Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ben Kenobi), one of the most adored Jedi masters, was a member of the Jedi Council during the last years of the Republic Era. In the Clone Wars, Kenobi, a male human, fought with the Separatist Drone army as a Jedi General in the Grand Army. But after being exiled during the Great Jedi Purge, he took refuge on the planet Tatooine.
Find out more about Obi-Wan's three types of lightsabers here.
The two members of the well-known Skywalker family who Kenobi trained were Anakin Skywalker (who eventually became Darth Vader after turning to the Dark Side) and Luke Skywalker, Anakin's son. Both men were once Padawan of Kenobi and went on to become Force masters.
In 57 BBY, Kenobi was born on Stew on, his home planet. Early on, he was recognized as a Force-sensitive kid and accepted into the Jedi order. Under the careful supervision of his Master, Master Qui-Gon Jinn, he was raised in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. In 32 BBY, Kenobi vanquished the Sith Lord Darth Maul on Naboo, earning him the title of Jedi Knight. At that time, he fulfilled his pledge to Jinn (who had perished in the confrontation with Darth Maul) by accepting Anakin Skywalker as his Padawan. Anakin, Jinn thought, was the Chosen One, destined to destroy the Sith and bring the Force back into balance.
As a general in the Grand Army of the Republic by 22 BBY, Kenobi commanded clone troops in the 212th Attack Battalion with Clone Marshall Commander CC-2224. Against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the two leaders won numerous battles. The Clone Wars came to a close in 19 BBY when Kenobi defeated General Grievous at the battle of Utama.
Kenobi escaped the purge, which was an attempt by the Sith Lord Darth Sidious to destroy the Jedi order. After learning that Anakin Skywalker had turned to the Dark Side, assuming the identity of Darth Vader and becoming a Sith apprentice to Darth Sidious, Kenobi battles and vanquishes his former pupil, abandoning him on Must afar to certain death. After that, Kenobi banished himself to Tatooine, a desolate and little-known desert planet on the Outer Rim. The Galactic Empire, meanwhile, kept expanding its dominance over the majority of the cosmos.
Obi-Wan Kenobi adopted the moniker Ben Kenobi and lived as a desert hermit there, on that desolate world. He had put Vader's son on a neighboring moisture farm and watched over him for several years, prepared to defend him if necessary. In 0 BBY, the necessity materialized, and Luke started training under Kenobi's guidance. After that, Kenobi ran into Vader once more. This time, he gave his life in the duel, enabling Luke to flee and enabling Kenobi to unite with the Force and continue to mentor and inspire his new pupil. The last confrontation between Luke and his father marked the end of the Galactic Civil War. Ultimately, Anakin betrayed his Master by killing the Sith Lord to save Luke, even though it meant losing his own life.
Most people had very high regard for Kenobi, and the Jedi Order honored his memory. Han Solo and Luke's twin sister, Princess Leia Organa, named their child Ben in Kenobi's honor. Ben Solo joined Luke as a Padawan, but he was tormented and also became Dark Side. Luke's disillusionment and eventual self-exile were influenced by this tragic incident and his difficulties in holding Kenobi accountable for Anakin's conversion to the Dark Side.
Obi-Wan Kenobi Films
Original Star Wars Trilogy (1977–1983)
Alec Guinness plays Obi-Wan Kenobi, a 57-year-old recluse named Ben Kenobi who makes his debut in the Tatooine desert. While looking for their misplaced robot, R2-D2 (Kenny Baker), Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) and C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) encounter him. More precisely, Ben bumps into them while the Tuscan Raiders are attacking. Ben scares the raiders away long enough to save the two and their missing droid by mimicking the cry of a Kyrat dragon.
R2 plays a recording of Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) telling Kenobi that the R2 unit has blueprints for the Death Star once they arrive at his house. She informs him that he is the only one she can rely on to send the plans to Adlerian.
After Luke's father is dead, Kenobi tells him who he really is and that Darth Vader (voiced by James Earl Jones and played by David Prowse) has tracked down and almost wiped out the Jedi. Kenobi keeps Darth Vader's actual identity a secret until he turns to the Dark Side. In exchange for Luke taking his father's lightsaber and teaching him Jedi skills, Kenobi offers to transport Luke to Adlerian so he can fight for the Rebel Alliance. Luke graciously declines because he has obligations to his uncle and aunt. However, he abandons that house and embarks on a journey into the stars with his new Master after discovering Imperial Stormtroopers killed them.
