The Gray Jedi Code: A Comprehensive Guide to Its Teachings

One of the most well-liked works of Star Wars media is the 2003 video game Knights of the Old Republic by BioWare, which is enjoyed by fans of both the canon and Legends history. The game introduced a number of noteworthy characters, including Jolee Bindo, a former Jedi who joins the player's crew after living in exile on Kashyyyk.

Following a series of arguments with the High Council, who viewed Jolee Bindo as reckless and denounced his frequent disrespect for their authority, he quit the Jedi Order. As an early manifestation of the Gray Jedi archetype in Star Wars, he offers a viewpoint that deviates from the rigid codes of the Sith and Jedi.

We'll start this post by defining a Gray Jedi. We will then give a summary of the Jedi Code so that you can see how their ideologies differ. We will conclude by discussing the Gray Jedi Code, its motto, and the principles that set Gray Jedi apart from Sith and regular Jedi.

1. What is a Gray Jedi?

The phrase "Gray Jedi" has two primary connotations. First, it described Force users who managed to balance the Force's dark and light aspects without completely giving in to the latter. Secondly, it discussed Jedi who did not adhere to the Jedi Code and separated from the Jedi High Council. True Gray Jedi did not follow any Force tradition and satisfied both requirements. Former Jedi Padawan Jolee Bindo, who served the Old Republic, is an example of a Gray Jedi. Some Gray Jedi were able to use both light-side and dark-side talents; however, the word did not always indicate this. Like "Dark Jedi," this name applied to all Force users and was not limited to former Jedi.

The phrase was occasionally used to refer to Jedi who were viewed as unconventional or rebellious and who did not live up to the rigid standards of the Jedi Order. For example, Qui-Gon Jinn's conflicts with the Jedi High Council led some members of the Order to view him as a Gray Jedi. It was also used to refer to a group of renegade Jedi who called themselves the Gray Paladins. Despite their preference for blasters and their belief in minimal dependence on the Force, they still followed most of the Jedi Code.

When the Jedi High Council attempted to centralize the Order and increase its authority during the Old Sith Wars, the term's roots can be found. There were Jedi who felt their allegiance should be to the Force and thought the Council had no power to rewrite the Jedi Code. The Council and these early Gray Jedi disagreed over modifications to the Code, including constraints on training and attachment. Bindo wore a variant of the particular robe style that was commonly identified with Gray Jedi at the time. The New Jedi Order subsequently used the term "Gray Jedi" to refer to whole Force traditions that did not embrace the dark side but deviated from conventional Jedi beliefs. The Jensaarai and the Imperial Knights are two instances of such organizations.

2. What is the Jedi Code?

A set of tenets and beliefs known as the Jedi Code served as the Jedi Order's compass. This Code, which was applicable to all Jedi grades within the Order—initiates, Padawan's, Knights, and Masters—evolved over generations.

One of the rules of the Code was that Jedi could not train more than one Padawan at a time. With its emphasis on self-control, reflection, and self-discipline, the Code also embodied the fundamental philosophical principles of the Order. It was created to assist the Jedi in rejecting the temptations of the dark side of the Force and remaining dedicated to the light side.

The Great Jedi Purge nearly destroyed the Order during the Imperial Era, leaving only a handful of Jedi Code adherents. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker taught his disciples, including his nephew Ben Solo, to follow the Jedi Code when the Order was founded during the New Republic Era.

3. What Is the Gray Jedi Code?

The Gray Jedi Code, like the Jedi and Sith Codes, was the motto of all those who followed the Gray Jedi's path. It was written by the Order's first Cage, Leor Daniel, who said he was inspired by it while in a Force Trance and saw a vision.

4. What Does the Gray Jedi Code's Mantra Teach?

The motto of the Gray Jedi Code embodies the fundamental ideas of Gray Jedi thought. It emphasizes how crucial it is to maintain equilibrium by accepting the Force's dark and light sides. In contrast to the Jedi Code, which emphasizes solely restraint and calm, the Gray Jedi Code celebrates power, intellect, and passion—but always with wisdom and inner peace. This phrase encourages accepting both creation and destruction and viewing the Force as a guiding principle in everything.

