Everything About Darth Bane Lightsaber
Darth Bane's lightsaber is as fundamental to the character as his aggressive demeanor. It was his main weapon for most of his career. His instructor gave him an odd hooked or "curved" lightsaber on Korriban. His lightsaber is the most intimate item that has supported him through his significant life events.
He had stolen the lightsaber from his master after killing him, and it had been given to him by his lightsaber mentor, Kas'im. The weapon's single blade was initially dark red, but Bane later swapped out the real crystal for a synthetic one created by Qordis, Darth Bane's Master, giving the blade a crimson hue. Bane's physically imposing fighting style was well matched to this lightsaber.
Darth Bane Lightsaber
Specifications at a Glance
Technical and Physical Parameters
Crystal type: Synthetic lightsaber crystal
Design: Curved shape hilt (Sith lightsaber)
Blade color: Dark red (initially), Later Crimson
Blade type: Red color plasma blade
Hilt shape: Curved
Construction Information
Creator: Na'daz
Type: Single blade
Culture: Sith order
Owners: Na'daz, Darth Bane, Kas'im, Darth Cognus
History and Usage
Aim: Lightsaber battle
Association: Order of the Sith Lords Brotherhood of Darkness Sith order
Using a red-bladed lightsaber with a curved hilt that the Twi'lek Dark Lord had given him, Darth Bane developed his talents as a deadly lightsaber duelist. He created a slightly modified version of the Darth Bane weapon, the complexities of which only the most proficient weapon users could understand. After obtaining his lightsaber-impervious obelisk armor, Bane adopted a frenetic, all-offensive fighting style and used his immense physical strength to destroy opponents. This red-bladed lightsaber with a curved handle was perfect for the physically intimidating Bane fighting technique.
Specifications of Darth Bane lightsaber
Although Na'daz was an excellent duelist knowledgeable about numerous variations of lightsabers, such as saberstaffs, he favored a more conventional design for his special weapon. The single-bladed lightsaber was originally dark red when Darth Bane got it. However, Bane later changed the real Darth Bane kyber crystal to a synthetic one provided by Sith Lord Qordis, giving the weapon a crimson hue.
First Owner of Bane's Lightsaber
Darth Bane's master, Kas'im, was the original owner of this blade. The origin of this lightsaber is unknown outside of Na'daz's possession, even though he used it for almost twenty years. One of Kas'im's first memories was of his master training with the sword. As was Sith tradition, the weapon was finally utilized against Kas'im when the apprentice dared to challenge the teacher. After winning, Kas'im accepted the sword as a reward.
From Where Darth Bane Got His Lightsaber
The lightsaber was formerly owned by Kas'im, who kept it for Darth Bane's master. Even though Na'daz used this lightsaber for nearly two decades, no one outside of his ownership knows where it came from. His master's sword training was among Kas'im's first recollections. When the apprentice dared to oppose the master, the weapon was eventually used against Kas'im, as was Sith's custom. Ten years after his victory, Kas'im took the sword as a reward before presenting it to his best student. After Bane defeated Sirak, the academy's best student, in a vicious sparring match, Kas'im thought he had proven himself worthy. At the Korriban academy, where Kas'im was teaching, he gave Bane his sword as a present. After receiving instructions from Kas'im on utilizing the weapon, Bane practiced for many hours before reluctantly retiring to bed.
After an altercation with the academy principal, Bane rushed across the Korriban wastelands to the Valley of the Dark Lords to see the tombs. Near the end of Bane's journey, a gang of Tuk'ata ambushed him. After fending off the first assault with the Force, he was forced to draw his Bane lightsaber when they regrouped and came on again. Only four individuals out of twelve survived. Bane was then promptly called back to the academy.
Once he recovered from his trip, he was approached by Githany, one of his hidden teachers and a potential love interest. She grabbed Bane's lightsaber and brought him to the school's archives, where Sirak and his goons, working with Githany, attacked him. But Githany demonstrated that she was a dual agent by working with Bane to kill Sirak and regain his lightsaber. Bane wielded his weapon with Githany, battling Sirak's three saberstaffs and his two allies.
When Sirak saw he was outnumbered and outmatched, he volunteered to surrender while his companions were swiftly routed. The Zabrak was then decapitated by Darth Bane using Bane's lightsaber.
