All 103 Force Abilities and Powers in Star Wars Explained

What is a Force Ability?

Any capability available to Force-sensitive people was referred to as a Force ability. Fighting, Healing, daily chores, enjoyment, and learning new things were just a few of the various applications for these skills. Certain skills, such as improved reflexes and future vision, may develop spontaneously. Others, such as mind tricks or telekinesis, needed practice but might eventually become instinctive. Excessive effort can make it more challenging to use the Force. Only individuals who adhered to the dark side of the Force could use some powers, while only light side users could use others.

Anyone trained in the Force might employ some skills, such as Force barriers. Theoretically, any skilled Force user could use any power. Neutral Force powers existed in addition to specialized evil side abilities, such as Force lightning, and light side talents, such as becoming a Force spirit. Depending on how they were applied, such as in mind tricks, these neutral skills could be associated with either the light or the dark side.

What Are the Most Common Force Abilities and Their Uses?

A wide range of skills, each with specific uses and difficulties, are available to those who possess the Force. One of the most frequently seen and used abilities is telekinesis, which is the capacity to move items without making direct physical touch. Force users often use this multipurpose ability to repel adversaries or launch objects as projectiles during battle because it enables them to move objects with their minds.

Practitioners may slow or stop moving things, people, or even energy in mid-motion with a comparable skill called Force Stasis. When Kylo Ren froze a blaster bolt in midair during the Attack on Tuanul in 34 ABY, he spectacularly displayed the immense potential of this skill.

Another well-known Force capability is the mind trick, a subtle yet powerful talent that enables users to affect other people's thoughts and behaviors. However, this power's global usefulness is limited because it works best against people with weaker intellects.

One of the more enigmatic and unpredictable powers is force vision. These epiphanies about potential futures or unspoken realities might happen on their own while you're asleep or even when you're awake. However, these visions are sometimes difficult to comprehend due to their obscure character.

Additionally, force-sensitive people can enhance their physical prowess, surpassing the limits of their innate athleticism. They can sprint along vertical surfaces and perform other acrobatic feats because of their extraordinary speed, coordination, and acrobatic abilities.

A more intrusive Force power that allows users to delve into other people's minds is the mind probe. Although it is an effective method for acquiring information, those with strong wills or those who are sensitive to Force may resist it.

Expert Force users have occasionally been able to reverse the probe's effect, gaining access to their assailant's thoughts.

It has been shown that certain Force wielders can make other people sleep or unconscious, which is a helpful ability in both calm and hostile settings. Several Force users, including Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and the troubled Kylo Ren, have utilized this ability.

Fundamentally, Force sensing continues to be the most essential skill accessible to Force-sensitive people. This ability enables users to sense other people's feelings, see possible futures, and identify Force disruptions brought on by crucial occurrences. Additionally, it improves a user's capacity to detect danger and track down people who are hidden behind physical obstacles.

By directing the Force inward, users can strengthen their resistance to physical and Force-based harm. Because of this internal fortification, it is difficult for Force users to impact one another with their powers directly; physical fighting is frequently required to overcome an opponent's protection.

More subdued manifestations of the Force include disruptions experienced by sensitive people. Significant events, like as large-scale casualties or the presence of strong Force users, might trigger these Force ripples. These disruptions can range in intensity, with some being so strong that they make the person experiencing them physically uncomfortable.

The Force must be used to access or activate specific items and places in the galaxy because they are attuned to it. For instance, the mythical World Between Worlds and the Jedi Temple on Lothal were only accessible by using Force powers. Similar to this, Jedi and Sith holocron, which are stores of power and information, were meant to be unlocked only by people who could control the Force.

There are Force users who have demonstrated highly amazing talents at the most significant levels of expertise. Shapeshifting and possessing others were among the skills of the mysterious creatures known as the Ones that went against the accepted notion of the Force. In the same way, the Bendu, a neutral Force entity, might arise or vanish at will and take the form of enormous storms.

The ability to teleport, shared by various groups like the Force wielders, the Night sisters, and individuals like Dorwin Corvax, has even been displayed by some powerful Force wielders. These illustrations demonstrate the Force's enormous potential and the variety of ways that individuals who are sensitive to its strength can use it.

What Unique Abilities Do Light Side Force Users Have?

Offering a distinct set of powers, the light side of the Force is frequently used for Healing, protection, and communication with the living Force. The capacity to remain awake after death, integrating with the Force while retaining one's distinct identity, is arguably the most deep of these abilities. Only members of specific orders, like as the Force Priestesses and a small number of Jedi, are aware of this uncommon ability, which necessitates particular training but enables the practitioner to continue affecting the physical universe after their physical form has died.

It has been shown that some light-side users may absorb or deflect Force lightning, a power usually associated with the dark side.

During his battles with Darth Sidious and Count Dooku, Jedi Master Yoda, in particular, showed exceptional competence in this area by capturing and rerouting the lethal energy with his hands.

