What Does a Yellow Lightsaber Mean?
A Jedi wielding a lightsaber, either green or blue. Make sure.
The yellow lightsaber of a Jedi. Check again.
Hold on. What?
You said that the Jedi were only known to use lightsabers that were blue and green, correct?
Now that new hues like yellow have been introduced, it's time to brush up on your Star Wars knowledge.
Does the Jedi have the yellow lightsaber, or is it only the Jedi? I'm very sure that when you think about Rey Skywalker, you're shouting "yes" in your mind.
That being said, what if I told you that yellow lightsabers are more than just Rey Skywalker?
Yellow lightsabers are the most distinctive color in the Star Wars universe. In contrast to the standard Jedi rules, they have unique qualities.
What may those regulations be, then, and what does the yellow lightsaber mean?
First, let's discover what it means. We'll simplify things by decoding the meaning based on the periods in the Star Wars universe!
Yellow Lightsabers & Star Wars Canon
A Jedi will often form a relationship with his Kyber Crystal and watch for the color to emerge in accordance with his characteristics. This is also how green and blue lightsabers have been made. The Order ranks Jedi based on their "School of thought," as we also know. The Jedi lightsaber's hue corresponds to his rank.
Many Jedi with blue and green sabers were present in the early Clone Wars era. However, a third rank that wields yellow lightsabers is called the "Jedi Sentinels." They resemble and differ greatly from the Jedi Guardians and Consular.
Disney's "Canon" states that Jedi Sentinels serve as a liaison between Jedi Guardians and the Jedi Consular.
"Sentinels are distinct from other ranks in that they immediately establish a connection with the force." Most of their job is done outside of the force, and they use practical skills.
In addition,
Cuban Specialties of sentinels include medical, art, machinery, spies, and investigators. In contrast to the Jedi guardian and consular, they are realistic and intelligent.
This example will quickly clarify things for you!
When an issue arises, a Jedi Guardian brandishing a blue lightsaber will employ his fighting abilities to destroy the adversary or the problem. The green lightsaber-wielding Jedi Consular, on the other hand, will adopt Master Yoda's tactful and pensive strategy. On the other hand, Jedi Sentinel will use his medical or computer expertise to resolve issues. When the need arises, they will really grab a screwdriver and start working.
Yellow Lightsaber & The Clone Wars
You will encounter a lot of yellow lightsabers during the Clone Wars. In reality, these are weapons given to the "Jedi Temple Guards." The guards are carefully chosen from "The Order" to fulfill their duty of defending the Jedi Temple.
They possess yellow pike. The purpose of Kyber Crystal lightsabers is to safeguard the Jedi refuge, wisdom, and belongings. When a Jedi knight is promoted to guard, they give up their old lightsaber. Furthermore, the yellow lightsaber serves as a pretext for the temple guards to be unique and covert. In what way?
Unlike Snoike's Praetorian guards, who use ridiculous individual weaponry, the Jedi temple guards wear their costumes and weapons in a uniform.
The premise is that they are emotionally detachment and need recognition.
Not bad.
With a double-bladed yellow lightsaber in their hands, these Jedi have humbled themselves to serve the Jedi Temple's mysteries. To carry out their duties, they multiply among themselves and merge in this way.
The fact that there are fewer remaining and more green and blue lightsabers due to the Clone Wars is regrettable.
A bought-off yellow lightsaber?
Another yellow lightsaber was seen in Clone Wars when bounty hunter Asajj Ventress purchased one on the black market. It was designed by Will Nicholas and initially intended for her character.
Instead of the Jedi temple guards' pikes, her lightsaber had a cylindrical hilt and resembled a blade.
Asajj spent the remainder of her bounty-hunting career using her yellow lightsaber. Apart from that, the yellow lightsaber has no profound significance for Asajj persona.
Yellow Lightsaber & The Legends
Once more, a sky walker? Yes, you are correct. If it weren't for Sky walkers, Star Wars wouldn't be complete. Do you not concur?
You can't say that's the sole cause, though. Rey Skywalker is commonly linked to yellow, and her belief was first demonstrated in The Rise of Sky walkers.
