Luke Skywalker
Growing up on a moist farm on the desert planet Tatooine, Luke Skywalker would go on to become one of the most well-known Jedi Masters. Through his exploits, he fought with Princess Leia and smuggler Han Solo in a titanic conflict against the Empire, the malevolent governmental entity that the Dark Side of the Force's powers were surreptitiously assembling in order to acquire control of the galaxy. Luke fought the Sith's impending threat to save his companions and his world from evil rule during his adventures, and he discovered his true ancestry and family.
However, that idyllic start was short-lived.
The gloomy views of Luke's nephew and pupil, Ben Solo, son of Han and Leia, marred his attempt to revitalize the Jedi Order by establishing a new academy. Luke battled this issue and almost succumbed to evil in his attempt to fix it. After Ben gave in to the Dark Side, Luke abandoned the world and his dreams and banished himself to a solitary, far-off planet in the center of the Force.
But the battle was far from done, and Luke was asked to take part in one more battle.
History of Luke Skywalker
The Galactic Civil War
Living as a moisture farmer in the middle of a desolate desert, Luke was brought up by his aunt and uncle on Tatooine. He didn't know his mother, and he didn't know who his father really was since he thought he had been slain fighting the Empire, which was an awful force. He had aspirations of living an interesting life like many young men do. For him, this manifested as aspirations to fly and fight for the Rebellion against the Empire's army. He saw it as continuing the family's tradition of bravery and walking in his father's shoes. His uncle forbade it.
Ironically, though, Luke's life was drastically altered, and his world was opened up by his uncle's procurement of new droids. Luke yearned for a simple adventure, but R2-D2 and C-3PO brought a link to much more. R2 was able to escape his restraint bolt long enough to get away during the night, possibly by luck but more likely via deception. He had been sent on a mission to track down and enlist Obi-Wan Kenobi's assistance, which included the message fragment he had shared with Luke and C-3PO.
Luke, accompanied by C-3PO, sets out to find the droid out of fear of his uncle's wrath and disappointment. Although the two are ambushed by Tusked Raiders (Sand People), this setback ultimately serves as their opportunity to contact Kenobi, who fends the raiders off and saves them. The man R2 set out to discover, the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, is actually the hermit, who is referred to locally as Ben Kenobi. Kenobi discloses that he taught Luke's father, and the two of them engaged in combat with the Dark Side of the Force. Luke then inquired about his father's death from Kenobi. Darth Vader, who killed Luke's father after turning to the Dark Side, was held accountable by Kenobi. Additionally, he presents Luke with his father's lightsaber, which he inherits.
Obi-Wan and Luke then see Princess Leia's holorecording requesting Obi-Wan's assistance. R2's memory banks include the stolen blueprints for the Empire's greatest weapon, the Death Star. She requests that Obi-Wan bring them to the planet Aldean to see her father.
Luke is urged to follow Obi-Wan on his quest to become a member of the Rebellion and study the ways of the Force. Despite his desire, Luke is aware that his departure would severely impair his uncle and aunt's capacity to make a livelihood and would be too large a loss to them on the farm. The offer is declined. Luke's aunt and uncle have been murdered when Obi-Wan returns him to the farm after accepting this. After reading the evidence, Obi-Wan concludes that Imperial Stormtroopers were the ones who attacked and attempted to conceal their actions, which were staged to resemble a Tusked Raider attack. Luke promises to join his father's Jedi Knights and battle the Empire.
To escape Tatooine and reach the coordinates of Aldean, the two and the droids recruit Han Solo and Chewbacca, a smuggling team. However, they discover that the plant has been destroyed by the Death Star and its commander, Darth Vader. They are dragged aboard the weapon's infrastructure after trying to escape but getting trapped in the tractor-beam.
The fact that Princess Leia herself is being kept captive on the Death Star is revealed to them as they seek to escape the Stormtroopers. Darth Vader and Obi-Wan engage in lightsaber combat as they are ready to flee after saving her and turning off the tractor beam. In order to enable himself to be absorbed into the Force and give his friends time to go, Obi-Wan switches off his weapon.
Plans for the Death Star are in hand when they gather at the Rebel base on Yavne 4. Luke and (unwillingly and nearly too late) Han Solo join the battle as part of a planned attack expedition. Ultimately, Luke concentrates on the Force and, guided by Obi-Wan's voice, fires the shot that brings down the Death Star.
That being said, neither Darth Vader nor the Empire were annihilated.
Returning with greater vigor, the Empire locates and assaults the Rebel base on the ice planet Hoch. On patrol, Luke, who is now a commander, almost dies. A Tampa, a massive creature that resembles a cross between an ape, a polar bear, and a ram, encounters him when he is examining the impact of an object that appears to be a meteor but is actually an Imperial Probe. He manages to use his lightsaber to slash off its arm and escape into the cold, almost killing it in the process. A vision of Obi-Wan visits Luke during the torture, and he is urged to seek out Yoda, a well-known Jedi Master who can teach him the secrets of the Force in the Dagobah system.
Since Luke hasn't returned from patrol yet, Han decides to go out into the bitterly cold night to locate him. They have no way back after he does, and his taunting collapses from the cold. Crawling in after his companion, Han slits the beast's belly and shoves him inside. The beast's leftover heat and their homemade shelter keep them warm enough to survive until rescuers arrive in the morning.