Psychometry is an intrinsic skill of certain Jedi that enables them to perceive the past and feelings connected to objects or places they touch. This ability is helpful in learning new knowledge and cracking puzzles since it may produce vivid impressions, including visual and audio experiences.

Additionally, Jedi can use the Force to interact with animals, calming and even taming untamed animals. This capability illustrates the light side's emphasis on cooperating with the living Force and its peaceful nature.

There are Jedi who have demonstrated the ability to affect many people at once, causing their views or thoughts to change. This talent impacts a far wider audience, even though it is comparable to the more focused mind trick.

Light-side users are frequently delicate manifestations of the Force. For instance, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa's brother, thought that her extraordinary willpower was an expression of her Force sensitivity.

Force projection, one of the most amazing light side skills, enables a person to project a realistic image of themselves over great distances. During a pivotal point in the conflict with the First Order, Luke Skywalker famously used this ability to project himself from Ahch-To to Crait, which was light years away. Despite its immense strength, this talent has a high price because it can be lethal due to the strain of maintaining the projection.

Another potent light side skill is force healing, which enables users to neutralize poisons and cure wounds by transferring their life force to the affected person. Several Force users, such as the young Grogu, the ancient Jedi Master Yoda, and the dyad pair of Rey and Ben Solo, have displayed this ability. At the expense of the healer's life energy, this talent can even bring the recently deceased back to life in its most potent form, as demonstrated by an energy dyad.

What Distinguishes Dark Side Abilities from Other Force Powers?

The dark side of the Force gives its followers access to abilities that light-wielding people frequently consider abnormal or prohibited. Strong emotions, especially negative ones like fear, wrath, and fury, as well as the desire for more power, are often the source of these talents.

The capacity to control life itself is among the most notorious evil side abilities. According to legend, the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis had mastered the Force to the point where he could manipulate midi-chlorins to generate life and even stop death. Arcane black potions and stealing vitality from others are two more dark-side methods for prolonging or reviving life.

One of the most well-known and dreaded dark side powers is force lightning. With this power, a user may direct pure Force energy from their fingertips into destructive electrical discharges.

Depending on the user's strength and the length of exposure, force lightning can cause anything from excruciating agony to irreversible harm or even death. Notably, Emperor Palpatine's eventual destiny shows that even the person who wields this power is susceptible to its consequences.

A miasma of Force energy that slows and harms adversaries, Dark Aura, is one of the variants of Force lightning that some Sith have demonstrated. Focused anger is another combat-oriented dark side talent that impairs mental clarity while increasing the user's aggression and fortitude.

Sith and Night sister magick, two different but connected types of Force manipulation, are also derived from the dark side. Sith alchemy, another name for Sith magic, frequently takes the form of blue flames and can be applied to a variety of tasks, such as fortifying items and producing illusions. From offering invisibility to reanimating the dead, night sister magick, which usually takes the form of green mist, has many uses.

As exemplified by the Second Sister Inquisitor, some dark side users have shown that they are capable of moving at breakneck speeds for brief periods. Though not unique to dark-side practitioners, the intense emotions connected to the evil side frequently amplify this capacity.

Another effective dark side tactic is the ability to form and control Force ties. Supreme Leader Snoke showed this by fortifying and taking advantage of the bond between Rey and Ben Solo, enabling communication over great distances. In its most potent form, this link can even permit the transfer of tangible things between bound persons, as seen in a Force dyad.

The capacity to shift one's consciousness into a different body after death is arguably the tallest manifestation of dark side power. After being betrayed by Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine employed this method to transfer his essence into a waiting clone body in order to avoid death. Even though obtaining this power is highly challenging, it provides the alluring prospect of immortality, which has long tempted many people to venture onto the dark side.

A Complete Guide to All 103 Force Abilities

1. Force Awareness (Sense)

Force sense, another name for Force awareness, was one of the most fundamental Force skills. Many people utilize it unconsciously and without thinking about it. It was only natural for prospective Jedi or Sith to become more sensitive to the Force as their bond with it grew. They were able to anticipate the future, sense the emotions of other beings, identify the effects of traumatic or essential events, sense danger, and sense the dark side because of this talent.

2. Force Telekinesis

The term "force telekinesis" describes skills that involve working with physical objects. Its usage was numerous and included both practical and combative purposes, such as:

  • Force Push
  • Force Pull
  • Force Choke
  • Force Crush
  • Lightsaber Throw
  • Lifting objects of varying sizes

3. Enhanced Athleticism

This capability enabled users to enhance their physical characteristics—such as strength, agility, acrobatics, and pain tolerance—far more than even the most skilled athletes could on their own. It made skills like the destructive Force Kick, Wall Run, and Force Jump available.

4. Controlled Descent

Users were able to survive drops from vast heights by using this power to halt their descent. (One may question whether Mace Windu ever picked it up.)

5. The Mind Trick

This power affected and managed the ideas, actions, and behaviors of another, usually to the user's advantage. Jedi called it the Mind Touch during the High Republic era, and they used a more seductive tone to influence individuals to make their own choices. Dark-side users, on the other hand, used Mind Control and more forceful strategies.

