Plo Koon: The Kel Dor Jedi Master Who Discovered Ahsoka Tano

1. Who is Plo Koon?

In the latter years of the Galactic Republic, Plo Koon, a Force-user Jedi Master from the planet Dorin, was a well-known member of the Jedi High Council.

He was a key player in the battle between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars as a Jedi General.

Koon commanded the 104th Battalion on dangerous operations during the conflict. He put on goggles to keep his eyes from drying out and a breath mask to filter the air to that of Dorin, his home planet.

Plo Koon trained his Padawan Bultar Swan to become a Jedi Knight and then participated in and survived the First Battle of Geonosis, which started the Clone Wars and claimed the lives of about two hundred Jedi.

At the beginning of the war, he embarked on a quest to find the Separatist battleship Malevolence. After multiple attempts, Koon and his colleagues were able to pull it down. He often worked alongside Ahsoka Tano, whom he had found years before the war and with whom he had a particular connection.

He participated in numerous pivotal engagements during the conflict, such as those on Felucia, Lola Sayu, and Kadavo. As the conflict went on, Ahsoka Tano was exiled from the Jedi Order after being falsely accused of bombing the Jedi Temple. After the real culprit was discovered, she was given the opportunity to re-join Koon and the Council, but she declined and quit the Order.

Following the battles of Coruscant and Utapau in the latter stages of the Clone Wars, Plo Koon commanded the 442nd Siege Battalion in the Battle of Cato Neimoidia. As he and a squadron of ARC-170 starfighters flew over the bridge cities after their victory, he was shot down and killed by his forces since Order 66 ordered their soldiers to butcher Jedi throughout the galaxy. Soon after, Viceroy Gunray was slain by Anakin Skywalker, who was now working on Darth Sidious, and the Clone Wars came to an end when he turned off the combat droids.

2. Where Was Plo Koon Born, and How Did He Become a Jedi?

The planet Dorin is where Plo Koon was born. He was accepted into the Jedi Order after being recognized as Force-sensitive at some time in his early years. He was selected to be Jedi Master Tyvokka's Padawan student. Koon progressed through the ranks of the Order, finally becoming a Jedi Master.

3. How Did Plo Koon Assist Mace Windu During the Oosalon Mission?

Jedi Master Mace Windu was sent to save a group of children who had been kidnapped by warlord Guattako in order to increase the size of his army on the planet Oosalon. Windu defeated the warlord's army, but one of the abducted children shot and killed Guattako. Plo Koon, Depa Billaba, and Qui-Gon Jinn arrived shortly after the conflict was over to offer more support.

4. How Did Plo Koon Discover Ahsoka Tano and Bring Her to the Jedi Order?

Plo Koon met a three-year-old child called Ahsoka Tano, who showed a high affinity for the Force while on a mission to the planet Shili, the home world of the Togruta species. She started her Jedi training after he took her to the Jedi Temple. Koon and Tano remained close over the years, developing a special friendship based on trust and respect for one another.

5. When Did Plo Koon Join the Jedi Council, and What Were His Early Duties?

Koon was nominated to the Jedi High Council in the year 33 BBY after rising to the level of Jedi Master. He collaborated with Master Saesee Tiin during this time to supervise the refurbishment of the Jedi Order's surface vehicle fleet.

6. Why Did Plo Koon Travel to Kwenn, and What Happened There?

At a Jedi Council meeting, Qui-Gon Jinn criticized the Order's emphasis on more general problems and urged the Council to give individual lives and the living Force more priority. This discussion sparked talks of closing the Jedi outpost on Kwenn, a station that had been in existence for two millennia and had taken a significant amount of Jedi work to set it. As part of their decision-making process, the Council decided to visit Kwenn and celebrate the outpost's bicentennial physically.

Koon arrived at the spaceport on Capital Key after traveling to Kwenn with Saesee Tiin in a Jedi shuttle. When they landed, Koon modified his breathing system to account for the deteriorating environment of Kwenn, which was still not as bad as that of Coruscant. The two Jedi chose to help where they could without any explicit directives. The droid SK-89 piloted a Kwikhaul land speeder cab to the Bivall Colony on Parva Key, where Koon had been before and was aware of refugees in need of assistance.

As they traveled, SK-89's lack of driving experience became evident, almost resulting in crashes on multiple occasions. Midway through, speeders ambushed their vehicle, so Tiin took control of the land speeder and tried to avoid the assailants. Not wanting to use his lightsaber, Koon felt something was off. The speeders eventually drove them back to the Kwikhaul depot, where a crowd became aware that SK-89, not the Jedi, was the target of their ire.

