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23 Jun ​Where is Han Solo From?
0 44
​Where is Han Solo From?Han Solo is a multifaceted Star Wars figure known for his roles as a scoundrel, daredevil, smuggler, and hero. Everyone remembers Solo, the smuggler who became a hero, famous for his bold plans that worked out and his cheeky t..
23 Jun When Martial Arts Meets Lightsaber Combat
0 97
When Martial Arts Meet Lightsaber CombatLightsaber battle can take numerous forms, some of which are more "serious" than others, according to UltraForceSaber enthusiasts. Many lightsaber owners only have fun dueling with a friend now and then, and th..
23 Jun What is a Lightsaber Pommel?
0 64
What is a Lightsaber Pommel?When someone holds a saber upright, the pommel becomes the bottommost part of the weapon. To rebalance the weapon, the pommel is functionally forged into swords and daggers in our society.A pommel was first made as part of..
23 Jun How Are Jedi Lightsabers Made in the Star Wars Universe?
0 49
How Are Jedi Lightsabers Made in the Star Wars Universe?The lightsaber is not, by any means, a mass-produced accessory in the canon of Star Wars. Each lightsaber is made by and therefore associated with, a particular person. If the original owner of ..
23 Jun Advanced Lightsaber Moves Obi-Wan Used to Beat Darth Maul and Anakin
0 74
Advanced Lightsaber Moves Obi-Wan Used to Beat Darth Maul and AnakinWhat comes to mind first when you think of Obi-Wan Kenobi? The answer depends on who is asking and which Star Wars movie they've watched. Most fans likely think of the wise and exper..
0 77
HOW DID OBI-WAN KENOBI SURVIVE ORDER 66?One of the most recognizable characters in Star Wars mythology is still Obi-Wan Kenobi, who has become a symbol of the sage mentor in popular culture. However, the average Star Wars fan is unaware of how colorf..
23 Jun Picking the Right Lightsaber Color for Yourself
0 77
Picking the Right Lightsaber Color for YourselfIn the Star Wars world, there are many different kinds of lightsabers. They often show the traits of their users. This includes their fighting style and their connection to the Force. Sometimes, it also ..
23 Jun Basic Protection and Defense Lightsaber Tips
0 74
Basic Protection and Defense Lightsaber TipsGetting your first lightsaber gives you access to a world of thrilling opportunities. You can have it all, from dressing up as characters to making it unique. Pick a basic lightsaber or customize your own w..
23 Jun A Deeper Look: Lightsaber Combat Forms – Form II: Makashi
0 50
A Deeper Look: Lightsaber Combat Forms – Form II: MakashiBefore sabers were widely distributed across the cosmos, Shii-Cho emerged as the original lightsaber combat form. Those who used lightsabers in those days typically engaged opponents who had to..
23 Jun How Long is a Parsec In Comparison to a Lightyear in Space Travel
0 70
How Long is a Parsec In Comparison to a Lightyear in Space TravelWhat's a parsec's length? The unit of measurement for space travel in Star Wars is frequently expressed in parsecs. Approximately thirty trillion kilometers make up one parsec. One pars..
23 Jun A Deeper Look: Lightsaber Combat Forms—Form III: Soresu
0 71
A Deeper Look: Lightsaber Combat Forms—Form III: SoresuIn Star Wars, lightsaber fighting styles have evolved to address weaknesses and new situations on the battlefield. These changes have occurred over time. The styles have adapted to better suit th..
23 Jun How to Watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars in Chronological Order
0 73
How to Watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars in Chronological OrderDisney said the Clone Wars story from the 2008 animated movie and TV series would still be part of Star Wars. Many fans were very happy about this decision.Celebrations intensified even fur..
Showing 193 to 204 of 223 (19 Pages)