6. Mind Probe

Beyond mind control, this ability enabled individuals to access a victim's memories, feelings, and ideas in order to extract pertinent information, much like they could access a filing cabinet in their head.

7. Force Telepathy

This capability allowed users to communicate and receive information across long distances by facilitating mental conversation and interaction between people.

8. Force Sight

This skill, which was a variant of Force sense, improved spatial and visual perception and enabled users to see past walls or in the dark. Additionally, it allowed them to "see" things without making eye contact. This ability was invaluable for reaction training for blind people.

9. Force Lightning

A dark-side force that might cause death or serious injury by releasing electrical energy from the hands. According to Luke Skywalker, it is one of the most malevolent forms of the Force and its ultimate physical embodiment. Jedi Master Plo Koon discovered and used Electric Judgment, a light-side version.

10. Beast Control

This skill enabled users to soothe animals and, in certain situations, transform them into allies or mounts by establishing a mental bond with them.

11. Psychometry

People with the unusual skill of psychometry could perceive memories or events connected to an object or place by touching it. After a dazzling white light, activation was followed by visions of related sights, sounds, and feelings. This ability, which was limited to those who were born with it, like Jedi Master T'ra Saa and Quinlan Vos, was especially helpful for tracking targets.

12. Force Listening

This talent was first presented in Ahsoka Episode 5 and enabled practitioners to detect events taking place on other planes, such as the World Between Worlds, while also relaxing in the Force. It was previously present in Legends and was shown by Jacen Syndulla.

13. Precognition (Foresight)

On different scales, precognition enabled users to see into the future, from anticipating galactic events to predicting an opponent's next move. The Clone Wars were famously predicted by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas using this talent.

14. Force Visions (Premonitions)

Force visions provide views into the future, the past, or far-off locations. They could be unclear, even though they are frequently prophetic. Jedi approached them warily, understanding that the future was constantly changing and that feelings may skew perception.

15. Force Stealth

Users could hide their Force alignment, skills, or presence by using force stealth. Its most infamous practitioner, Darth Sidious, concealed his evil side for many years. During their exile, Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi also used this ability to stay hidden.

16. Shatter point

A unique talent known as "shatter point" allowed people to see events' flaws or pivotal moments as if they were looking at shattered glass. Darth Sidious also employed it to perceive the significance of Luke Skywalker, although Mace Windu was its most well-known practitioner.

17. Force Speed (Dash)

A user's velocity was momentarily increased by force speed, which made it appear as though everything around them was moving slowly. Although it was perfect for avoiding attacks or making fast getaways, it required a lot of energy and could not be sustained for extended periods.

18. Force Projection

Force projection is a sophisticated and difficult skill. It produces an illusory double of the user that can appear over great distances. Overusing this power can be lethal and requires a great deal of concentration and energy, frequently depleting the user's life force.

19. Force Illusion

Users could create localized illusions to trick other people using force illusions. Although it was comparable to Force projection, it was much less taxing and usually only affected those in close proximity.

20. Force Barrier

Using a defense tactic known as "Force barrier," users created a shield of Force energy to ward off dangers like explosions and toxic fumes. In some instances, this shield appeared as a brilliant blue bubble.

21. Force Orb

Users could breathe underwater thanks to the unique ability known as Force Orb, which allowed them to create an air bubble. It might also be used as an offensive weapon, but only in watery settings.

22. Force Healing

By directing their life energy, users of Force Healing were able to heal others or themselves. Although it worked well for treating injuries that occurred right away, technological healing techniques were frequently quicker and more effective.

23. Force Deflection

Users might reroute energy-based attacks like blaster bolts and Force Lightning by using Force Deflection. Rarely, it might also block combat attacks, such as blows from a lightsaber.

24. Force Stasis (Force Slow)

Blaster bolts and lightsaber attacks were among the items that the Force, known as Force Stasis, may momentarily stop and render immobile.

25. Force Sever

A Force Sever can either permanently or temporarily cut off a Force-sensitive person from the Force. A person who has experienced trauma, exile, or intentional action may be unable to use their abilities as a result of this severance. This status might often be reversed.

26. Battle Meditation

Battle Meditation created a link between the user and other people by sending locations, feelings, and images. This skill frequently changed the outcome of wars by improving communication, coordination, and morale.

27. Force Meld

Through the use of the Force, Force Meld brought together several Force-sensitive people, enabling them to pool their strength and coordination. In contrast to Battle Meditation, its sole focus was on Force-sensitive individuals to improve their collective skills.

28. Wayfinding

Experienced Jedi used their ability to way find to determine whether planets or moons were home to life. Decades of focused practice were necessary to master this skill.

29. Dark Aura

A dark-side technique called Dark Aura uses malevolent Force energy to energize the air around it. This Force harmed others in the vicinity and hindered their progress.