Fraxa, the owner of Kwikhaul, and the company's previous drivers—who had been replaced with droids earlier that day—were engaged in a labor dispute. The workers objected that the droids were dangerous and that Fraxa had enough money to retain human drivers, but Fraxa insisted that the Jedi arrest the workers for damaging property. Known for his ability to negotiate, Koon offered ideas yet respected Tiin's knowledge. Tiin suggested using Kwikhaul's land speeders for rubbish collection and maritime tourism, which pleased both sides and allowed the Jedi to start working on the new projects.

6.1 How Did Plo Koon Help Kwenn's Population During His Mission?

Koon and Tiin kept up their attempts to help the locals while they were stationed on Kwenn. They once assisted Oppo Rancisis in saving a beached oroko by devising a complex scheme to channel water toward the animal, and they worked with Even Piell to save a group of stranded teenagers. Koon was hopeful that the Jedi could help the people rebuild their community despite Tiin's skepticism about bringing Kwenn's wealth back.

6.2 How Did Plo Koon Protect Kwenn During the Bicentennial Celebration?

Prior to the bicentennial festivities on Kwenn, the Jedi were informed that Zilastra's associated pirate gangs intended to attack the occasion. Plo Koon worked with the personnel at Kwikhaul, where he and Saesee Tiin had been employed during their visit, to be ready. In order to aid in rescue efforts in the event of any violence, taxis were positioned in close proximity to the Gala Key Arena.

Koon and SK-89 served as dispatchers as the pirate attack started, sending Jedi to key battlegrounds and ordering taxis to remove attendees to safety. Additionally, the drivers provided Koon with real-time details, including the whereabouts of the Pelagic, a casino barge that acts as the pirates' headquarters.

Zilastra was found at the Jedi outpost by Master Depa Billaba, thanks to Koon's concerted efforts. Their homemade getaway vehicle crashed after Kylah Lohmata, Billaba's charge, was saved, sending both of them reeling. Luckily, Yoda, Koon, and Mace Windu got there in time to use the Force to cushion their fall. Koon joined the Jedi Council in communicating with the imprisoned pirate leader after Zilastra was captured.

Tiin had borrowed an ARC-8 starfighter during the conflict, which Koon and Tiin rebuilt before leaving Kwenn. Koon was pleased with their contribution, and Tiin, ever practical, turned his attention to the work that awaited them back on Coruscant. Koon took the time to support Tiin, telling him that his ability to present unvarnished facts was vital and that he should interact with others more frequently rather than spend all of his time alone in meetings or hangars.

6.3 What Role Did Plo Koon Play in the Naboo Crisis and Its Aftermath?

Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum called for Jedi involvement to end the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo. The Federation tried to kill Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn, who had been sent to negotiate. Queen Padmé Amidala was taken to Coruscant by the Jedi when they managed to escape with her.

Jinn told the Jedi Council about his encounter with a Zabrak warrior, whom he believed to be a Sith, after arriving on Coruscant. Additionally, he presented Anakin Skywalker, a young child whom he had set free on Tatooine, asserting that Anakin was the Chosen One who was supposed to restore harmony to the Force. Koon and the other Council members expressed doubt about Jinn's notion that the Sith had returned, despite Anakin's extremely high midi-chlorian count and strong Force connection. In the end, they forbade Anakin's training because of his age and emotional ties.

The Council met to discuss Jinn's last request after Sith apprentice Darth Maul killed him Sith apprentice Darth Maul killed him during the liberation of Naboo. In remembrance of their deceased buddy, they made Obi-Wan Kenobi a Jedi Knight and allowed him to teach Anakin as his Padawan.

7. How Did Plo Koon Respond to the Secessionist Crisis and the Threat of War?

Bultar Swan, Plo Koon's Padawan, was successfully trained to become a Jedi Knight just before the Clone Wars broke out, ten years after the Naboo blockade. Koon continued to serve on the Jedi Council.

As thousands of star systems joined an independence-seeking secessionist movement during this time, tensions inside the Republic increased. In the event of conflict, the Council feared they would not have the means to protect the Republic. Senator Padmé Amidala was the target of an assassination attempt, so the Council designated Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi to defend her.

Koon engaged in talks with Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine over the likelihood of war and the escalating secessionist threat. Additionally, he was in Palpatine's office as discussions were taking place about giving the Chancellor emergency powers to bolster the Republic's defenses.

8. What Was Plo Koon's Role in the Clone Wars?

During the Clone Wars, Plo Koon played the role of Jedi General, conducting missions like the First Battle of Geonosis and helping the Republic win on Felucia and Cato Neimoidia. He gained renown as a competent pilot and tactician. His leadership went beyond the battlefield; he fostered a friendship with his clone warriors and mentored Ahsoka Tano.