They travel to Mos. Eisley with the droids, where Luke first witnesses Kenobi deceive the Imperial Stormtroopers with the Force. "These are not the droids you're looking for," he says, and the commanding trooper replies. Luke discovers that the Force is proficient in controlling weaker minds. Reputable smugglers Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew) are hired to transport them to Adlerian without any "Imperial entanglements" after they enter a cantina. They escape after a few minor setbacks in their scheme.
Luke learns how to use his new lightsaber and the ways of the Force from Kenobi throughout the trip. But then, as if a lot of voices had all screamed at once and then gone quiet, Kenobi is startled by a massive upheaval in the Force. When they reach their objective, they discover the reason: the new weapon, which was tested well in advance and is functioning even if it is not yet complete, has destroyed Alderman.
When they try to escape, they get caught in a tractor beam and are pulled into the Death Star. They disable the search squad and guards and hide in the smuggling compartments. They come up with a scheme to turn off the tractor beam and get away. Kenobi is responsible for turning off the beam's power, and he does so deftly and almost silently. However, Luke and the others have learned of the princess's captivity and attempt a rescue, which does not go as planned. In the end, Kenobi lets Vader knock him down and puts himself into the Force so they can get away.
But in the movie's conclusion, when Luke most needs his teacher, Kenobi's voice appears to him via the Force and directs him to the necessary shot.
Additionally, Kenobi makes a few additional appearances as a Force Ghost in The Empire Strikes Back. He instructs Luke to leave Hoch and proceed to the planet Dagobah in search of Jedi Master Yoda. Kenobi reappears there to persuade the reluctant Master to instruct Luke. In order to save his companions, Luke disregards his advice when he reappears, telling him not to quit his training too soon.
In Return of the Jedi, Kenobi makes a reappearance on Dagobah following Yoda's passing. He discloses that Leia is Luke's twin sister and affirms that Darth Vader is Luke's father. He exhorts Luke to confront Vader, but Luke once more rejects his former Master's counsel. After the second Death Star is destroyed, Kenobi finally makes an appearance at the celebration on Endor alongside Yoda and the now-redeemed Anakin Skywalker.
Prequel trilogy (1999–2005)
Ewan McGregor plays a 25-year-old hotshot Padawan named Kenobi, who is an apprentice to Master Qui-Gon Jinn in Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, which takes place 32 years before A New Hope. Both of them are present at the talks with the dishonest Trade Federation that is enclosing the planet Naboo. With the assistance of a native animal named Jar Jar Blinks (Ahmed Best), the two descend to the earth and save 14-year-old Queen Pad me Amidala (Natalie Portman). They meet Anakin Skywalker (Jake Lloyd), a nine-year-old mechanical genius who is enslaved to a local merchant, on Tatooine when engine problems change their journey to the Republic capital of Coruscant. Anakin, according to Qui-Gon, is the foretold Chosen One who would restore harmony to the Force. After releasing the boy, they take him with them. But as they prepare to depart the planet, Darth Maul (Ray Park, voiced by Peter , a member of the Sith, a Dark Side cult believed to have vanished long ago, attacks them. They make their getaway without suffering any fatalities.
The Sith, Darth Maul, confronts Qui-Gon and Kenobi once more when they return to battle the Trade Federation on Naboo. For most of the fight, he holds his own against their two-on-one attempts, even mortally wounding Qui-Gon. Ultimately, Kenobi triumphs, severing Darth Maul's body. In response to Qui-Gong's final request, Kenobi agrees to take on the task of training Anakin, the boy. Anakin becomes Kenobi's Padawan after Yoda reluctantly grants him the required Jedi Knight rank.
Ten years later, Attack of the Clones starts. Although Anakin (Hayden Christensen) has been training very successfully, he is conceited and willful. He believes that he is being prevented from reaching his full potential and is unable to truly thrive and demonstrate his abilities.
Anakin protects the senator as Kenobi tracks down the would-be assassins on the planet Kimono after the two of them defend Padma, who is now a senator, from an attempted assassination. Kenobi finds out that the Republic is building a massive army of clones. Although Jingo Fett , the clone's seed, fights Kenobi and escapes with his cloned son Boba (Daniel Logan), Kenobi manages to follow them surreptitiously. He learns of a plot against the Republic on Genesis, supported by multiple star systems and headed by Sith-Lord Count Dooku (Christopher Lee), a former Jedi and, in fact, Qui-Gong's former Master. Kenobi is apprehended, interrogated, and given a death sentence.