30. Sith Alchemy

One dark-side science that was utilized to change things or living things permanently was Sith Alchemy. The Black wing Virus was one of the horrors it was responsible for creating.

31. Force Scream

An involuntary or intentional release of anger, irritation, or grief in the form of a strong scream was known as a "force scream." This sound produced devastating shockwaves, injuring people nearby.

32. Morichro (Touch of Death)

Morichro was a dark-side skill that nearly killed an opponent by slowing down their vital signs, including their heartbeat. Jedi Master Yaddle was one of the few Jedi who were permitted to use this risky method. Additionally, it might be utilized for self-preservation, which would enable the practitioner to stop requiring food, water, or oxygen momentarily.

33. Force Bond

A Force Bond was a bond that was created between two Force-sensitive people, usually between novices and Jedi Masters. It improved coordination in combat by facilitating the long-distance exchange of feelings, ideas, and pictures.

34. Force Endure

Users of Force Endure were able to endure excruciating physical agony. Masters of this skill were able to withstand wounds that would render others incapable.

35. Pyrokinesis

The capacity to create and manage fire by heating air molecules was known as pyrokinesis. It was a useful tool and a weapon.

36. Bleeding

Through the dark side technique of bleeding, the Sith tainted Kyber crystals by transferring their enmity and anger into them, turning them crimson.

37. Purification

Bleeding's light-side equivalent was Purification. This power purified corrupted Kyber crystals, turning them from red to white. The practitioner who carried out the procedure developed a close relationship with the cleansed crystal.

38. Alter Environment

Strong Force beings like the Bendu used their sophisticated Alter Environment abilities to change the weather, produce storms, and alter the topography.

39. Metamorphosis

Although metamorphosis was uncommon among Jedi and Sith, entities such as the Mortis gods frequently displayed it. Thanks to it, users could change their physical form.

40. Memory Rub

A telepathic method called Memory Rub was utilized to change or remove someone else's learning abilities or memories. Using this power, the Father on Mortis erased Anakin Skywalker's knowledge of his destiny as Darth Vader.

41. Force Empathy

Practitioners of Force Empathy were able to perceive and control other people's emotions. Competent users were able to identify secrets, concealed emotions, and motivations.

42. Deadly Sight

With the dark-side ability known as "Deadly Sight," individuals could direct their rage and anger into a glaring glare that could cause significant bodily harm, burning flesh, and even vaporizing extremities. One of its rare practitioners was the evil Jedi Sariss.

43. Force Rage

By directing their rage and hatred, a dark side power known as Force Rage momentarily increased a user's strength, stamina, and aggression in combat. Practitioners such as Kylo Ren and Darth Vader utilized this power to improve their fighting skills.

44. Mechu-Deru

Mechu-Deru gave individuals the ability to alter or corrupt technology and gave them an intuitive understanding of mechanical systems. With this ability, Sith practitioners may even produce Techno-Beasts and mechanical freaks.

45. Force Ghost

Force Qui-Gon Jinn had rediscovered the advanced light-side skill known as Ghost. Jedi were able to join the universal Force and transcend death, manifesting as spirits to lead the living. In contrast, Sith needed items that acted as anchors to do the same thing.

46. Essence Transfer

A dark-side ability known as "essence transfer" allows a practitioner to shift their consciousness into another body, frequently after passing away. While contemporary Sith like Darth Sidious utilized it in conjunction with cloning to attain immortality, ancient Sith Lords like Darth Bane often used it to evade death.

47. Force Drain

Force Drain was a dark-side skill that allowed users to drain other people's life energy. This was something Darth Nihilus was most skilled at, utilizing it to wipe out entire planets and keep himself alive.

48. Force Teleportation

Users with the rare ability known as "Force Teleportation" could quickly move to a different area. The Bendu and Night sisters were more frequently linked to this skill than the Jedi or Sith.

49. Force Cloak

With the Force Cloak, users were able to bend sound and light waves, making them almost imperceptible to human sight.

50. Adiabatic Shield

With the help of the Force ability known as the adiabatic shield, one may control the surrounding air to form a barrier of protection. While this shield is not effective against blaster fire or physical impacts, it could neutralize airborne hazards like poisons and gases. It proved especially helpful for disseminating smoke, poisonous vapors like chlorine, or even subtle agents like airborne pheromones.

When Dejah Duare tried to recruit Jax Pavan and Laranth Tarak, they used this tactic to counteract the pheromones she generated.

51. Alchaka

Members of the Je'daii Order performed the very private rite of chakra during meditation, which the Jedi Order later adopted. Alchaka was a fierce martial arts discipline for the Je'daii Order, with roots in the Force.

52. Alchemy

Alchemists were practitioners of alchemy, a Force technique that focused the Force into concrete, physical forms. In contrast to the Jedi, the Night sisters harnessed and consolidated power by combining their magick with alchemy. They created the Water of Life, a healing alchemy, using an ancient monster known as the Sleeper. Among the Sith, Sith alchemists accomplished terrific things in biological manipulation and metallurgy by using Sith alchemy.