8.1 What Did Plo Koon Do During the Battle of Geonosis?

212 Jedi, including Plo Koon, organized an assault team to free Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, and Obi-Wan Kenobi from captivity on Geonosis. The three had been detained while trying to find Separatist plots. As Koon and his fellow Jedi came out during their public execution in the Petranaki Arena, they engaged the Geonosians and their army of droids in fierce combat.

Numerous Jedi lost their lives in combat as the struggle heated up. Koon was one of the survivors who gathered again in the arena's middle. Even though their numbers had decreased, they turned down Count Dooku's offer of capitulation. Reinforcements commanded by Yoda and the newly created clone army arrived just as the droids were about to destroy them, sparing the Jedi from destruction.

To join the enormous clone army in attacking the Separatist forces, Koon and the other survivors fled on Republic attack gunships. Dooku managed to escape, but many Jedi were killed as the Republic prevailed. The Clone Wars were a galactic battle that started with the Battle of Geonosis.

8.2 How Did Plo Koon Contribute to the Malevolence Crisis?

After tracking the Malevolence and surviving its ion cannon attack, Plo Koon helped the Republic disable the cruiser. The vessel's danger to Republic forces was neutralized,, thanks in large part to his strategic assistance and cooperation with Anakin Skywalker.

8.2.1 How Did Plo Koon Track and Engage the Malevolence?

Plo Koon was a Jedi General who oversaw the 104th Battalion, or Wolf Pack. In order to find the Malevolence, a mystery Separatist battleship commanded by General Grievous that was destroying Republic fleets, Koon and Clone Commander Wolffe led a fleet of three Venator-class Star Destroyers early in the conflict.

The Malevolence was attacked after Koon's fleet followed it to the Abregado system. The Republic ships were rendered helpless when the Separatist ship used its ion gun to destroy Koon's fleet. Along with Wolffe, Sergeant Sinker, and Boost, Koon issued an evacuation order and fled in a pod.

Koon and his soldiers searched for other survivors while repairing their escape pod while they floated in the debris field. The Separatists deployed a hostile boarding pod to exterminate escapees, and they came upon it. Koon led Sinker and Boost out of the pod to face the droid assailants. They destroyed the hostile pod with the help of the Force and their combined abilities, but they let the Malevolence know where they were. Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano came in the Twilight to save Koon and his troops before they could destroy them.

8.2.2 How Was the Malevolence Finally Destroyed with Plo Koon's Help?

The Jedi came up with a strategy to get rid of the Malevolence after the rescue. Anakin Skywalker suggested that the warship's bridge be targeted by the Shadow Squadron in order to destroy it. Despite his reservations about the plan's complexity, Koon agreed to help because of the impending danger to the Kaliida Shoals Medical Center. He provided fighter escort for the mission by piloting Blade of Dorin, a Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor.

Despite Koon's warnings about the neebrays that lived there, the squadron took a detour through the Kaliida Nebula to get to the medical station before the Malevolence. The squadron made it through the nebula with just slight damage.

When Koon and the squadron arrived at the Malevolence, they engaged its defenses. As their capacity to demolish the bridge was diminished by severe casualties, Koon and Ahsoka persuaded Anakin to aim for the ship's ion weapon instead. Their assault stopped the weapon's hyperdrive and seriously damaged the Malevolence.

Later, Koon went on board the Resolute with Obi-Wan Kenobi to supervise the hunt for the wrecked Malevolence. The Republic fleet was obliged to halt fire when the enemy vessel captured Senator Padmé Amidala despite the delay in reinforcements. To get ready for a fresh assault, Koon synchronized with Luminara Unduli's reinforcements. Anakin destroyed the Malevolence's navigation systems when Amidala was saved, resulting in the ship colliding with a moon and ending the crisis.

8.3 What Happened During Plo Koon's Involvement in the First Battle of Felucia?

Separatist soldiers imprisoned Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, and Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Republic's withdrawal from Felucia. To offer cover for the evacuation, Koon commanded a fleet. He and his wingman, Warthog, flew a starfighter and protected the ground troops on gunships. Koon was able to eliminate a number of hostile fighters and make room for the transports to leave Felucia.

Koon then went to a Jedi Council meeting to talk about Ahsoka's behavior during the evacuation. The Council sent her to guard duty at the Temple Archives for contemplation because her unwillingness to go had put her troops and the mission in jeopardy.

8.4 How Did Plo Koon Help Rescue Eeth Koth from General Grievous?

General Grievous sent a holo transmission to the Jedi Order, threatening to kill Jedi Council member Eeth Koth after capturing him. Plo Koon attended a Council meeting to analyze the broadcast. Clone Commander Wolffe told Koon that he had found a secret message on the tape while the Jedi were deliberating.

