explained
1. What are Lightsaber Crystals?
A lightsaber's energy source was a varied collection of crystals, gems, stones, and other items known as lightsaber crystals.
Each lightsaber had a single crystal..
Magenta Lightsaber Meaning and Users
Despite being a very uncommon weapon in Star Wars, we have a ton of information about the magenta lightsaber from Star Wars Legends. In this piece, we shall define the magenta lightsaber and talk about the people ..
Lightsaber Combat: A Comprehensive Guide
What is Lightsaber Combat?
The discipline of lightsaber combat was made up of many martial arts that were created especially for lightsaber combat, though it was not confined to that. These fighting styles wer..
Gold Lightsaber Meaning and Users
One of the rarest lightsabers in the entire Star Wars universe is the Gold Lightsaber. Due to its close color shine, it resembles the yellow lightsaber, but it is somewhat darker and has a more gold appearance. This ..
Jedi Guardian: Defenders of the Republic and Masters of Combat
1. What is a Jedi Guardian?
Along with the Jedi Consular and Jedi Sentinel, a Jedi Guardian was one of the three main branches of the Jedi Order. Jedi Guardians, who were regarded as the ..
What Lightsaber Color Am I Quiz
When someone tries to pick a fight with you, do you...
Disregard him.
Murder him.
Make threats against him.
Talk to him to find out why they are doing it.
Offer to purchase him a beverage.
Try using soothing language ..
How Old is Din Djarin in The Mandalorian?
Who is Din Djarin?
During the New Republic, Din Djarin, also called "Mando," was a male human warrior. His unique helmet covered his face. He wore Mandalorian armor and carried weapons such as the Dark saber,..
Unveiling the varied Star Wars Darth Revan Lightsaber
Few villains in the Star Wars world have captured fans' attention as much as Darth Revan. Revan is a mysterious and mythical creature whose path through the Force's dark and light sides is both en..
Black Lightsaber Meaning and Users
Around 1050 BBY, Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian to join the Jedi Order, invented the black lightsaber, also called the Dark saber. Several owners, including Din Djarin, Darth Maul, and Pre Vizsla, have inherite..
17 Lightsaber Color Meanings Explained
The most popular hues for lightsabers in Star Wars are red, green, and blue. Nonetheless, the franchise's movies, TV series, computer games, comics, and books all use a wide variety of hues.
The cyber crystal, a..