53. Hypothermia

After being attuned to a spinel tasar crystal for several months, one could develop the Force ability of hypothermia. This ability allowed people to pick up on minute changes in an object's temperature. It could be used as a diagnostic tool for medical purposes and help find inanimate items in the dark.

54. Art of Movement

During the Old Republic, the Jedi Temple taught a skill known as the Art of Movement. This ability allowed people to direct the Force into their bodies, improving their athleticism, agility, and acrobatics to levels that were beyond what even the best athletes could achieve with only physical strength.

55. Ayna-Seff

The sages of the Baran Do tradition on Dorin taught ayna-seff, a Force technique from the Passat-durr tradition. Ayna-seff, like other talents in this family, sent low-level electromagnetic radiation into the user's body. Because it made brain activity invisible, "ayna-seff" in Basic means "dead brain." Using a two-part training tool—a charged plate and a durasteel sphere—was necessary to master this skill. The objective was to align the sphere with the particular energy frequencies and intensities of the technique in order to levitate and stabilize it.

This method was taught to Luke Skywalker by the Mistress of the Baran Do Order, Tila Mong, in 43 ABY. As Luke and his son Ben traversed the Kathol Rift in pursuit of the Aing-Tii, Luke employed ayna-seff to protect the Jade Shadow from the powerful electromagnetic radiation present in the nebulae. Jacen Solo had previously learned the skill from Koro Ziil, a former Master of the Order.

Plo Koon, who was also knowledgeable about ayna-seff, mentioned that it might fool an electroencephalogram. Later, while Valin Horn was experiencing an enigmatic psychosis, he used this ability to conceal his brain activity.

56. Battle Sense

After being attuned to an opal tasar crystal for months, one could develop the Force ability known as battle sense. At the beginning of a battle, this power gave its users an advantage, allowing them to take the initiative.

57. Beam of Light

By directing the combined Force energy of the planet they were anchored in or another enormous energy source, the Neti race had the fantastic capacity to release an intense beam of light just before they died. This tremendous Force may catastrophically destroy the surface of a planet, and starships and other spacecraft could be destroyed. The ancient Jedi Master Ood Bnar sacrificed himself to save Jedi Knights Luke Skywalker and Kam Solusar in 10 ABY by using this terrible power to destroy Executor Sedriss.

Tara Saa, a female Neti Jedi Master, and Nat Skywalker used this power more than a century later during Emperor Krayt's successful attack. Together, they used the raw energy of the Temple's exploding reactor to unleash a beam of light, making it possible for their comrades to flee.

Following the deaths of Bnar and Saa, little saplings sprung from the ground. Through the profoundly ingrained roots that the fallen Neti left behind, these saplings appeared to be carrying the planet's Force energy.

58. Force Call

Due to its high energy requirements, Force Call was a powerful and sophisticated Force skill that was only available to the most Force-sensitive people.

A Jedi could use the Force to call people to them, sending out a resonant cry that carried through the Force itself. This call was nearly enticing to all who heard it. At the beginning of the Dark Nest Crisis, Raynar Thul used this tactic to assemble the remaining members of the Myrkr strike force, and Luke Skywalker used it on Ossus to call a gathering of the New Jedi Order just before the end of the war.

59. Cleanse

Jaden Korr displayed a unique use of the Force in 41.5 ABY. Jaden chose to take the unstable red lightsaber that the Kam Solusar clone, Alpha, had used and turn it into his own after beating it. Dissatisfied with the blade's instability and unwilling to utilize a red crystal, he took the crystal out and cleaned it of impurities. The blade became more stable and changed from red to yellow as a result of this procedure.

Since Jedi Sentinels were typically associated with yellow blades, a profession that perfectly matched his blend of Force skills and lightsaber combat, Jaden was especially happy about the shift. Marr Idi-Shael and Khedryn Faal were shocked when he showed them the restored lightsaber. Impressed by the change, Faal even asked in jest why Jaden was unable to eliminate the flaws in the Community clones in a similar manner.

60. Cleanse Mind

Jedi Consular of the Jedi Order used Cleanse Mind, a crucial Force talent. An active mind-affecting Force ability could be dispelled by a Consular utilizing this power, either from inside their line of sight or from an ally.

61. The Cry of the Broken King

The Force power was called the Cry of the Broken King. While looking into the murder of Sarravi V'Kara in 382 BBY, Kiffar Jedi Master Vildar Mac found the Sephi thief Tey Sirrek standing close to Sarravi's body. When Mac saw Sirrek stealing from a Bpfasshi Truthsayer, he began to pursue him. Mac attacked Sirrek, thinking he was the person who killed V'Kara and tried to use his lightsaber to take him down. Nevertheless, Sirrek managed to avoid every one of Mac's blows, which made the irate Jedi wonder how he was working to do so.