When the Council listened to the transmission again, they saw that Koth was revealing his location in the Saleucami system by hand signals. In response to this intelligence, a strike team under the command of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Adi Gallia, and Anakin Skywalker successfully carried out a rescue operation. Grievous escaped during the combat despite the fact that they released Koth.

8.5 What Was Plo Koon's Role in Tracking Boba Fett and Aurra Sing?

Koon was briefing the Jedi Council on strengthening Republic positions along the Hydian Way when R2-D2, Anakin Skywalker's astromech droid, brought an urgent communication. According to the tape, Anakin and Mace Windu were stranded amid the debris of the Enchantment on Vanqor following a Boba Fett-planned assassination attempt. Fett had collaborated with the bounty hunter Aurra Sing and others to target Windu in an effort to exact revenge for Windu's role in his father's death at the Battle of Geonosis.

In order to save the trapped Jedi, Koon and Ahsoka Tano left right away for Vanqor with the Wolfpack. Koon and Tano used the Force to stabilize the wreckage so that clone soldiers could pull out Windu and Anakin.

Following the rescue, Fett and Sing sent a message to the Jedi informing them that they had taken three hostages: Commander Ponds, Admiral Kilian, and another clone officer. Ponds was put to death as a warning by Sing, who threatened to murder the others if Windu would not give up. Knowing that Windu could make Fett even more irate, Koon offered to go after the bounty hunters with Ahsoka.

Koon and Ahsoka followed the investigation to the underworld of Coruscant, where they looked for known associates of Jango Fett. The two Jedi confronted Aurra Sing and Fett after obtaining a tip regarding her whereabouts on Florrum. Koon reminded Fett of his father's honor while they bargained during the confrontation. Finally, Fett gave away the hostages' location, which allowed them to be rescued. Sing was assumed to have been killed following the crash of Slave I, while Fett and Bossk were placed under arrest.

8.6 What New Threats Did Plo Koon Face During the Clone Wars?

After a vicious attack on the Jedi Temple of Eedit on Devaron, Master Halsey and his Padawan Knox were murdered along with their clone warriors, and their bodies were brought to Plo Koon and other Jedi Masters. A Council meeting was called to explore the likelihood of a new enemy because of the attack's ferocity. Although the attacker's identity was unclear, Koon surmised that this latest threat might be a recently appointed Sith Lord.

8.7 How Did Plo Koon Support the Mission to Rescue Even Piell from the Citadel?

Plo Koon briefed the Jedi strike team assigned to rescue Master Even Piell and his crew after they were taken prisoner by Separatists looking for directions to the Nexus Route, a strategically significant hyperspace highway. On the hostile planet Lola Sayu, he described the perils of the Citadel, a prison built to house Jedi.

The group, which was headed by Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, employed carbon freezing to sneak into the Citadel and avoid notice. Ahsoka Tano asked Koon for permission to join the expedition prior to their departure, but he backed Anakin's decision to keep her out. Tano nevertheless joined the operation covertly.

Koon monitored their secret communications from the Jedi Temple as the expedition progressed. He led a rescue fleet that included Saesee Tiin, Adi Gallia, and Kit Fisto to pull the squad out of the stranding. Koon successfully recovered the survivors by devising a plan to get past the Separatist fortifications. Despite his death during the expedition, Master Piell's devotion made the Nexus Route secure for the Republic.

After returning to Coruscant, Koon grieved Piell's passing and assisted in settling a disagreement over the intelligence of the Nexus Route. Ahsoka promised the Jedi Council her half of the information, but Captain Wilhuff Tarkin insisted on only telling Supreme Chancellor Palpatine his. Koon covered for Ahsoka's unapproved involvement in the mission by vouching for her position.

8.8 What Happened During Plo Koon's Mission to Retake Felucia?

To assist the Republic in securing the planet, Koon went back to Felucia with Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano. Under General Grievous' leadership, they coordinated an attack against an outpost on the planet that was getting reinforcements. Koon, who was watching from a nearby ridge, decided to split their men into three groups for the attack. While Tano led a party to scale the back wall and Skywalker tackled the front gate, he decided to spearhead an attack on the left flank. Koon ordered the assault to start as soon as all the groups were in position. As Skywalker fought the front gate, Koon climbed the base's left wall with Commander Wolffe and his warriors wearing jetpacks. They defeated the droid forces quickly, and the teams joined together in the Centre, where Tano's men also gathered. Tano, who had been covering her team's flank as they climbed the wall, was absent, though. After being seized by Trandoshan hunters who kidnapped creatures for pleasure, she did not reply to her commlink.

