The Secret of Mace Windu Blue Lightsaber

Mace Windu, with his intriguing purple lightsaber, is undoubtedly one of the most memorable figures in the Star Wars universe. But little is known about the blue lightsaber he formerly wielded. We shall go into great detail about Mace Windu's saber's construction and uncover its mysteries in this post.

The evolution of Mace Windu's lightsaber from blue to purple

Windu's Blue lightsaber

Jedi Master Mace Windu actually possessed two sabers during his Jedi career—one blue and one purple—but his purple lightsaber was too well-known to hide the fact that he also had another weapon.

When he was a Jedi Knight, he used the machine to create this blue lightsaber. This blue saber, which was made under Professor Hu Yang's supervision, features a red length adjuster on the blue blade and a conical heat sink shell on the metallic gray hilt. His early Jedi career was greatly aided by this little-known blue saber, which helped to keep the galaxy peaceful and calm down a lot of tumultuous situations.

Transition from blue to purple lightsaber

The purple Kyber crystal and Mace Windu's acquisition of a purple lightsaber are inextricably linked in the Star Wars canon. Windu acquired this rare purple crystal after finishing a special assignment, and he utilized it to make his new saber by using it as the saber's core.

What does Mace Windu's blue lightsaber represent

The hue of the saber has a deep symbolic value in the Star Wars world and represents the specific camp. The Jedi Guardians, who are renowned for their exceptional fighting abilities and commitment to upholding justice and peace in the galaxy, are typically linked to the blue lightsaber. This is ideal for Mace Windu's persona, who is a fervent supporter of galactic peace and an exceptional fighter.

The blue lightsaber also stands for justice and a strong dedication to the Force's light side. Mace Windu has always vowed to use his abilities to defend the galaxy's peace against the Sith.

The blue lightsaber also represents Windu's early years and the start of his Force mastery, as he progressively expanded his knowledge of the Force and developed a unique style of saber battle.

What does Mace Windu's purple lightsaber represent

Mace Windu's purple lightsaber represents the harmony between the Force's light and dark aspects. Windu effortlessly uses the purple saber and its power because he can control and harness the evil side of the Force without being consumed by it.

In the Jedi Order, Mace Windu's purple lightsaber also represents his great rank and might. His standing as a senior member of the Jedi Council is indicated by the amber gold coating on the saber's hilt.

Essential Battles of Mace Windu Blue Lightsaber

Although Mace Windu's blue lightsaber was used in a number of significant conflicts throughout his early Jedi Knight career, the Yinchorri Uprising stands out as the most critical conflict.

One significant event that took place around 33 BBY was the Yinchorri Uprising. The Jedi Council stepped in after the Yinchorri rebelled against the Galactic Republic. The Jedi Knights fought the Yinchorri under the leadership of Mace Windu. Mace Windu led his forces to attack the enemy's well-defended fortifications while brandishing a blue lightsaber. In the end, the Jedi Knights prevailed, and the galaxy remained peaceful under Mace Windu's command.

Lightsaber Forms, Mastered by Mace Windu

1. Shii-Cho

The simplest lightsaber combat form is Shii-Cho. Jedi Knights typically need to study this form since it serves as the foundation for all other saber combat forms. Mace Windu's profound understanding of Shii-Cho provided a strong basis for his later study of different forms.

2. Makashi

Makashi prioritizes accuracy and effectiveness. It emphasizes balance and controlled strikes and is intended for lightsaber duels. Windu's familiarity with Makashi enhances his dueling abilities, enabling him to defeat his adversaries with speed and precision frequently.

3. Soresu

Out of all the lightsaber forms, Soresu is the most defensive. It has a practical defensive stance. Windu is practically unbeatable in defensive combat with his command of Soresu, which enables him to parry strikes and deflect blaster missiles with ease.

4. Ataru

Aggression is a characteristic of Ataru. There is a lot of jumping, spinning, and quick motions in it, and Windu's skill with Ataru gives his combat style an element of surprise.


The highest level of Mace Windu's lightsaber proficiency is the seventh form, particularly the Vaapad version. Vaapad is Windu's evolution of the Juyo form, which brings the Jedi's inner darkness into combat. Juyo is notorious for being violent and erratic. Because the practitioner must balance the light and dark aspects of the Force, this form is hazardous and challenging to learn, but the benefits are enormous. Windu can easily overcome the majority of opponents in this form.

Who has a purple lightsaber?

The color purple is highly uncommon. Only a few individuals in the Star Wars universe have held purple lightsabers, including Mace Windu, who possesses a purple saber.

1. Darth Reavn

Revan's Force is mighty. Revan has two lightsabers—one purple and one red—because, like Windu, he is able to grasp the balance between the dark and light parts of the Force.

2.Mara Jade Skywalker

Mara Jade once used a purple lightsaber in the Star Wars Expanded Universe. After serving Emperor Palpatine, she was dubbed the Emperor's Hand before becoming a Jedi Knight. Her purple saber also symbolizes her transition from the dark side to the light side.

3. Jaina Solo

In the Expanded Universe, Jana Solo, the daughter of Han Solo and Leia Organa, also wielded a purple lightsaber. She stood out from other Jedi Knights since the color of her weapon mirrored her strength and personality.


In addition to being a weapon, Mace Windu's blue lightsaber represents his development as a person and his advancement in the Force. Thanks to the change from blue to purple swords, we can better comprehend Mace Windu's development in Star Wars.


1. How many lightsabers has Mace Windu had?

A blue lightsaber from his Jedi days and a purple lightsaber are the two lightsabers that Mace Windu has owned.

2. What is the significance of Mace Windu's blue lightsaber?

The blue lightsaber that Mace Windu wields represents both his early Jedi Knight experiences and his growing comprehension of the Force.

3. Where did Mace Windu's blue lightsaber come from?

Professor Hujan, a droid, taught Windu how to make his blue saber, which he used as a weapon on his first expedition.

4. How many forms of lightsaber would Mace Windu use?

Shii-Cho, Makashi, Soresu, Ataru, and Juyo/Vaapad are the five lightsaber forms that Mace Windu will utilize as a Jedi Master.

5. Is Mace Windu the only one with a purple lightsaber?

No, in addition to Windu, purple lightsabers have also been utilized by Darth Revan and Mara Jade.