Purple Lightsaber Meaning and Users
A rare and distinctive weapon in Star Wars, the purple lightsaber represents a combination of light and dark side qualities. Purple lightsaber wielders are renowned for their shrewd moves and powerful blows. Although they are self-assured, they might get emotional and lose control.
Their enthusiasm is evident in their movements as they strive for glory and thrive on adrenaline during combat. They use agile, strong, and versatile fighting techniques, including gymnastics like leaps and flips. They mostly rely on Force, Using Force-Adjusted swings, pushes, and throws.
Hurricane is home to the majority of the rare and exquisite purple lightsaber crystals. The renowned Jedi Mace Windu received his purple crystal thereafter extending kindness to a local. Because purple lightsabers demand a lot of strength and courage, very few people use them.
In this essay, we shall examine the significance of the purple lightsaber, its users, and the Hurrikaine crystals that generate this hue.
What Does a Purple Lightsaber Mean?
Balance, individuality, moral ambiguity, reconstruction, and rehabilitation are all symbolized by the purple lightsaber.
Each point is explained in depth below:
- Balance: By combining the red lightsaber, which is connected to the Sith, with the blue lightsaber, which is connected to the Jedi, the purple lightsaber represents balance. This shows that the wielder embraces both sides of the Force.
- Individuality: Because it is uncommon and one-of-a-kind, the purple lightsaber represents individuality by demonstrating the wielder's unique and particular bond with the Force.
- Moral Ambiguity: The purple lightsaber represents moral ambiguity, signifying that its bearers are prepared to face and comprehend their darker sides. It stands for the capacity to recognize and negotiate one's moral complexity.
- Reconstruction and Recovery: In the Star Wars universe, the color purple represents the capacity to rebuild and bounce back after setbacks and battles.
See our post 17 Lightsaber Color Meanings Explained for additional information on the meanings of lightsaber hues.
Who Has a Purple Lightsaber in Star Wars?
According to Star Wars canon, Mace Windu is the only character with a purple lightsaber. However, purple lightsabers were also used by other characters in Legends.
The following Star Wars characters wield purple lightsabers:
- Mace Windu
- Darth Revan
- Jaina Solo Fel
- Anakin Solo
- Ki-Adi-Mundi
- Kyp Durron
- Saesee Tiin
- Darth Zash
- Tott Doneeta
- Jaden Korr
- Ty Yorrick
- Vernestra Rwoh
- Cal Kestis (in "Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order")
- Gella Nattai
- Lomi Plo
- Siri Tachi
- An'ya Kuro
- Beldorion
- Horak-mul
- Darrus Jeht
- Drake Lo'gaan
- Darth Andru
- Kalatosh Zavros
- Ry Ki-Sakka
- Savina Besatrix Malagán
- Huulik
- J'Mikel
- Ergast
- Valis
- Bleth Fahr
- Lys Solay
- Obratuk Glii
- Karbin
- Kildo
- Quux
- Raptus
- Darth VaGhal
- Vincine
- Vang
- Tahm
The following lists the most well-known purple lightsaber users:
Mace Windu
In the last years of the Republic, Mace Windu, a human male Jedi Master who used the Force, served on the Jedi High Council.
He was once selected as the commander of the Jedi Order and was a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. As the evil side of the Force became more potent in the corrupt and deteriorating Republic, he stood up for the Jedi Order and its ancient customs.
Mace Windu struggled to construct his lightsaber as a Jedi Initiate. He felt helpless and unable to put the pieces together until Huyang, the architect droid, reminded him that the Jedi, not the lightsaber, was the true weapon because the Force linked the pieces through Windu. With the droid's assistance, he completed the construction of his purple lightsaber, which he would wield for many years, with a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic; Windu used this lightsaber in numerous conflicts during the Clone Wars. During a battle with Sheev Palpatine, he lost the lightsaber when it fell out of a window. This happened when Anakin Skywalker intervened, betraying Windu and saving Palpatine's life, which ultimately resulted in Windu's demise.
Darth Revan
Named the Revanchist, Darth Revan, and the Prodigal Knight, Revan was a male Human who portrayed both Jedi and Sith roles.
He trained under several Jedi Masters after being born on the Outer Rim in 3994 BBY. He led the Revanchist movement and, as a Jedi Knight, attacked the Order for its inaction during the Mandalorian Wars. He later rose to the position of Supreme Commander of the Republic Military.
Over the years, Revan employed a variety of lightsabers. Although he used a cyan lightsaber for most of the Mandalorian Wars, he initially wielded a purple lightsaber when he was known as Revan.
In addition to wearing unique robes from the Star Forge that provided more protection than ordinary armour, he wielded a red lightsaber with a red crystal that he had fashioned himself. He was a Sith Lord. After being redeemed, Revan utilized a blue lightsaber to battle Darth Malak and the Sith; by 3954 BBY, he had switched it to a green blade.