8.9 How Did Plo Koon Handle Ahsoka Tano's Disappearance?

Tano was nowhere to be discovered in the nearby bush despite Koon and Skywalker's crews searching for her. Koon warned Republic troops throughout the Outer Rim and told Confederate spies to keep an eye out for any clues about her whereabouts. Additionally, he proposed that they head back to Coruscant after acknowledging that their mission on Felucia was finished. Unwilling to give up on finding his Padawan, Skywalker resisted, but Koon reminded him that his feelings were impairing his judgment and suggested they go.

Skywalker was still determined to supervise the search for Tano back at the Jedi Temple. Koon reassured her by highlighting Tano's tenacity and willpower, which she shared with her master and which would enable her to live. Additionally, he warned that Skywalker might not be the one to locate her, implying that she might be able to return on her thanks to her Jedi training.

Wookiee General Tarfful, the bounty hunter Sugi, and the Jedi younglings Jinx and O-Mer eventually saved Tano and returned him to the Jedi Temple. Another Wookiee, Chewbacca, had fought alongside them against the Trandoshans. Tano and the others were welcomed back to the Temple by the Jedi, including Skywalker and Koon. Later, Koon joined Yoda, Windu, Tarfful, Sugi, and other Wookiees in conversation, expressing relief at her safe return.

8.10 How Did Plo Koon Lead the Rescue of Master Adi Gallia?

Plo Koon led a fleet to free Master Adi Gallia after General Grievous took her prisoner. When Koon and Wolfpack men boarded Grievous' ship, Grievous escaped, and Commander Wolffe was able to rescue Gallia. After the ship's opposition was eliminated, Koon and Gallia got back together. The droids C-3PO and R2-D2 they came across identified themselves as Senator Padmé Amidala's. Wolffe recognized the droids and verified their identities. Much to the chagrin of his second-in-command, Koon came up with the amusing suggestion that C-3PO and R2-D2 tell Wolffe about an adventure they had just had.

8.11 How Did Plo Koon Help End the Zygerrian Slave Threat?

They dispatched Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano to free the neutral world when the Separatists took control of the Togruta settlement on Kiros. According to their report to the Jedi Council, the entire colony had been enslaved by the Zygerrians, who were also responsible for the occupation. Koon's speculation that the Zygerrians were probably working with Count Dooku and the Separatists to reconstruct their once-destroyed slave empire caused great distress among the CouncilCouncilCouncil. Seeing that Yoda seemed worried, Koon asked him what was bothering him. Yoda warned that slavery was a potent instrument that may contribute to the Sith's growth, echoing his perception of a greater force at work.

In order to retrieve the missing colonists and stop the Zygerrian slave empire from reviving, the Jedi Council sent Skywalker, Tano, Clone, Captain Rex, and Kenobi to invade Zygerria, the Zygerrian home world. Even after being found and taken into slavery, Skywalker and Tano escaped and informed the Republic that Kenobi, Rex, and the colonists were being imprisoned at a facility on Kadavo that processed enslaved people. A tiny task team headed by Koon went to the system to liberate them. While directing fighters to accompany his dropships and a light cruiser of the Arquitens class, Koon destroyed many Zygerrian fighters. The cruiser was unable to approach the prisoners because he was unable to deactivate the facility's ray-shielded weaponry.

When Anakin finally broke the shields, the cruiser was able to free the prisoners. Following the safety of all Republic forces and formerly enslaved people, Koon gave the Order for his gunships to demolish the slaving facility completely.

8.12 How Did Plo Koon Contribute to Protecting the Chancellor from Separatist Plots?

The Jedi Council came up with a scheme to stage Obi-Wan Kenobi's murder after information revealed a Separatist plot to either kidnap or kill Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. This would enable him to infiltrate the group of conspirators headed by Moralo Eval by going undercover as Rako Hardeen. Koon and the other Council members attended Kenobi's funeral following the fictitious assassination. Unaware of the Council's covert scheme, Ahsoka Tano confided in Koon at the ceremony her worries regarding Anakin Skywalker's increasingly unpredictable conduct.

Kenobi gained Eval's confidence and a place in his crew, which intended to launch an attack on Naboo during the Festival of Light. Following the Council's decision to alert Skywalker and Tano to the hoax, they worked together to devise a plan to foil the attempt and capture the conspirators. The mission was successful, as Skywalker and Kenobi prevented Count Dooku from capturing Palpatine again.