The Weapon of Renegade Sith
Darth Bane traveled to Ambria and transmitted a message to Ruusan via a messaging drone. Sith troops of Lord Kaan fought alongside their Jedi equivalent. Bane gave Kaan information on how to make an old Dark Side weapon as a "gift." He was poisoned by the poison and dropped off his vehicle before reaching his goal. He was resurrected by a group of scavengers who discovered him alongside his lightsaber and utilized it to save him. Bane used his daughter's life to coerce a healer into curing him so he could pursue his mission.
Darth Bane was a Jedi mind trickster and a member of the Brotherhood of Darkness. He persuaded Kaan to unleash the thought bomb on the Jedi, thereby killing himself because the bomb slew not just the Jedi but also any Force sensitives within range. As the Brotherhood perished, Darth Bane instituted the Rule of Two.
Final Duel With Kas'im
The Brotherhood of Darkness dispatched Darth Bane to Korriban to study the Sith Holocron of Darth Revan. He was accosted by Kas'im, who wanted to murder or recruit him while he was perusing the Holocron. Both of them pulled out their weapons and battled it out. Bane utilized the Force to steer his sword and ward off Kas'im's saber staff blows in combat with his old tutor.
Bane withdrew to the temple's entrance before using a powerful Force wave to collapse the entire structure. Kas'im drew his final card, breaking his saberstaff's hilt into two lightsabers. Bane was forced to flee because he had no experience against or with dual-blades.
Killing Of Salvagers In Darkness Camp
One of the first actions using the Darth Bane weapon was assassinating a group of salvagers who ransacked the previous Brotherhood of Darkness camp. Bane devastated the Jedi base on Onderon, executing all save two of the Jedi, who he purposefully let escape. The idea was for them to propagate easily debunked stories about his presence to scare off any Jedi because no one would trust them. Bane practically forsaken Zannah, leaving her to make her way to Onderons to meet him. He then embarked on his voyage to the planet aboard his ship.
Thrashing Parasitic Orbalisks
The Force ghosts of Qordis and Kaan greeted Bane after he smashed into the Onderonian moon Dxun. He discovered the sepulcher of Freedon Nadd after picking his way across the world's wild forests. He came into a chamber with Orbalisks and Freedon's holocron clinging to the ceiling as he explored the edifice. While recovering the Holocron, Darth Bane attempted to bat several away with his lightsaber, though two of them succeeded to fasten themselves on his body.
Darth Bane decided to persist because he was unable to remove them. After all, they were impervious to his lightsaber and rapidly regenerated whatever wounds he attempted to amputate. Bane's obelisks turned out to be a godsend in disguise, acting as a living coat of armor for him and healing any damage he sustained.
Battles With Apprentices
While using a communications drone to send a message to Ruusan, Darth Bane made his way to Ambria. Lord Kaan's Sith soldiers engaged in combat with their Jedi counterparts. Bane explained to Kaan how to create an ancient Dark Side weapon as a "gift." The poison poisoned him, and before he could reach his destination, he dropped from his car. He was brought back to life by a gang of scavengers who found him with his lightsaber and used it to save him. To fulfill his purpose, Bane forced a healer to cure him by using the death of his daughter.
Darth Bane belonged to the Brotherhood of Darkness and was a Jedi mind manipulator. Since the bomb killed all nearby Force-sensitives in addition to the Jedi, he convinced Kaan to detonate the thought bomb on the Jedi, killing himself in the process. As the Brotherhood died, Darth Bane established the Rule of Two.
Confronting The Jedi
Bane managed to get past Belia Darzu's active defenses and reach the holocron chamber, taking control of her fortress. The ensuing battle was a vicious hack-and-slash in which Bane used his lightsaber to cut the creatures as the obelisks tended to his wounds. After a protracted, one-sided combat, a weary Bane clutched the Holocron and deactivated his lightsaber.
A fifth Jedi crept in covertly and stood back, using Battle meditation to support his fellow Jedi while the other four rushed in, two from each door. As Bane continued to attack, the Jedi were forced to use additional prevaricating tactics. The Sith Lord was forced to give up as Lsu attacked Bane's exposed face with her dual blades. John Othone attacked Bane through a tiny hole in his armor close to the wrist, severing his lightsaber hand. After allowing Darth Zannah to defeat her opponent, Bane intervened to save him from certain death. Before attempting to kill the final Jedi with a Force lightning strike, Bane cut the necks of the four Ithorians.