Revan used the same violet-crystal lightsaber after being released from stasis until he vanished at the Foundry. As he transitioned from Sith Lord to Jedi Knight, he used a red lightsaber first, then a purple one.
Jaina Solo Fel
A female Human Force user, Jaina Solo Fel, was a Jedi Master in the New Jedi Order. Her uncle, Grand Master Luke Skywalker, bestowed upon her the title of "Sword of the Jedi" in recognition of her valour during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, and she was elected to the New Jedi High Council. She was Anakin Solo's older sister and Jacen Solo's twin sister.
Jaina began going to her uncle's Jedi Praxeum when she was thirteen years old. There, she constructed her lightsaber with the help of her twin brother Jacen, their companions Lowbacca and Tenel Ka, and a synthetic crystal that gave her blade a purple hue.
On multiple occasions, Jaina Solo wielded her purple lightsaber. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, she flew with the Rogue Squadron and fought as a Jedi Knight, using it frequently. In the battle on Hapes, Jaina also used her lightsaber, particularly when her friend Tenel Ka suffered an arm injury during training. An essential weapon in her battles and assignments was her purple lightsaber.
Anakin Solo
Anakin Solo belonged to the New Jedi Order and was a Jedi Knight. He was Jaina and Jacen Solo's younger brother and the third child of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo.
He was named after Anakin Skywalker, his grandpa, and was frequently concerned about being like him. He met Tahiri Veila at the Jedi school on Yavin 4 when he was eleven years old, and they became close friends. Freeing the souls of trapped Massassi youngsters was one of their many adventures together.
Anakin was a pivotal player in the Yuuzhan Vong War, participating in significant engagements and developing successful counteroffensive tactics. As a result of his efforts to save Tahiri and assist Vua Rapuung in exposing the truth, the Jeedai heresy spread, contributing to the war's conclusion. To eliminate the menace, he later led a crew to halt the Jedi-killing voxyn and gave his life.
A purple lightsaber was in Anakin Solo's hands. While participating in the Yuuzhan Vong War, he created and utilized it. Anakin and many others used this lightsaber after his death, which was crucial to the war.
A male Cerean Force-user, Ki-Adi-Mundi served on the Jedi High Council in the latter years of the Galactic Republic.
Mundi rose to the rank of Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic following the First Battle of Geonosis, which marked the start of the Clone Wars. He commanded clone troops during the second campaign on Geonosis and other conflicts with the Separatist forces.
Mundi led the 21st Nova Corps in the Republic's assault on Mygeeto in 19 BBY, the last year of the war. Under Order 66, Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine—who was actually the Sith Lord Darth Sidious—commanded the clone warriors to kill their Jedi commanders during this invasion. As a result, Mundi and the majority of the Jedi Order perished.
Mundi's lightsaber lasted for many years after his death, and the collector Dok-Ondar finally acquired it. He told a First Order sergeant about its past. The lightsaber blade Mundi used to wield as a Jedi Knight was purple. The blade was blue from the time he became a Master until his death on Mygeeto during the Clone Wars.
Kyp Durron
Human male Kyp Durron was a Force-user with a convoluted and contentious galactic past. He was a prominent Jedi Master who also caused numerous fatalities in the 11 ABY battle against the Empire.
He was enraged because the Empire had imprisoned him in the spice mines of Kessel as a kid. The ghost of Dark Lord Exar Kun took advantage of this rage when Han Solo saved Durron and brought him to Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum.
Kun's influence caused Durron to steal the Sun Crusher, kill his brother by accident, and destroy multiple Imperial targets. After Kun's influence was eliminated, Durron pursued atonement and eventually rose to the rank of Jedi Master, becoming one of Skywalker's most gifted pupils.
A purple lightsaber was in Kyp Durron's hand. New Bandomeer, Apsolon, Troiken, Telos, and Naboo were among the locales where it saw combat during the numerous missions he built immediately after Operation Shadow Hand.
Saesee Tiin
From the moon Iktotch, Saesee Tiin was a male Force-User Iktotchi. In the latter years of the Galactic Republic, he served as a Jedi Master on the Jedi High Council. Tiin was a Jedi General during the Clone Wars who was proficient with both a lightsaber and a starfighter.
As early victims of the Great Jedi Purge, Tiin and Agen Kolar were slain by Darth Sidious. This happened just prior to the death of fellow Jedi Master Kit Fisto. The attack took place when Darth Sidious, who was actually Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, was arrested by a group of High Council members led by Mace Windu. Sidious killed Windu and started to destroy the Jedi Order because Anakin Skywalker betrayed the Jedi.