The Cry of the Broken King, Vitali, and Morichro were among the Force talents that Sirrek asserted he was proficient in. Mac denied the allegations, claiming Morichro was really a myth. Biological pheromones, an evolutionary characteristic his ancestors developed to ward off predators, were then used by Sirrek to incapacitate Mac briefly. He claimed to be using Morichro to pacify the Jedi while doing so.

62. Dampen Force

Dampen Force was a method for squelching other people's Force powers. When activated, it was frequently said to feel like a damp, cold blanket. Victims could not manipulate anything bigger than molecules while under its influence. Although it was only transitory and did not wholly prevent access to the Force, it severely damaged the victim's physical condition and made them unbreakable. Days may pass before the effect wears off once it is applied.

Known to wield Dampen Force, Hethrir used it to control youngsters he kidnapped for his Empire Reborn campaign. He regularly repressed non-human "students'" capacities at crucial times, supporting the movement's human-centric ethos. Those who were considered "failures" were taken away, sold into slavery, and utilized to fund the organization.

63. Dream bubble

Jedi Knights referred to the deep dreaming condition that frequently transpired during Force-induced slumber as a "dream bubble." Jedi in hibernation could dream, but they were not actually asleep; it was like being in a bubble all by themselves.

64. Endure

The Jedi Force skill of endurance was utilized to tolerate and control physical discomfort. Jedi Master Crucitorn used this method to lessen the pain of being burned alive during the Battle of Nar Shaddaa. Dooku learned this talent from Jedi Master Lene Kostana between 102 and 68 BBY. He then taught it to his Padawan's, Qui-Gon Jinn and Rael Averross.

65. Force Familiar

An animal that was able to develop a close relationship with its owner via the Force was called a Force familiar. This connection was considered an art form on the Force-rich Outer Rim planet of Vjun. Miss Vix, a Vjun fox who acted as the Force that Viscountess Whirry Malreaux was accustomed to in 19 BBY, was one such instance. Miss Vix remained faithful to her Mistress, frequently going with her to Château Margaux. During the Clone Wars, when Count Dooku occupied the château, the Viscountess and the fox both died.

66. Farsight

Farsight was a Force skill that allowed users to see their surroundings or distant events without using their physical senses. It was also referred to as clairvoyance, far sight, or farseeing. Thanks to this skill, the user was able to "see" through walls, darkness, and other obstacles, improving their visual and spatial awareness. Beyond what is often perceptible, it also offered Insight into things, people, places, or events.

67. Floating Meditation

A Jedi method known as "Floating Meditation," or "Rising Meditation," involved using the Force to float a few inches above the ground while meditating. Frequently, nearby items would circle the Force-sensitive practitioner. For better results, this method was occasionally used in conjunction with Battle Meditation.

During his retraining at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, Revan used Floating Meditation to levitate himself and items such as a data pad and chairs. Bastila Shan often combined this power with her Battle Meditation. It was also known that Barriss Offee routinely practiced it. This meditation helped Galen Marek concentrate on finding Darth Vader. When Han Solo woke Luke Skywalker up and found him a meter off the ground, he unintentionally learned the skill. Later, while confined by the Joiners on Woteba, he made use of it. Jacen Solo also liked this kind of meditation because he thought that touching the earth could cause him to lose focus.

68. Force Blast

Both neutral Force-sensitives and evil side practitioners used Force Blast, a powerful Force ability. It released concentrated bursts of dark side energy when activated, frequently causing opponents or things to suffer terrible consequences. The Sickening Blast is an advanced technique that might be built from this skill.

Users could project concentrated bursts of dark side power that could destroy objects or wipe out living things by directing energy via their hands. Controlling such vast energy was difficult at first, but with effort, practitioners were able to master it and harness terrible power that could destroy anything in its path. While using this skill, users occasionally experienced burns to their flesh, but they were painless. Combining the ability with a Sith amulet could increase its potency, although it wasn't necessary.

Between 40 and 44 ABY, a more widespread variant of this tactic was frequently used to hit adversaries using compressed air.

69. Force Focus

A method known as Force Focus, or Force Determination, enabled a user to focus intently on a task by applying the Force. Luke Skywalker used this capability to target the Death Star's thermal exhaust vent with proton torpedoes.

70. Force Generation

The Force skill known as Force Generation allows a person to tap into the Living Force in their Environment and use its energy to further their endeavors by exploring the Force's full potential.

71. Force in Balance

A user could employ the Force in Balance technique to cure their wounds by inflicting harm on their adversaries. A more sophisticated version enhanced the technique's efficacy by combining this capability with Force suppression, which decreased a target's resistance to the Force.

Jedi Sages and Jedi Shadows were trained to use this power during the Cold War.

72. Force Scattering

With the use of the Force Scattering ability, a Jedi might disperse their Force presence over a particular region, making it difficult for others to locate them precisely. In order to hide his identity from Luke Skywalker on Pydyr, Kueller used this tactic to cover a whole town.

73. Force Scribe

Force Scribe was a sophisticated Fallanassi method for writing words on things using the White Current. Only those trained in the White Current could see these permanent inscriptions and interpret, change, or remove them. This capability also made it possible for a practitioner to locate and identify scribing on any object.