8.13 What Was Plo Koon's Involvement in the Jedi Temple Bombing Investigation?

The Jedi Council summoned Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano from their assignment on Cato Neimoidia to investigate the explosion of a bomb in one of the Jedi Temple hangars in 19 BBY. Because Skywalker and Tano had not been at the Temple when the incident occurred and were therefore above suspicion, the Council decided that a Jedi might be the culprit. Letta Turmond, who later admitted to feeding her husband nano-droids that made him a bomb, was taken into custody by the two. But they thought that someone had planned it, perhaps a Jedi.

Koon went to the funeral service for the Jedi who had been killed in the bombing. The situation worsened when Thurmond was killed by Force choking while in detention, and Tano was charged with planning the attack. During her escape from prison, Tano killed a number of clones. Admiral Tarkin put pressure on the Council to hold an emergency meeting in order to expedite her capture and military court trial. Koon joined Skywalker in the hunt for Tano since he didn't think she was guilty.

Koon and Skywalker came across Tano with Asajj Ventress while pursuing her through the subterranean levels of Coruscant. They tried to arrest her, but she and Ventress ran away. Although Koon's team later found proof, such as the bombing's explosives, they were still unsure of Ventress' involvement. After capturing Tano, they returned to the Temple, where Koon told Yoda what they had discovered.

The Council reluctantly removed Tano from the Order to permit her to be prosecuted in a military court under pressure from the Senate. Five Council members were present for the expulsion, including Koon, who questioned her connection with Ventress. Tano justified herself by saying that Ventress had been assisting her in getting her name cleared. She was exposed as the real culprit when Skywalker showed up with Barriss Offee during the trial. Offee revealed her conviction that the Jedi Order had degenerated into corruption in her confession.

Once Tano was cleared, she was freed and brought back to the Jedi Temple. Koon and the Council encouraged her to return to the Order and expressed regret for their error. But Tano refused, opting instead to resign from the Jedi, and her departure clearly grieved Koon.

8.14 What Did Plo Koon Discover About Sifo-Dyas and the Clone Army's Origins?

A ship that had previously belonged to Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, who had passed away years prior, sent a distress signal to the Jedi Temple later that year. Council The Council sent Koon The Council sent Koon to find the source of the signal. Koon and the Wolfpack found the remains of a T-6 shuttle in the middle of a sandstorm on the desert moon Oba Diah. After discovering Sifo-Dyas' lightsaber inside, Koon gave the Order for his soldiers to evacuate the area and return the wreckage to Coruscant. He reported his results to the Council.

The Council had previously rejected Sifo-Dyas' contentious ideas of a great war and the necessity of a Republic army, but the finding forced them to reconsider. Sifo-Dyas died on Felucia while trying to mediate a peace settlement between warring tribes, according to Jocasta Nu's briefing of the Council on his final assignment, which the Office of the Supreme Chancellor sealed the Office of the Supreme Chancellor sealed. When Koon asked where Sifo-Dyas' body was, he was told there were no records.

On his way back to Coruscant, Koon engaged in conversations with Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Anakin about the evidence linking a second Jedi to Sifo-Dyas' mission and the disappearance of Silman, a former Chancellor Valorum's aide. Koon pointed out that Oba Diah, where the wreckage had been discovered, was close to the Pyke Syndicate's headquarters. After Obi-Wan and Anakin were dispatched to look into it more, they found that Count Dooku had planned the formation of the clone army in his capacity as Darth Tyranus. Koon and the Council were highly disturbed by the news and decided to keep it a secret in order to preserve faith in the clone army.

8.15 What Role Did Plo Koon Play in the Jedi's Attempt to Assassinate Dooku?

The Jedi watched a transmission from Master Chubor, who was in charge of the Republic's civilian evacuation of Mahranee, a planet that the Separatists had taken over, during a Council meeting. Chubor and thousands of villagers were killed when Count Dooku ordered his fleet to open fire on the escaping refugee convoy, according to the audio.

The surviving Mahran populace was wiped out at the same time by droid forces on Mahranee. Dooku asserted that the Jedi's persistent support for the Republic caused the catastrophe.

The Council bemoaned the fact that the Jedi were overworked and unable to defend every system that was in danger. Koon considered the near-annihilation of the Mahran people to be one of the war's greatest tragedies among the innumerable lives lost. Koon noted that Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi were mimicking Dooku's blame-assignment rhetoric when they held Dooku responsible for the extensive damage. Despite Kenobi's protests and Yoda's hesitancy, Koon and other Council members ultimately accepted Windu's idea that the Jedi should think about killing Dooku in order to end the conflict.