Saesee Tiin was a skilled user of a green lightsaber with a single blade. The blade's hue alternated between cobalt, emerald, and violet.
Around 30 BBY, Tiin and Mace Windu engaged in a training duel on Coruscant, during which they discussed Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos. Tiin wielded this lightsaber. Tiin deployed it in the Battle of Geonosis, the first conflict of the Clone Wars, in 22 BBY. Along with Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar, and Mace Windu, he also utilized it on a mission to The Rig during the conflict.
The encounter on Coruscant in 19 BBY was Tiin's most famous use of the lightsaber. There, the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious, confronted and killed him along with Jedi Masters Fisto, Kolar, and Windu.
Darth Zash
During the Cold War and the Great Galactic War, Darth Zash was a female Sith sorcerer. She became a Sith Lord after receiving Sith Inquisitor training.
Zash oversaw acolyte training on Korriban and studied old Sith magic. She looked for a remedy for her deteriorating health because using the dark side had a negative impact on her body. She thought her spirit could enter a younger body through an old rite. She needed a suitable host and relics from the Dark Lord Tulak Hord to do this.
From a bunch of low-born Sith hopefuls, Zash selected an apprentice who successfully rescued valuable treasures and Dashade assassin Khem Val. Zash became Darth after promoting the trainees and using them to murder Darth Scotia.
Zash attempted to control the apprentice's body once they finished their responsibilities, but Khem Val stopped him. After Zash's spirit found its way into her body, Khem Val had to share power.
Notwithstanding her situation, Zash assisted her apprentice—now Darth Nox—in vanquishing Darth Thanaton and gaining influence. She kept looking into ways to take complete control of the Dashade body by eradicating Khem Val's awareness.
In battle, Darth Zash wielded a purple lightsaber. She first used a red lightsaber as a trainee before switching to a purple one.
Tott Doneeta
Tott Doneeta was a male Twi'lek from Ryloth. When he was young, he was enslaved until Jedi Master Arca Jeth discovered him and taught him how to be a Jedi Knight.
A devoted Force devotee, Doneeta attended Master Jeth's training school on Arkania alongside fellow apprentices Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma... During his Jedi training, Doneeta developed a unique talent for communicating with and understanding animals.
During a battle on Onderon in 4000 BBY, Doneeta and his fellow apprentices defeated the followers of the evil side.
Later, the Sith cult known as the Krath assaulted a Jedi Conclave that Doneeta had attended. When his friend became black, Doneeta joined the campaign to stop Ulic Qel-Droma and the Sith. He took part in the battle against the Sith Lord Exar Kun and helped save Jedi artefacts from a supernova.
Years later, while attending another Jedi gathering and attempting to save Nomi Sun rider's daughter, Doneeta defended his people from a heat storm on Ryloth. He then went with Jedi Sylvar, trying to help her control her rage but eventually letting her make her own decisions.
Although flat-footed, Tott Doneeta was an adept practitioner of Ataru, the fourth form of lightsaber Duelling. During his Jedi career, he constructed and handled a variety of lightsabers, frequently alternating between one-handed and two-handed grips during combat.
He utilized his first lightsaber during the Beast Wars of Onderon, which had a unique hilt design with a curved guard and pommel that produced a golden blade. He also occasionally carried a straight-handled, purple-bladed lightsaber, which, when not by his side, was fastened to his wrist with a thin chain.
Doneeta switched between the purple lightsaber with a straight handle and his now green-bladed one with a curved handle during the Naddist Revolt. He persisted in wielding the green-bladed sword in the Krath conflict, including on Coruscant and Deneba.
Later in adulthood, Doneeta chose to wield a rare Jedi katana—a blade composed of curved metal instead of energy—after returning to his home world of Ryloth. During Sylvar's customary blood hunt, he also used a blue-bladed lightsaber with a smooth cylindrical hilt in a reverse grip.
Jaden Korr
Jaden Korr was a male human Force user who received Jedi training from Luke Skywalker and Kyle Katarn. He battled the Disciples of Ragnos, a dark side cult, and defeated Tavion Axmis, their leader, to become a Jedi Knight.
Korr bitterly regretted the several people he killed when he attacked a Corellian superweapon during the Second Galactic Civil War years later. He went into self-exile on Coruscant as a result of his disenchantment with the Jedi Order.
He discovered an abandoned Imperial research facility testing Jedi and Sith DNA clones after receiving a Force vision that took him to a frigid moon. These clones killed their creators because they were insane.
Korr followed the runaway clones with the crew of the salvage ship Junker. He acknowledged his reservations and apprenticed Idi-Shael during this voyage. He found that Soldier, one of the clones, was created using his DNA.