With the help of the clone army and a group of Jedi, Anakin and Pad me reach him just in time to save him. Dooku is too strong for Kenobi and Anakin to defeat. Dooku manages to get away, but Yoda intervenes and saves them.
In the early events of Revenge of the Sith, which takes place three years later, Kenobi is a Jedi Master and a member of the Jedi Council. In addition, he is a general in the Republic's Grand Army. Now a Jedi Knight, Anakin quickly became friends with his former Master.
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is rescued by the two from the ship of General Grievous (Matthew Wood). They fight repeatedly, and each time, the Master is knocked unconscious. Anakin beats Dooku while Kenobi is unconscious, and Palpatine orders him to put his vanquished opponent to death. Anakin gives in.
Following their discovery of the Separatist camp, Kenobi battles General Grievous and uses an abandoned blaster to destroy him. The clone soldiers turn against the unwary Jedi after Emperor Palpatine, who is actually Sith Lord Darth Sidious, announces Order 66, ending the brief victory. Yoda, Senator Bail Organa (Jimmy Smits), Adlerian, and Kenobi all survive, while many Jedi are killed. Organa and Yoda run away to Coruscant aboard his ship, the Tontine IV, where they learn that all of the Jedi in the Jedi Temple have been killed while they were away. Kenobi watches the video of the massacre, witnessing his friend and pupil, Anakin Skywalker, murder every other Jedi in the temple after setting a beacon to warn the other Jedi in the galaxy to hide or escape. Now, Anakin is a Sith apprentice to Sidious. He's changed into Darth Vader. Yoda declares that Kenobi should go up to Vader and that he will come after Sidious. Kenobi is distressed by the idea of fighting his friend, so Yoda tries to reassure him by telling him that the Anakin he knew is no longer there and that Vader "consumed" him.
When Kenobi travels to Pad me to ask where Anakin could be, he learns that they had a covert marriage and that his child was already in her womb. Kenobi surreptitiously shows up in her spacecraft as she sets out to face Anakin herself on the volcanic planet Must afar. Anakin accuses her and Kenobi of plotting against him when they both arrive. He chokes Pad me until she is asleep using the Dark Side, only letting her go when Kenobi gives him the order. A protracted combat in the dark ensues as the two men confront each other. By cutting off Vader's left arm and legs and seeing him burn to the brink of a lava flow, Kenobi beats him.
After grabbing Pad me and Anakin's fallen lightsaber, Kenobi leaves Anakin for dead and leaves the area. He is unaware that Vader's life is saved and that Darth Sidious saves him a few moments later.
While on the asteroid Polis Massa with Kenobi, Pad me gives birth to twins Luke and Leia but dies in the process. Kenobi helps keep the kids safe from the Empire. Luke is sent to live with Anakin's stepbrother, Owen Lars (Joel Edgerton), and his wife Beri on Tatooine, while Leia moves in with Bail Organa and his couple. Until it's appropriate, Kenobi remains on Tatooine to keep a watchful eye on the baby.
Sequel trilogy (2015–2019)
It takes place thirty years after Return of the Jedi in The Force Awakens. The first "appearance" of Kenobi occurs when Rey (Daisy Ridley), the main character, touches Luke's ancient lightsaber and hears his voice. "These are the first steps you need to take," he explains. Ewan McGregor performed these lines in voice. The pronunciation of Alec Guinness's word "afraid" is the source of the word "Rey."
In The Rise of Skywalker, Rey hears Kenobi's voice among the voices of the other Jedi from the past remark, "These are your final steps, Rey," as she fights her grandfather, Palpatine. Could you stand up and grab them? Rise, Rey. Again, Alec Guinness and Ewan McGregor's voices are used.
Obi-Wan Kenobi Quotes
The following are a few well-known Obi-Wan quotes from the movies:
- "You're going to discover, Luke, that a lot of the truths we hold onto are heavily influenced by our own perspective." "You heard what you wanted to hear and believed what you wanted to believe; the truth is often what we make of it."
- "Anakin, pay attention to your thoughts; they are deceiving."
- "So primitive."
- "A Sith only deals in absolutes."
- "I will become more powerful than you can ever imagine if you strike me down."
- "I am in a better position."