Jedi Master Quinlan Vos was paired with Asajj Ventress, Dooku's former disciple, by the Council to complete the task. After gaining Ventress' trust, Vos stopped communicating with Kenobi many months into the mission. Though Kenobi thought otherwise, Koon conjectured that Ventress might have slain Vos after realizing his deceit. After a while, Ventress told Kenobi that Vos had been taken prisoner by Dooku and had embraced the dark side, becoming Admiral Enigma and spearheading successful Separatist operations.

After considering their options, Koon and the Council were taken aback when Ventress was brought into the Council chamber by Kenobi, Skywalker, and Jedi Knight Akar-Deshu. Koon listened, doubting her motives, as Ventress confessed to instructing him to use the dark side and disclosed her romantic relationship with Vos. She offered to assist the Jedi in capturing Vos. Kenobi begged Koon to consider Ventress' offer, but Koon was hesitant to trust her. In the end, Ventress was pardoned by the Council in return for helping to retrieve Vos.

The mission disclosed that Vos had pretended to be loyal to Dooku to find out about Darth Sidious. Vos gave up to Kenobi and Skywalker after enunciating the dark side, and Ventress was murdered defending him. Vos repented of his deeds and sought atonement at the Temple. Koon and the Council permitted Vos to work under Yoda's supervision before Kenobi gave him the task of returning Ventress's body to Dathomir.

8.16 What Was Plo Koon's Role in Stopping Operation: Titan?

Yoda presented intelligence on "Operation: Titan," a destructive Separatist weapon that might tip the scales of the war, to a Council meeting. Because of the lack of information, Obi-Wan Kenobi proposed looking through the databanks of a Separatist frigate that had just been seized. Yoda concurred and decided to follow Anakin Skywalker's guidance.

Through their efforts, it was discovered that Operation Titan entailed building a new army of "mega droids" on the planet Golatha. Before the mega droids could be used, Yoda and Skywalker presented a plan to the Council Council that called for destroying the Golatha factory. The expedition was successful in stopping the Confederacy's attempts to obtain a significant military edge.

9. Plo Koon's Death

In the latter days of the Clone Wars, Plo Koon was sent to Cato Neimoidia to supervise the 442nd Siege Battalion's activities. Koon, in his Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor, started a routine patrol after achieving a Republic victory on the planet.

He had no idea that Darth Sidious had started Order 66, which made clone warriors kill their Jedi generals. Under the influence of his inhibitor chip, clone pilot Jag turned on Koon and opened fire on his starfighter. Koon was taken by surprise when his ship crashed and killed him instantly in midair.

10. How Is Plo Koon Remembered After His Death?

Ahsoka Tano met Malat, a Sullustan, in Selda's cantina on Raada a year after Order 66. Tano was reminded of Koon by Malat's kind disposition. In an identical vein, she began to trust Selda, the bartender from Togruta, who shared Koon's dependability and friendliness.

Anakin Skywalker, who is now Darth Vader, on the other hand, seldom ever thought about Koon. Koon's name momentarily came to Vader's mind while on a trip to Ryloth, prompting him to pause and think. Vader later came upon an illusion of Koon amid other Jedi during his vision quest in Fortress Vader. The images brandished their lightsabers and charged Vader, who smashed them, impaling Koon's delusion while the words "Let the past die" replayed in his head.

11. What Were Plo Koon's Key Personality Traits?

Plo Koon was a male Jedi Master of Kel Dor descent who weighed around 80 kg and stood 1.88 meters (6 feet 2 inches) tall. Because of the physiology of his species, he needed a special antiox mask to thrive in oxygen-rich surroundings. He had characteristic orange skin.

One of the Jedi Order's most sage members, Koon was well-known for his cool-headedness and collected manner. He firmly believed in the Order's capacity to effect positive change and held a great regard and appreciation for all living things. Koon was upbeat and genuinely concerned about everyone around him, even though he understood that his appearance might be frightening to other species. He was especially committed to his soldiers' welfare and had a close relationship with the Wolfpack's clone troopers, who knew he would put his life in danger for them.

Koon took Ahsoka Tano into the Jedi Order when she was a youngster. Therefore, they had a unique bond. Throughout her tenure as a Padawan, he became a crucial mentor to her, providing constant support and direction. When Tano was wrongfully accused of treason, this link became clear. Koon reluctantly accepted the Council'sCouncil'sCouncil's decision to dismiss her from the Order because of the overwhelming evidence against her, even though he didn't think she could have strayed to the evil side. Following the confirmation of Tano's innocence, Koon apologized on the Council'sCouncil'sCouncil's behalf and extended an invitation for her to come back. Although her decision ultimately guaranteed her survival during Order 66, he was obviously devastated when she decided to leave the Jedi Order.