After recovering from his wounds, Luke joins the fight against the Empire, which launches attacks with ground forces, enormous AT-AT walkers, and Tie Fighters. The Rebels are able to stall the Imperial troops long enough for the majority of their men to flee, but the Imperial forces ultimately prevail in the conflict. Following the battle, Luke follows Obi-Wan's advice and leaves for Dagobah.
Luke does not anticipate Yoda. Luke discovers a curious, small green thing that speaks strangely and behaves more like a bit of rodent or insect than a Jedi Master—at least initially—instead of some intimidating behemoth or torn warrior. But after Yoda consents to train Luke, the strength of the tiny creature is made apparent, and Luke discovers that the Force is powerful enough to win regardless of the warrior's size or the difficulty of the task. Together with incredible strength, dexterity, and telekinetic abilities, the Force also offers some understanding of what is going on elsewhere or what the future might bring. Luke experiences a vision of his pals in pain and danger during one of his training sessions. He departs his training early to assist them, defying Yoda's instruction.
After arriving in Cloud City, Luke steps directly into Vader's trap. During the fight, it's clear that Luke is outmatched. After Vader severs Luke's hand, defeat seems inevitable. At this juncture in the duel, Luke discovers that Darth Vader is actually his father. By overthrowing the emperor and ruling the galaxy together, Vader urges Luke to join him. Luke has heartbreak. Refusing to accept Vader's offer, he instead plunges into the city's center and escapes with his life.
After that, Luke takes the lead in an effort to free Han Solo from his frozen carbonite captivity. Back on Tatooine, Jabba the Hutt has ownership of both. Luke, who has gained a great deal of strength, enters Jabba's lair to negotiate for Han's life, but Jabba is also more substantial than Luke had thought. Then a vast beast named a rancor, who is determined to devour Luke, drops him through a trap door and into a prison. Luke defeats the beast, nevertheless, since he is more potent than Jabba thought. Though they are still being held, the heroes escape when the buddies are led into the desert to be fed to the Senlac.
After that, Luke goes back to Dagobah to finish his training, only to discover that Yoda is nearing the end of his lengthy life. In his final remarks to Luke, Yoda says that instruction is no longer necessary but that he has to face his father, Darth Vader. Yoda also discloses that Princess Leia, Luke's secret sister, is another Skywalker.
The Empire is occupied with creating a new Death Star during these times. Darth Vader and the emperor are present, and the Rebel Alliance has devised a sophisticated scheme to demolish it. After meeting up with the other heroes on Endor, Luke departs them when he notices Vader close, knowing that his presence will jeopardize the mission. Declaring that he thinks his father is still decent, Luke approaches the Death Star and confronts both him and the emperor. It's too late for Vader, the emperor says, laughing at him. Luke and his father get into a battle after the emperor teases him and feeds the heightened tension. After nearly killing Vader, Luke ultimately remembers his Force training and fights against hatred and rage. He tosses his weapon aside.
The Sith lord uses Force Lightning to attack Luke after the emperor is unable to transform him, almost killing him with several bursts. Vader uses his final might to cast his son into an abyss after turning on the emperor after witnessing his suffering. In the final moments before his death, Luke reconciles with his father and reattaches Vader to the Light Side.
After his friends blow up the station, Luke flees, making him entire once more and a Jedi in his own right.
The New Republic
As usual, Luke took R2-D2 with him on his journey around the galaxy in search of Jedi lore and the resources to restore the order to its former might and power following the Battle of Endor. After his students are killed and Ben Solo succumbs to the Dark Side, Luke loses hope in his dreams and disappears into the galaxy's remote corners, leaving no trace of his whereabouts.
The First Order
Orphan and scavenger Rey, who has an enigmatic connection to the Force, finds Luke on Auch-To and pleads with him to aid the Resistance and help her comprehend the relationship between her and the Force they were having. Luke declines, informing her that it is time for the Jedi to die out because he is still grieving over the previous events. She persists, and Luke eventually promises to teach her enough to comprehend why the Jedi order ought to disband.
Despite her initial reluctance, Rey persists in trying to persuade Luke that the galaxy needs the legend of Luke Skywalker to offer them hope against evil. He continues to reject. Luke, who the encounter has transformed, has the Force-Ghost of Yoda teach him one final lesson before she departs from Auch-To.
By projecting himself to face Kylo Ren on Crate, Luke ultimately enables the Resistance to flee the First Order. As Yoda and Obi-Wan had done, he then let himself be reabsorbed into the Force.
But his mythology grew even more massive.
Lesser Known Facts About Luke Skywalker
Here are some things that most people aren't aware of:
1. Luke built his green lightsaber (deleted scene, Return of the Jedi)
In 2010, thousands of spectators witnessed a rare cut sequence from Return of the Jedi: Luke's construction of the green lightsaber. At Celebration V, the well-known scene was shown on the big screen.
2. Luke's Floating Severed Hand (The Force Awakens, scrapped scene)
According to Mark Hamill, there was discussion during the film's development about The Force Awakens opening with a scene showing Luke's severed hand floating in space above Jakku while still holding the blue lightsaber. The hand would then fall onto the desert planet, burning up as it did so, but the saber would survive. The renowned weapon was supposed to be picked up by an extraterrestrial hand as the sequence came to a close, possibly tying Maz Kanata's possession of it to its disappearance earlier in the series.