Rey never felt a connection, even though she was his granddaughter and descended from the Palpatine. Defying her fate, she really went ahead and fought against Palpatine. When asked by a woman on the planet Tatooine, she identified herself as a Skywalker.
Why is it crucial to understand her past? We are aware that your beliefs and personality are reflected in the color that the Kyber Crystals display. For a lot of fans, the moment Rey Skywalker raised her lightsaber and a distinct shade of yellow emerged against the Tatooine waste was a mystical one. Instead of being blue like the lightsaber she uses, it is a bright yellow. It's interesting to note that the beam was fastened to a hilt that Rey had made herself out of refuse she had gathered in Jakku.
For Rey, a distinctive color's appearance symbolizes her struggle against fate. She declared herself to be a Skywalker. Furthermore, it represents her being the sole surviving Jedi Skywalker. She must protect the Jedi knowledge since she is its only bearer. She was devoted to all Jedi schools of thought and supported the path of light. Finally, and perhaps most significantly, yellow symbolizes Rey's complete embrace of the force.
Luke's secret yellow lightsaber?
Using a yellow lightsaber, Luke Skywalker?
Because we've seen that in movies, green and blue are acceptable, but a yellow lightsaber? The reason for this is that Luke hasn't had any screen time with a yellow lightsaber. However, there are many unanswered questions regarding Luke Skywalker's past. Now is the time to solve all the puzzles that have been bothering you.
Jesus Seize created the artwork in the latest Star Wars Web Comic, authored by Charles Soule. The comic narrates the "Unseen adventures of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and the Rebel Alliance " to solve several puzzles. R.B. Silva's illustration of the cover revealed a glimpse of a younger Luke Skywalker brandishing a yellow lightsaber. The sixth Star Wars issue, published in 2020, featured Luke battling Darth Vader while looking for his misplaced lightsaber.
He substitutes a yellow lightsaber for it. As of right moment, it has no particular significance.
Due to the comic's lack of screen time. To quench your insatiable curiosity, go to the closest store and pick up a comic.
Were there other Jedi?
We already know that a few Jedi have produced a yellow lightsaber. Were there any Jedi besides the guardians and Sky walkers?
Before her uncommon white lightsaber, Asoka Tano wielded two green lightsabers. But in reality, one of them was more yellow-green. Furthermore, a Jedi who used a yellow lightsaber made a cameo in Star Wars Legend. As you can see, aside from the meanings mentioned above, the yellow saber, in this instance, signifies a pragmatic approach to balance rather than having any particular significance.
· Ginner Rhysodine
· Tyyvokka
· Bastille Shan
· Plow Koon
· Mallie Marek
· Anja Gallardo
There is more!
There are still many unanswered mysteries even after we have discovered the meaning of the yellow lightsaber. We can establish the Star Wars ground rules on the origin of the yellow saber and the side of the force with the help of the meaning.
Found or bought?
One kind of lightsaber is the yellow one.
In contrast to other lightsabers, the yellow lightsaber is unique in that the Jedi travel to the planets of Ilium and Danton's in pursuit of their Kyber Crystal. The Order's property is more important.
Yes, all of the other Kyber Crystals are as well. However, you wait for the color to emerge after bonding with the crystal.
Like the Temple Guards, they are issued yellow lightsabers as part of their uniform and job. As a result, the guards resemble secondary owners. It was also unexpected that Rey Skywalker had a yellow lightsaber. Rey was the harmony of the blue and red lightsaber; thus, it also makes sense. One Palpatine that carried on the Skywalker tradition. She has yet to explain the origin of her yellow lightsaber.
It is difficult to identify the origin of the yellow lightsaber because of the antagonist, Asajj Ventress, who, as previously stated, purchased the weapon on the black market. Every lightsaber has a unique tale.
Good or Bad?
Since the yellow lightsaber lacks the significant distinctions of the blue and red lightsabers, I would not classify it as good or bad. The yellow lightsaber functions more as a balancing and a self-sufficient lightsaber.
However, it is realistic and less prone to veer toward the evil side, as exemplified by Rey Skywalker.