74. Force Form

In place of the more conventional lightsaber combat forms, force forms were contemplative battle stances. Although all Jedi were able to connect with the Force, these forms improved a Jedi's sense and control of the Force, frequently at the price of physical strength. Jedi Consulars and others who valued the Force more than lightsaber combat, even in conflict, especially preferred them.

Four primary Force types were identified during the First Jedi Purge:

  • Force Channel
  • Force Potency
  • Force Affinity
  • Force Mastery

75. Hassat-Durr

The Baran Do sages of the Kel Dor created the family of Force methods known as Hassat-durr. These methods, which are translated as "lightning rods," gave the user electromagnetic energy. By mastering hassat-durr, practitioners were able to interfere with shock devices, destroy electrical implants and prosthetics, increase the range of comlink, and even create a non-Dark Side version of white force lightning for use in combat or other practical applications. However, misuse could lead to recurrent lightning strikes, especially during storms.

Ayna-seff, or "dead brain," was one particular technique that took a great deal of expertise to master. Grand Master Luke Skywalker mastered it in two days, while Jedi Knight Jacen Solo learned it in three. Koro Ziil trained Solo in 34 ABY before he turned evil and became Darth Caedus. Tila Mong later succeeded Ziil as Mistress of the Order and taught Skywalker the talent after Ziil rose to become the leader of the Hidden Ones. Luke prevented harm to the Jade's Shadow by using this power to regulate electrical surges on board.

76. Hibernation Trance

A Force ability known as "hibernation trance" allowed Force-sensitive people to go into a deep state of hibernation.

77. Hyperspace Tunneling

Similar to going via hyperspace, hyperspace tunneling was a Force ability utilized for transportation. The Loth-wolves of Lothal used this ability to travel far through the physical world and enter other worlds. Notably, the White Loth-wolf twice used this power to assist Ezra Bridger and his friends in traversing Lothal.

78. Words of Banishment

Jedi Knight Samuro sacrificed his life to imprison the energy vampire Rajine using the Force technique known as "Words of Banishment." Centuries later, Mace Windu turned Rajine's captives against her by releasing them using the method and Samuro's Holocron.

79. Ice Image

The Doomed, who were descended from Jedi and Dark Jedi and were marooned on the planet Kesh, created the Force skill known as "ice image." They were able to observe activities taking place in far-off regions of the world thanks to this power. The Doomed was able to observe the Lost Tribe of Sith and research the fauna of Kesh, especially the winged reptiles known as uvaks, which are utilized as mounts. Kaliska, the Doomed's leader, told Sith princess Takara Hilts in 2974 BBY that this skill had been essential for monitoring activity in the areas under Tribe rule.

80. Force Immersion

The Fallanassi invented a novel technology called force immersion, which enabled a skilled user to blend in with the White Current and become totally undetected by both natural and artificial means. It took careful observation to spot someone employing this method, and even then, weaker-minded people would not be aware of it unless the Fallanassi actively engaged with them. By introducing more people or objects into the White Current, skilled practitioners could also spread the technique to other people.

81. Insight

A Force talent called Insight gave the user a fleeting opportunity to fully perceive their surroundings, enabling them to identify and draw attention to possible dangers. An example of this method was the Force-sensitive scavenger from Jakku named Rey.

82. Ion Generation

After months of attuning to an amethyst tasar crystal, a person could acquire the Force skill known as Ion Generation. With the use of this power, the user was able to produce ions that reduced wrath and promoted kindness.

83. Life Bond

A Force-user might create a lasting mental bond with another person by using the Life Bond Force talent. Picaroon C. Boodle and Gorc, a Sit spawn Dark Jedi, had a life bond that enabled them to converse telepathically, share sensory sensations, and associate their vulnerabilities with the Dark side of the Force and damage. The relationship with Pic sent Jedi Knight Kyle Katarn into a furious rage, which culminated in his murder of Gorc.

84. Mind Walking

The technique known as "mind walking" involved Mind Walkers entering and staying in a world they called "beyond shadows." They would access this dimension and transcend their physical bodies through a particular type of meditation. After the Yuuzhan Vong War, Jacen Solo traveled for five years and developed this method. A few years later, Luke and Ben Skywalker discovered it as well, following Jacen's path to discover what led him to turn to the dark side. To destroy Abeloth, the Sky walkers joined forces with the Lost Tribe of Sith in 44 ABY. Luke, Ben, Sith High Lord Sarasu Taalon, Sith Saber Gavar Khai, and Captain Leeha Faal employed Mind Walking to enter beyond shadows after arriving in the Maw, Abeloth's home world, in an attempt to find her. Later, Luke would use the same tactic once more in an effort to halt Abeloth. Darth Krayt joined him this time, and the two of them joined forces to defeat her.

85. Mindscape

In order to torture and corrupt others, influential Force-sensitive people frequently employed mindscapes, which were Force abilities that generated an environment inside one's Mind, one such instance was when Tenebrae's spirit entered the Outlander's head after his death.