Koon was widely praised by his contemporaries, like as Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu, for being one of the Jedi Order's most accomplished pilots. In addition to his military skills, Koon was a strategic thinker who had a knack for planning and directing massive operations. He was always willing to help others, often at tremendous personal expense, and he felt that he should set an example for others to follow.

12. What Were Plo Koon's Combat Skills and Force Abilities?

Even the Sith Lord Darth Maul, who had never engaged in combat with Plo Koon, considered him one of the best Jedi fighters of his time because of his incredible power as a Jedi Master. Koon was skilled in telekinesis, could manipulate items without seeing them, and could swiftly restore his power. Additionally, he used Electric Judgment, a banned Force technique that many Jedi found unsettlingly reminiscent of the Sith's Force lightning. Based on a traditional Kel Dor design, Koon's armoured talons improved his Force skills while shielding his delicate fingertips.

Plo Koon also had an extensive grasp of the physical sciences. He changed his surroundings by using the Force and his knowledge of physics to deflect attacks by manipulating the elements. In certain regions, he could produce ice, thick fog, and tiny whirlwinds. He used his ability to control clouds to hide Jedi actions during the Yinchori insurrection, which resulted in a blinded opponent falling off an edge.

Plo Koon once defeated Yinchori warriors by working with other Jedi to release a wave of power. During the Stark Hyperspace War, he and Qui-Gon Jinn destroyed a tunnel to save Vos and Kenobi, and then, after a short delay, he destroyed another tunnel. After the Malevolence destroyed his fleet, he found himself stuck in an escape pod. He used the Force to telekinetically turn around another pod in the hopes of greeting its inhabitant, only to find that its front had been shattered.

Despite the difficulties of space combat, he was able to use a Force push to destroy a droid, manipulate items to help a clone outflank the droids, and, once out of enemy range, use a Force shove to cut off his escape pod from a Droch-class boarding ship and send it drifting away.

Koon's Jedi skills allowed him to attack enemies and protect himself from Force strikes, even disarming or rerouting them back at their attackers. Additionally, he could improve his physical attributes, hone his senses, jump high—even over enemy base walls—and use the Force to charge into combat. He once used a single, quick Force push to defeat a spider droid.

From atop a Low Altitude Assault Transport, he collaborated with Ahsoka Tano to use their combined abilities to stabilize Endurance's bridge ruins so that clones could save Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker. He quickly threw a table at an assassin, unlocked a lock, and drew Boba Fett into his arms using the Force. He also held off a snowstorm to show off his Force barrier prowess.

Plo Koon was not just a Jedi but also a member of the Baran Do, a Force sect from his native Dorin that existed before the Jedi. Over the ages, many members of his family had belonged to this cult, and he became proficient in ayna-seff and other of its practices. Koon was skilled at asking the light for direction and could utilize the Force to sharpen his observational abilities. Additionally, he could wield malacia, a power that subdues others.

Once, with the assistance of other Jedi, Koon focused intently on the Force and sent a message to his niece across the galaxy. Later, he persuaded Stark to swap sides in return for a pardon by employing a similar tactic. He could have subdued entirely Stark and forced his complete submission if he had been nearer. Other Jedi and soldiers might likewise receive quick mental commands from Koon. He tried to use psychic communication to stop Ranulph Tarkin from murdering his adversaries. Even though he needed help to accomplish such things across long distances, he was able to communicate with Ahsoka Tano while she was close by, providing her with a sense of his whereabouts when he was trapped in space.

Koon could detect Force users, sense emotions (using this ability on Thyferra to detect Obi-Wan's dread), predict the future, and affect other people's thinking. During meditation with Qui-Gon Jinn and Adi Gallia, he played the most crucial part in diverting an attack by instilling in the pilot's mind the image of a swarm of attacking ships.

Strong and skilled in hand-to-hand combat, Plo Koon used the light side of the Force to augment his fighting skills. Among the Jedi Order's most proficient sworders, he was also a master in Form V/Shien lightsaber combat. Asajj Ventress, the notorious Jedi hunter, could be repelled despite his broken arm. He was also skilled at using a lightsaber to protect himself and deflect blaster shots, having received training in Form IV/Ataru.

Having studied combat, Koon was able to predict his adversaries' overall strategy by using the Force. Additionally, he was able to heal the injured. Also, he could blast adversaries a few feet out in all directions and use the Force to unleash a purple-blue energy strike.

Koon was an accomplished pilot who was known almost as much for his lightsaber prowess as for his flying prowess. After Anakin Skywalker and Saesee Tiin, he was regarded as the third-best pilot in the Jedi Order. He could breathe and live for brief periods in space because of his thick Kel Dor hide. He spoke Basic, Kel Dor, Huttese, and Shyriiwook with ease.