Lightsaber Succession Chain
Bane was attacked by a group of mercenaries and an executioner from the Iktotchi. The assassin poisoned Bane with Senflax, which prevented him from using the Force. Before locking it away, she also took his weapon and gave it a few tests. She gave it back to Bane after he ran away and became a new apprentice with him, Darth Cognus.
To await Zannah, Darth Bane and Darth Cognus traveled to Ambria. Zannah regained her footing quickly, performing a sequence of back flip flops before thrusting her saberstaff ahead. Bane expected the war games and came to a halt, only to expose himself to a volley of Sith spells that Zannah preferred. Darth Bane was eventually brought down by a tendril of Dark Side energy, which caused his lightsaber blade to deactivate as it slipped from his grip.
Cognus had been apprenticed to Darth Zannah, who had become the Dark Lord. Cognus was given Bane's lightsaber by Zannah to operate until she could make her own.
Lightsaber Form Of Darth Bane
Bane's unique weapon evolved a slightly modified design, the complexities of which only the most experienced weapon users understood. For Bane's physically intimidating fighting technique, the red-bladed lightsaber with a curved handle proved perfect. After obtaining his lightsaber-impervious obelisk armor, Bane adopted Djem So's frenetic, all-offensive fighting style, relying on his immense physical might to overwhelm opponents. Darth Bane believed that he could be more effective as a duelist by eschewing technical expertise in favor of strength-focused, furious swordplay.
To counterbalance her diminutive size, Darth Bane, a Soresu master, taught his apprentice Darth Zannah Form III. In his later years, Darth Bane's abilities were so strong that he was able to block a rainstorm with his lightsaber. In addition to being an expert brawler and unarmed warrior, Bane was also a master of Juyo, which he might have used in his last encounter with Zannah.
He once faced three Beast Riders and displayed great mounted lightsaber combat while in control of a dress. He deflected blaster shots from all of his opponents in the air. In their duel at the Sith Academy, Darth Bane defeated Sirak by outwitting and discouraging him using the Dun Möch technique, which he also mastered.
Luke Skywalker's excellent lightsaber has been displayed many times. Among the notable appearances are the following: Star Wars: Jedi vs. Sith, "Bane of Sith" Star Wars Gamer 2 (First Appearance), Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, Darth Bane: Path of Destruction Audiobook, Darth Bane: Rule of Two Audiobook, The audiobook Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil and Darth Bane: Rule of Two.
1. What weapons did Darth Bane have?
Gold-embossed medieval Sith armor in shades of gray, blue, and scarlet covered most of Darth Bane's torso. A crimson sword and a saber pike with an orange-flaming blade were in the Sith Lord's possession. Bane also owned the Valcyn, a T-class deep detailed cruiser.
2. What did Darth Bane say to his lightsaber?
"You proved that you deserved it today." Darth Bane's master, Kas'im, was the first owner of the lightsaber. He had stolen the lightsaber from his own master after killing him, and it had been given to him by his lightsaber mentor, Kas'im.
3. What is the lightsaber fighting style of Darth Bane?
After obtaining his lightsaber, Bane adopted Djem So's frenzied, all-offensive fighting style. To counterbalance her diminutive size, Darth Bane, a Soresu master, taught his apprentice Darth Zannah Form III. In his later years, Darth Bane was so fast that he was able to block a rainstorm with his lightsaber. In addition to being an expert brawler and unarmed warrior, Bane was also a master of Juyo, which he might have used in his last encounter with Zannah.
He once faced three Beast Riders and displayed great mounted lightsaber combat while in control of a dress. He deflected blaster shots from all of his opponents in the air. In their combat at the Sith Academy, Bane outwitted and demoralized Sirak by using his mastery of the Dun Möch method.
4. Who is Darth Bane?
One of the most significant figures in the Star Wars world is Darth Bane. He is renowned for being the Sith Lord who created the Rule of Two, the Darth Bane Sith code. This rule therefore states that there can only ever be two Sith present: a master and an apprentice. Since the Sith had been undermined by betrayal and internal strife, he felt that this regulation was essential to ensuring their continued existence and power.
