History Of Rey's Lightsaber and Which Sabers are Used by Rey
Like many other Star Wars characters, Rey has many unanswered questions. Learning about the main character in the Star Wars trilogy's sequels is entertaining. She is a Jedi embarking on a new adventure carrying on the Jedi tradition. Rey's lightsabers, like her, are a total mystery. She held several lightsabers until the conclusion, as is customary in sequels.
Let's discuss some fascinating things about Rey's lightsabers and herself that we don't know, even though we want to see more films about her.
Rey Skywalker
As a young scavenger, Rey lived alone in Jakku's wastes. To make ends meet in that poor society, she sold trash to junk vendors.
Kira was Rey's real name. The phrase was first used by George Lucas in his book The Last Jedi. Actress Daisy Ridley claims that the cast changed the name. She didn't realize her name had been changed to Rey until the movie Force Awakens began production. She was unaware of it until director J.J. Abrahams told her about it after the shoot had started.
Kira's Japanese name appeals to George Lucas, just like Luke's. But today, the fans also think Rey sounds perfect.
Despite having a difficult upbringing, Rey Skywalker had a bright future ahead of her. After discovering Luke's lightsaber, she turned into a Jedi. After receiving training from both Leia and Luke, she completed the Dark Threats and permanently killed Palpatine.
Before and during her murder of Palpatine, Rey held several lightsabers. Before discussing Rey's lightsabers and their hues and meanings, let's talk about everything.
The Granddaughter of Palpatine
Palpatine was the murderer of Rey's parents, and Rey was his grandchild. For both her and the fans, it was hardly a shocking event. Despite being thrown by Darth Vader, Palpatine managed to survive somehow. He was in hiding, getting ready for his "Final Order." His whole strategy was to be murdered by Rey to leave her the Sith heritage. But that was the exact reverse of what he had hoped for.
Even a Sith lord cannot predict who will be the next Sith, even though the Dark Forces always prevail. Palpatine has a granddaughter named Rey. Nevertheless, she opted for the Force's light side. She embodied the Jedi legacy rather than the Sith traditions.
There was a reason she named herself Skywalker. Leia and Luke, her teachers, were both Sky walkers. She referred to herself as Skywalker because she saw them as their parents, who properly guided her.
Rey's Lightsaber Colors
Let's examine all of Rey's lightsabers and find out exactly where she obtained them.
Rey's Lightsaber Blue Color
Luke's blue lightsaber, sometimes called the Skywalker lightsaber, was Rey's first. Luke Skywalker lost this lightsaber during his battle with Darth Vader on Cloud City. About twenty years after Cloud City, Rey Skywalker discovered it in a fortress.
When Rey went to meet his friend Maz on a planet with Han Solo, she could hear murmurs calling her into the castle's basement. She located the blue lightsaber by going down.
Rey used Luke's blue lightsaber in all three of the sequel trilogy's episodes. Rey wasn't a Jedi pro. In the first episode, she received no instruction. Nevertheless, she could wield the Force and even use this blue Rey's lightsaber to destroy Kylo Ren.
2nd Rey's Lightsaber (Leia Skywalker's Lightsaber)
As demonstrated in "The Last Jedi," Rey wielded a second lightsaber. She had her Jedi training from Luke on the Ahch-To planet, as is well known. Luke handed him another lightsaber before she went to battle Palpatine. Entering his hut, he extracted a blue lightsaber from a hidden closet.
He informed her that the lightsaber belonged to her sister, Leia. When Leia was younger, she received Jedi training and used this blue lightsaber. Rey received this blue lightsaber from Luke.
She now attacked Palpatine with both blue lightsabers. Her lightsaber fighting style was well-suited to the twin lightsaber. However, during the battle, she dropped Leia's lightsaber. She used her first lightsaber to defeat Palpatine.
Rey's Lightsaber Switch
The sequels showed Rey's lightsaber switch. Although she didn't use it, she saw one in her vision.
Kylo Ren was steering her into the Dark Side of the Force. Ren most likely tricked her into having this vision. Rey envisioned her sporting a red lightsaber switch and a Sith cape.
Pong Krell, who fought in the Clone Wars, used a lightsaber switch identical to Rey's. Pong Krell could unfold and fold his lightsaber. He had two lightsaber blades parallel to one another as he folded it. He receives a double-bladed lightsaber when he unfolds it.
There were two parallel blades on Rey's lightsaber. It implied she would have a red lightsaber switch if she embraced the Dark Side.
"The Dark Side is powerful, and those who oppose it are more powerful," Obi-Wan famously remarked. It's possible that Rey had a vision of herself becoming a Sith lord, but she rejected it. Ultimately, she developed into one of the most formidable Jedi in history.
Rey's Lightsaber Yellow
Rey Skywalker appeared in the series' finale with a brand-new, stylish lightsaber. She returned to Jakku planet after killing Darth Sidious. She buried both of their blue lightsabers to honor her professors' legacy. She then lit a fresh lightsaber, revealing an unexpected shade of Rey yellow.
Her lightsaber was a typical yellow one. Upon closer inspection, Rey's yellow lightsaber appeared to be more of a rudimentary design. She made the hilt herself using some metal components. She was familiar with scavenged parts and their applications. But it's unclear where he obtained a yellow Kyber crystal.
After losing the blue lightsaber, Luke Skywalker briefly used a yellow one. Rey used his first lightsaber. She likely opted to use his yellow lightsaber after finding it somewhere.
Will Rey's yellow lightsaber be seen again? Time will tell.
Rey's Yellow Lightsaber Meaning
The officials explain the yellow lightsaber, just as each hue in Star Wars has a meaning.
Because of his purple lightsaber, we know that Mace Windu was aware of both the Dark and Light Forces. Similarly, Rey's blue lightsabers identified her as a Jedi. Rey may have had ties to both the Jedi and the Sith, as evidenced by her yellow lightsaber.
According to the narrative, she was Palpatine's granddaughter. Her blood has a deep link to the Dark Side. She also trained under the two greatest Jedi in history and gained extensive knowledge of the Light Side of the Force. Because of her connection to both sides of the Force, Rey may have a yellow lightsaber.
However, authorities also say the yellow lightsaber might herald a new age. She intended to stop the Sith/Jedi legacy, so she carried a yellow lightsaber and buried the blue ones.
Who originally built Rey's first lightsaber?
Anakin Skywalker was the original maker of Rey's first lightsaber.
What color is Rey's personal lightsaber?
Rey has a yellow lightsaber of her own.
Why does Rey's lightsaber color change to yellow?
As a Jedi, the color yellow represents her individuality and path.
What happens to Rey's lightsaber at the end of the saga?
A new Jedi age begins as Rey buries the ancient lightsabers and takes her own.
What does the evolution of Rey's lightsaber signify in the saga?
It marks the beginning of a new age for the Jedi and a change from conventional responsibilities.
To summarize, Rey's lightsaber represents a significant development in the "Stir Wars" story. Originally, Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber was used to create Skywalker's need weapon. Then Luke Skywalker received it. It was thereafter inherited by Rey, signifying her legacy. It is damaged and repaired throughout the flicks. In the end, Rey makes her own lightsaber. It is yellow, signifying her extraordinary Jedi journey. Traditional Jedi responsibilities have changed, as evidenced by this transition from freny's use to yellow. Thus, Rey's lightsaber represents both her freedom and the new Jedi era.