The yellow lightsaber also stands for abilities that reduce force. It can, therefore, act independently of the force. Thus, if we approach it from the perspectives of education, fighting, and artistic pursuit, the force may fail us. A yellow lightsaber will come to the rescue, and that is a good thing!
Appearance of yellow lightsaber
Luke Skywalker's yellow lightsaber is bolded for the first time on the sixth edition cover of Star Wars 2020. However, previous appearances have also occurred, particularly with Rey Skywalker. What time and location? Now, let's examine every appearance!
Luke's Yellow lightsaber
· Darth Vader (2020)16, 19, 20, 26; Star Wars (2020)8, 10 (Cover alone), 13, 16 (Vision to Luke Skywalker).
Rey Skywalker Lightsaber
- Sky Wars: The Skywalker Saga, Episode IX: (First appearance)
- Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Expanded Edition
- The expanded edition of the audiobook Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
- Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, a young adult book
- Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker audiobook for youth
- The Silver Book of the Skywalker Saga
- Display Comics' Star Wars movie The Rise of Skywalker
- The Rise of Skywalker, a Disney book from Die-Cut Classics that is based on the Star Wars movie
- A Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker graphic novel adaption
The Temple Guards Lightsaber & Other Appearances
- Taking the High Republic Out of the Shadows
- The High Republic: Out of the Shadows audiobook
- In Star Wars: Forces of Destiny, Ahsoka and Pad me
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars "Sabotage" (original appearance)
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars "The Wrong Jedi"
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars "Voices"
What more?
It's unclear what Rey's yellow lightsaber will do in the future. However, it's an intriguing one. No? This might go in a number of different paths as the final Jedi remains.
The problem is that, prior to the canon and the Clone Wars, the yellow lightsaber was a part of the Galactic Republic. Future personalities may give the lightsaber fresh significance!
Keep an eye out. See the definition of the cyan lightsaber here as well.
- Part II of Coruscant Nights: Street of Shadows
- Star Wars: The Old Republic
- The Ascension of the Skywalker Riptide
- The Clone Wars "The Gathering": New Shadows of the Empire Attack of the Clones: The Visual Dictionary
- The Star Wars Canon
- Darth Vader's Ascent in Dark Lord
- A Handbook for Force Students on the Jedi Path
- The Design and Production of the Old Republic
- Star Wars: The Old Republic The Explorer's Handbook
- Darth Maul, Star Wars' Sith Apprentice
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Why did Rey's lightsaber turn yellow?
Because Rey defied the innate legacy and stood with the Sky walkers, her lightsaber took on an unusual hue. When she raised the lightsaber, it flared into a precise yellow plasma blade, but it still possessed the standard Kyber Crystal.
What famous Jedi use a yellow lightsaber?
Tyyvokka, a Jedi high council master, used a yellow lightsaber during the Galactic Empire. He was a well-liked and self-assured member who mentored numerous Padawan's.
Was Plow Koon's lightsaber different in Star Wars Canon and the Legends?
Plow Koon used his blue lightsaber to battle in Star Wars: The Clone Wars hyperspace conflict. However, the legends depict him as a yellow lightsaber wielder with excellent fighting skills and a disciple of Tyyvokka.
Is the yellow lightsaber the strongest?
Because it is uncommon and in good condition, the yellow lightsaber is by far the strongest. It can help the purple lightsaber and compete with the "Dark saber," if you will.
Is yellow a rare lightsaber?
A yellow lightsaber is one of the rarest weapons a Jedi may wield. Although Rey Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and Jedi Master Plow Koon have occasionally utilized them, they are primarily the color of the Jedi Sentinel's blade.
Why is a yellow lightsaber so rare?
Users of yellow lightsabers are not familiar with the Star Wars universe. That's because the Clone Wars have made the Jedi Sentinels themselves scarce.
Was the Yellow lightsaber ever traded for the Red one?
After spending some time with Sith's apprentice, Jedi Sentinel Bastille Shan exchanged her yellow Kyber Crystal for the crimson one. She had served with the Jedi Order during the Jedi Civil War prior to that.
How did Luke lose his yellow lightsaber?
Soon after the Battle of Thoth in 3 ABY, Luke Skywalker lost his lightsaber in a battle with his father, Sith Lord Darth Vader, on Be spin.