5. How did Darth Bane survive?
Darth Bane survived the destruction of the Sith Brotherhood by distancing himself from the internal conflicts and focusing on gaining knowledge. He studied ancient Sith teachings and avoided confrontations with other Sith. His cunning and strategic thinking allowed him to rise above his enemies and escape situations that would have led to his death.
6. Why does Darth Bane have a Purple lightsaber?
Typically, Darth Bane is depicted brandishing a red lightsabre. However, this rule has occasionally been broken. For instance, his lightsabre was depicted as purple on one cover of the comic book series "Jedi vs. Sith." His lightsabre is said to have a red blade in the Darth Bane books. Additionally, images from the publication of Darth Bane: Path of Destruction have depicted his blade as orange. These variations might result from Bane's gradual use of various lightsabres. According to most accounts, he possessed just one weapon. The purple lightsabre might be the result of creative decisions.
7. When does Darth Bane take place?
The events of Darth Bane take place during the Old Republic era, which is about 1,000 years before the events of Star Wars movies. There were a lot of Sith and Jedi in the galaxy at the time, and there were also a lot of fights amongst them.
8. When did Darth Bane live?
About a millennium before the Galactic Empire came into being, Darth Bane lived. His death marked the end of the Sith Brotherhood. Additionally, a new Sith order that adhered to his Rule of Two was found. Although his exact birth and death dates are unknown, the Siths were influenced by him for millennia.
9. Who was Darth Bane?
Apatros is a mining planet where Darth Bane was born. He was raised in a very severe environment and began working in the mines at an early age. Eventually, his innate affinity for the Force brought him to the Sith Academy. He rose through the ranks to become a formidable Sith Lord there. After embracing the evil side, he changed his name from Dessel to Darth Bane.
10. How does Darth Bane die?
In a bloody conflict with his pupil, Darth Zannah, Darth Bane lost his life. The two engaged in a furious duel. In the end, Zannah vanquished Bane and succeeded him as the new Sith Master. It is implied that Zannah resisted Bane's attempt to put his essence into her body and defeated him.
11. How powerful was Darth Bane?
When it came to the evil side of the Force, Darth Bane was incredibly strong. His intelligence and comprehension of Sith ideology contributed to his strength in addition to his fighting prowess and Force use. He developed a variety of dark side abilities, like as telekinesis, Force lightning, and the capacity to take another person's life. He was an excellent opponent because of his strategic intelligence, which allowed him to outthink and influence his adversaries.
12. How strong was Darth Bane?
Darth Bane possessed both cerebral and physical abilities. He possessed a profound knowledge of the Force, was an accomplished lightsaber fighter, and was a formidable warrior. His affiliation with the evil side demonstrated his physical prowess, making him an effective combatant. Bane had a strong, shrewd mind that allowed him to conquer obstacles and bear a lot of pain.
13. Was Darth Bane a Jedi?
Darth Bane was never a Jedi, that's for sure. From a young age, he was attracted to the evil side of the Force. He finally found his way to the Sith after realizing he was sensitive to the Force. Bane was always associated with the evil side of the Force, in contrast to certain Sith who were once Jedi.
14. When was Darth Bane?
Darth Bane resided in the Old Republic, some 1,000 years before the events of the Star Wars films. The Jedi and the Sith were at odds throughout this period. The cosmos was rife with conflicts and conflicts.
15. Who was Darth Bane's apprentice?
Darth Zannah was an apprentice of Darth Bane. Because of her potential and close ties to the dark side, Bane selected her as a formidable Sith. Zannah learned a lot from Bane and remained faithful to him. However, she eventually overtook him as the Sith Master and assumed his position.
16. Who defeated Darth Bane?
Darth Zannah, his apprentice, defeated Darth Bane. The apprentice would eventually challenge the master to demonstrate their strength by the Rule of Two, which was created by Darth Bane Sith himself. Zannah became the new Sith Master after defeating Bane in combat. Although there are indications that Bane attempted to take over Zannah's body by transferring his essence into her, Zannah ultimately prevailed, indicating that she kept her individuality.