  • Throughout it all, there is equilibrium.
  • Without a desire to create, there can be no tranquility.
  • Without the tranquility to lead, there can be no desire.
  • Without the will to take action, knowledge wanes.
  • Blinders with power without the peace to see.
  • Life is free.
  • Death has a purpose.
  • I am the Force, and the Force is everything.

5. What Does Balance in the Force Mean for the Gray Jedi?

"There is balance flowing through everything."

Although the Light and Dark sides of the Force were inherent, the Gray Jedi felt that they could not be separated without dire repercussions. If the Sith and the Dark Side were to become dominant, life would descend into self-destruction and ultimately end. On the other hand, if the Jedi and their quest for peace were allowed to take unbridled power, the galaxy would eventually deteriorate due to inaction and stasis. The Gray Jedi insisted that all components of the Force must be comprehended and honored, acknowledging the importance of both.

One of the central tenets of Gray Jedi thought was balance. The galaxy would unavoidably fall into inertia or chaos without it. They committed themselves to preserving this balance, serving as its stewards via their Force sensitivity. The Gray Jedi valued the results above means and felt that occasionally, ethically dubious actions were necessary to achieve equilibrium. They were willing to take extreme means, such as altering or destroying entire planets, to bring civilizations back into harmony, even though this was the ideal.

6. How Do Passion and Peace Relate in Gray Jedi Philosophy?

"A passion for creating is necessary for peace."

"Without peace to lead, passion cannot exist."

Passion was necessary for the Gray Jedi to live a purposeful life. Without it, one could become distracted by meditation and lose sight of the outside world and one's physical body. To properly channel this fire, though, one needed the discipline of inner tranquility. Peace without passion created stagnation and apathy, while passion without peace brought turmoil and madness.

7. What Is the Connection Between Knowledge, Action, and Power for Gray Jedi?

"Knowledge wanes if one lacks the courage to take action."

"Power blinds who lack the poise to see."

The Gray Jedi thought that information was useless unless it was used to bring about significant change, even though seeking knowledge and understanding was a worthy effort. In a similar vein, the power that existed to further its interests became destructive and hollow. Purposeful use of power and wisdom required both calm and strength.

8. What do Gray Jedi Believe About Life?

"Life is full of freedom."

"Death serves a purpose."

The interaction of these forces allowed life, with its innate chaos and Order, to flourish. The Gray Jedi acknowledged this dualism as essential. Although neither could be completely eradicated, there were occasions when laws needed to be broken and times when anarchy needed to be contained. This dynamic tension propelled the galaxy's expansion, development, and rebirth. For the Gray Jedi, change was a part of life.

9. How Do Gray Jedi Embrace the Entirety of the Force?

"I am the Force, and the Force is everything."

The Force represented every aspect of life—good and evil, life and death, action and reaction, peace and war—and the Gray Jedi knew that they could not embrace or reject any of these elements to preserve life. To truly embrace reality, it was necessary to acknowledge every aspect of the Force. The goal of the Gray Jedi's actions was to become whole individuals and legitimate stewards of the Force.

10. Is the Gray Jedi Code Canon?

It's important to discuss if Gray Jedi are canon before discussing the Gray Jedi Code. "Gray Jedi" is not regarded as canonical. A division called the Lucasfilm Story Group was created when Disney acquired Lucasfilm to manage the Star Wars franchise's canon and timeline following its partial reboot before The Force Awakens. Gray Jedi are not included in the official canon, as verified by Star Wars Lore Advisor Pablo Hidalgo on multiple occasions. The term is still used primarily because fans don't have a formal term for Force-sensitive people who exhibit characteristics of Gray Jedi.

The phrase "Gray Jedi" is still used in Legends. However, the Lucasfilm Story Group is adamant that using both sides of the Force does not produce balance when it comes to balancing the Light and Dark aspects of the Force. Rather, they stress that because the Dark Side is essentially destructive and corrupting, relying on it always inhibits equilibrium.