When Korr and his group eventually located the clones on an old space station, a clone named Iteration killed Korr. Nevertheless, Idi-Shael implanted Korr's consciousness into the Iteration's body via a gadget. Unaware of this transition, Korr kept up his Jedi Order career.
Jaden Korr used three different lightsabers during his lifetime. His first lightsaber, which was powered by a violet crystal and had a lovely, thin purple blade, was constructed from leftover components at his uncle's workshop. Korr's accomplishment of building this lightsaber attracted Luke Skywalker's attention. It was once seized from him by Joris on Dosuun, but he used it when training with Kyle Katarn. Korr finally lost it on Vjun, but he was able to retrieve it during his escape.
Korr later created a second green lightsaber, but it fell into a cloning cylinder during a battle on a freezing moon, and he lost it. He used a red lightsaber, which he refined until its crystal turned yellow, in substitute of his misplaced weapon.
Ty Yorrick
During the High Republic Era, Ty Yorrick—formerly known as Tylera Yorrick—was a female Tholothian Force-user who hunted monsters and fought lightsabers for money.
Yorrick left her Jedi Padawan training to become a mercenary and briefly joined a group under Caratoo's leadership. While serving as Mantessa and Klerin Chekkat's bodyguard at the Republic Fair on Valo, she ran across the Jedi once more.
Her Jedi Master Cibaba constructed the purple lightsaber that Ty Yorrick used. Yorrick served the Jedi Order and wielded the lightsaber until she left following an altercation at the Yallow Shrine with another Padawan, Klias Teradine. When she turned into a mercenary, she kept the lightsaber, but she added four long spikes to the top of the hilt.
Vernestra Rwoh
From the planet Mirial, Vernestra Rwoh was a female Jedi Master during the High Republic Era. She disliked the nickname "Vern. "
Rwoh, who had previously served as Jedi Master Stellan Gios' padawan, became the youngest Jedi to be promoted to Jedi Knight in a long time when she was fifteen years old. Ultimately, she became a revered Master and Jedi leader after rising through the ranks of the Jedi Order.
Drawing from a Force vision, Rwoh modified her purple lightsaber to have the ability to extend its blade into a lightship. Before she and others became stranded on the jungle moon Wevo, she practised in secret for a few weeks. To get away from the acid rain and remove the bush, she exposed the lightship. She rotated a ring underneath the blade emitter to change modes.
What are Hurrikaine crystals, and how did Mace Windu obtain a purple lightsaber with one?
Purple lightsaber crystals from the planet Hurikane were known as Hurrikaine crystals. They were so beautiful that people adored them. When incorporated into lightsabers, these crystals created blades that were exceptionally adept at piercing fortifications.
Mace Windu went on a mission to Hurikane in 58 BBY while he was still a young Jedi trainee. There, he assisted the locals, who appeared to be covered in stone. They offered him several of these rare purple Hurrikaine crystals as a token of appreciation. Windu made his lightsaber out of these. In his honor, a crystal was later dubbed "Windu's Guile."
Are Purple and Indigo Lightsabers The Same?
Although they are somewhat similar, purple and indigo lightsabers differ in the following ways:
- Purple: Purple can be a lighter, more pastel shade or a rich, deep color. It includes a range of colors, from reddish-purple (like magenta) to bluish-purple (like violet).
- Indigo: Indigo has a faint purple undertone and is a deep, dark blue color. It is frequently characterized as having a deep and vibrant hue.
Cultural and Historical Context:
- Purple: Purple has traditionally been associated with spirituality, luxury, and royalty. In the past, purple dye was associated with royalty and high rank due in part to its scarcity and expense.
- Indigo: Originating from the indigo plant, the indigo dye has been utilized for generations. Particularly in textiles, it has great cultural and historical significance.
Usage in Modern Context:
- Purple: Because of its vivid and adaptable range of hues, purple is utilized extensively in a variety of industries, including branding, fashion, design, and art.
- Indigo: Because of its rich and saturated color, indigo is frequently utilized in art and design as well as fashion, especially in denim (denim is dyed in indigo).
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the purple lightsaber canon?
The purple lightsaber is, in fact, part of the Star Wars canon. First seen in "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones," Mace Windu's purple lightsaber is regarded as legit.
Why is Mace Windu's lightsaber purple?
Actor Samuel L. Jackson, who portrayed Mace Windu, specifically requested the purple tint because it is his favorite hue.
Is Kellerman Beq's lightsaber purple?
Instead of being purple, Kellerman Beq's lightsaber is green. Because Ahmed Best stated in an interview with Kristin Baver that Beq had a purple lightsaber in remembrance of Jedi Master Mace Windu, many sources disseminated false information regarding the purple lightsaber. However, Beq's lightsaber is depicted with a green blade in "Chapter 20: The Foundling" of The Mandalorian.