Mystery Behind Anakin Skywalker’s Father Finally Revealed!
The Skywalker has a mighty Force in their blood.
While there are numerous mysteries in Star Wars, fans particularly like the one about Anakin’s birth, the one topic that fans have consistently raised, which has sparked heated discussion, is: Who is Anakin Skywalker’s father?
Anakin’s mother claims he was created without a father, possibly with the help of midi-chlorins. However, some admirers hypothesize that his father may be Emperor Palpatine.
The idea of creation by midi-chlorins is associated with the mystical aspect of the Force in the Star Wars universe. All living things contain midi-chlorins, tiny, sentient organisms inside their cells. They are in charge of serving as a link between the Force and the material realm.
For some fans, the concept of creation by midi-chlorins may seem unattainable. However, it might be the reason for Anakin’s creation in the galaxy.
How Midi-chlorian Conception is Possible in the Star Wars
1. Manipulation of the Force: According to Star Wars mythology, strong Force users like Emperor Palpatine and Darth Plagueis can control midi-chlorians. Therefore, people who support the dark side might manipulate the Force to create life.
2. The Chosen One Prophecy: Qui-Gon Jinn, one of the most accomplished Jedi teachers, prophesied that the Chosen One would restore harmony to the Force. Jinn even tells the Jedi High Council that he believes Force may have stepped in to create Anakin because he matched the results of midi-chlorian tests.
The idea that the slave boy was born fatherless is accurate if the vergence in the Force caused his birth. However, Emperor Palpatine might be the father of the Chosen One if he is the product of Force manipulation by him and his master, Darth Plagueis.
Let’s examine the potential possibility that identifies Anakin Skywalker’s father.
Theory 1: Shmi Skywalker’s Claims It a Virgin Birth
Shmi Skywalker, Anakin’s mother, said, “There was no father. I can’t explain what happened, even though I carried him, gave birth, and reared him.
According to legend, Anakin’s blood contains over 20,000 calories, more than Grand Master Yoda and every other Jedi in the faraway galaxy. Anakin was born on the abandoned planet Tatooine. Qui-Gon Jinn thinks he is the Chosen One because of this. He was conceived by the chlorine, according to the Jinn belief.
Theory 2: Jedi Master Suggests Midi-Chlorians Conceived Skywalker
When Qui-Gon Jinn perceived an extraordinary “vergence of the Force” and questioned the Skywalker’s ancestry, this revelation was a central theme in the Star Wars prequels. He believed the Force was the boy’s father, endowing him extraordinary abilities because of the Skywalker’s close bond.
However, as the Star Wars narrative progresses, it becomes clear that the dark side controls the Force. Darth Sidious and his master, Darth Plagueis, are connected to his birth and may have contributed to his creation.
Theory 3: Is Darth Sidious Anakin Skywalker’s Father?
Sidious had a persistent desire to corrupt Anakin. He believed Anakin would help him defeat the Jedi Order and take control of the galaxy.
Fans believe this hypothesis the most. Given that it implies that Palpatine and his master, Darth Plagueis, were instrumental in Anakin’s birth, it is highly likely to be accurate.
Why would Sidious suddenly pick Anakin above such formidable Sith lords as Darth Maul and Count Dooku?
In Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine tells Anakin about Darth Plagueis the Wise, a Sith Lord who could generate life by manipulating midi-chlorians. Because of this story, many fans believe Palpatine may have alluded to his or Plagueis’ role in creating Anakin.
Plagueis was obsessed with controlling life and evading death. His midi-chlorination experiments are well known in Sith mythology.
Fan Speculations
If we examine the facts, Shmi is enslaved and resides on Tatooine, which is notorious for being a hotbed of criminal activity and slime, according to a Reddit enthusiast. In my opinion, Anakin most certainly had a biological father.
Some Star Wars fans contend that Sidious and Plagueis cannot be regarded as Anakin’s fathers in any way if he has no biological father.
What Does Star Wars Have to Say?
In the Star Wars world, Anakin’s birth is still a mystery. The dark side’s ability to produce life is hinted at in Palpatine’s sinister story of Darth Plagueis. However, the present canon offers no conclusive proof that Palpatine directly influenced Anakin’s genesis.
Fans are still wondering and discussing this intriguing prospect. The truth is still hidden in the Force’s shadows without hard evidence.
Let us know your thoughts on these possibilities and the identity of Anakin’s father!