Before 3627 BBY, Tenebrae regained power and began to feed off Jedi Master Satele Shan while imprisoning her in her consciousness. The Commander of the Eternal Alliance, who was originally the Outlander, led a task team that invaded Shan's consciousness in 3626 BBY, liberated her, and finally vanquished Tenebrae.

86. Natural Navigation

After months of attuning to a turquoise tasar crystal, a person could acquire the Force power known as Natural Navigation. As long as the user had a map or a general idea of where they were going, this feature kept them from becoming lost. The person was able to identify magnetic north even in the absence of bearings.

87. Ner Yan

The Cerean Force meditation method known as Ner Yan, or the "mind chord," united the minds of consenting participants into a chaotic yet cohesive Force meld.

88. Phase

You could pass through solid objects like doors and walls with the Force Ability Phase.

89. Poison Sense

A person could acquire the Force power known as Poison Sense after months of attuning to a malachite tasar crystal. This capability allowed the user to identify impurities in a variety of materials, including consumables.

90. Progenitor's Call

Adepts of the Order of Shasa used a Force technique called the Progenitor's Call. By utilizing the inherent strength of the enormous Firaxan shark, which the Selkath regarded as the Progenitor, this ability improved defense during battle.

91. Rebuke

Rebuke, also called Rebuke the Dark, was a Force ability that could potentially return the effects of a single Force power to its source while also allowing the user to deflect or absorb it innocuously. Any Force-sensitive person could use this technique. Karnak Tetsu, a male Sith Offshoot, also used this power, as did Jedi Shadows, who were prominent practitioners.

92. Reduce Injury (Wound Reduction)

Force-sensitive people might decrease the impact of a strike, even one that might have been fatal, by using the Reduce Injury ability. Although the person still suffered harm, it was far less severe.

93. Restful-Sleep-in-Danger

Jedi Knights were able to sleep even in potentially dangerous circumstances by using a Jedi method known as restful sleep in danger. This method allowed them to get the necessary rest while remaining aware of their surroundings.

94. Sand Levitation

A Jedi technique known as "sand levitation" used the Gelviddis Cluster's natural sand to produce holographic-like visuals. It was revealed to Leia Organa Solo when Callista Ming showed her the different training equipment a renegade Jedi group used to teach younglings.

95. Shon-Ju

An old Force skill called Shon-Ju was created to fight without lightsabers. It was well-recognized that Grand Master Pra-Tre Veter was an expert in this field.

96. Soft to Solid

As a kind of natural body armor, the Matukai Force technique known as "Soft to Solid" momentarily changed normally soft body parts into a highly harsh and stiff state. Expert practitioners were able to maintain the effect with ease, but beginners found it challenging to do so. Before deciding to kill them and take control of the ship as his mode of transportation, Darth Plagueis used this power to repel melee strikes from the Woebegone's crew temporarily.

97. Sound Mimicry

Thanks to the Force method, users were able to reproduce sounds they had heard before accurately. In 0 BBY, Obi-Wan Kenobi used this ability to shield an unconscious Luke Skywalker and scare away Tusken Raiders by imitating the roar of a krayt dragon.

98. Stone power

Bluestone, a substance imbued with the Living Force, was the only way to access Stone power, a facet of the Force. Through the use of the blue stone, this power allowed even those who were not Force-sensitive to do feats like telekinesis.

99. Tapas

The Force ability known as "tapas" allowed its user to use the Force to stay warm in frigid temperatures. Jedi Knight Jacen Solo used this method in conjunction with a Force shield to withstand the hostile conditions of an airless mine during the Battle of Ebaq in 28 ABY.

100. Technopathy

Technopathy was the mental control and manipulation of technology. Replicating the old Jedi Rur with advanced artificial intelligence, Immortal Rur was a prominent technopath. In a similar vein, the Order of the Sight Voltaic members and the "phantom passenger" that Grayson, Kanan Jarrus, and Hera Syndulla encountered both demonstrated this skill.

101. Time-Drifting

Time-drifting was a more complex version of flow-walking, an Aing-Tii method that allowed people to wander forward or backward in time by navigating the Force's threads. By mastering this ability, Jacen Solo was able to go back in time to Anakin Skywalker's last days and learn more about his journey to the Dark Side. But there were serious hazards associated with the technique: if time-drifters were seen by the people they were watching, their presence may affect the people's behavior and throw off the chronology.

102. Time-Stream

The concept of time as an observable, continuous forward flow is known as the "time stream." Some of the galaxy's inhabitants, such as the H'drachi Seers, claimed to be able to sense the time stream using the Force. They said that this power enabled them to predict and change future occurrences, causing time to diverge.

103. Vitali

In 382 BBY, the Sephi Tey Sirrek claimed to have the Force power Vitali. In a battle with Jedi Vildar Mac, Tey demonstrated his command of Vitali and other skills while rendering the Jedi unconscious using biological pheromones.