Rey's Radiance: Skywalker Optimism

Discoveries have been made throughout Rey's Lightsaber adventure, from "The Force Awakens" to "The Rise of Skywalker."

Rey's lightsaber has several remarkable and distinctive moments. They have won over fans' hearts and given the Star Wars Canon a fresh perspective.

Furthermore, there are just as many secrets surrounding her lightsaber past. We'll disprove a lot of those today.

Rey used several lightsabers before returning to the starting point. What does that signify? We'll discuss it later.

We'll start by talking about the early history for the time being. The thrilling bits follow. We will resolve rumors about the hue and pattern of Rey's unique lightsaber.

However, Rey and her peculiar lightsaber did not receive much screen time. Fans are hoping for more in the subsequent sequels!

Mystery behind Skywalker Lightsaber?

In "the epilogue of Star Wars: Episode IX—The Rise of Skywalker," Rey is shown brandishing her yellow lightsaber into the sky.

The lightsaber's design was the primary reason why this 2019 appearance took the fans aback. Second, Rey's new lightsaber's odd color was another factor that surprised the viewers.

This is due to the fact that Rey utilized the lightsaber of her former master, Luke Skywalker, before acquiring her own. In actuality, her first lightsaber is not Luke's. Actually, Luke's father, Anakin Skywalker, was the first owner of the renowned Skywalker lightsaber.

Rey quickly developed a strong bond with Anakin's lightsaber. Rey is seen practicing with the blue lightsaber in the sequel trilogy, and they quickly become friends.

First Meeting

Contrary to popular belief, Rey Skywalker did not happen to stumble upon Anakin's lightsaber.

No. From Maz Kanata's castle, in the basement of her treasure trove, the lightsaber called out to her.

By letting herself be led by the lightsaber's pull, Jekku Rey was able to find the weapon while in the desert world. How the Anakin lightsaber ended up there instead of with Luke is a whole other tale.

However, after learning about the lightsaber. With the new conflict between the First Order and the Resistance, Rey took it and began her journey.

Force Vision

After making contact with the found lightsaber, Rey is confronted by a strong vision. The vision gives her a vision of a parallel future lightsaber world. Fans are also familiar with the same lightsaber under the moniker "Dark Rey Lightsaber."

But that's not what we're discussing right now.

But don't forget the name! We'll talk about this scene's relevance later.

Let's concentrate on Anakin's Lightsaber, Rey's first lightsaber, for the time being.

Luke Apprentice

Rey decided to make the lightsaber her first permanent weapon as soon as she held it.

As a result, the blue Anakin lightsaber was long gone. It can now be seen in Rey's hands in both "Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi" and "The Force Awakens."

The Resistance, who had been searching for the final Jedi, Luke Skywalker, was obviously alerted to this. Rey needed to be a skilled warrior to aid. Therefore, she understood that she needed to train with a combat specialist to enable her to make the most of her first lightsaber.

During her quest, she happened to run into the lone Luke Skywalker. Luke had been living in self-exile on the planet Ach-To.

During the meeting, Rey relived the entire lightsaber-finding story. She also offered to give Luke back the lightsaber. She wished Luke would rejoin the Resistance and aid in the First Order's defeat.

Luke declined, much to her dismay. But he said he would train her.

Training Days

Thus, in Episode VIII, Anakin's lightsaber is used to train Rey, who then utilizes it as a weapon of her own.

Finn, a fellow Resistance member, initially trained her, followed by Luke Skywalker. In addition, while Luke hesitated, Leia Organa gave Rey words of wisdom and counsel.

Her early training setbacks and successes are reflected in her first lightsaber. She soon succeeded in earning the title of Jedi Knight specialist. Because of her lengthy training, she was also prepared to duel with the blue lightsaber.

Duel With Kylo Ren

The relationship between Kylo Ren and Rey Skywalker is aptly shown in The Force Awakens and Episode VII: The Last Jedi. They develop a telepathic bond because of their force talents, with one of them wanting the other to join his side. However, they engage in a duel because of the ongoing struggle.

The intense battle damages Rey's first lightsaber. She does, however, restore the lightsaber to its best state in Episode IX. This period of her life illustrates her steadfast devotion to the Sky-walkers. But the most significant moment is still to come!

Second Lightsaber Beginning

The real Rey Skywalker lightsaber is Rey's second lightsaber. Rey is the only one who assembled this sophisticated yet conventional lightsaber. The lightsaber that Rey uses has many unique features.

In Episode IX: The Rise of the Skywalker, she stunned the fans by brandishing her lightsaber for the first time. It is no secret that Rey has struggled with her ancestry for a long time. Particularly after it was revealed that she was a Palpatine, this was also the primary source of her internal conflict!

Burying Luke's Lightsaber

It is thought that the Sky-walkers originated on the planet Tatooine, which Rey visited. Lars on Tatooine Rey honored Leia and Luke Skywalker at the homestead. Now that she had the lightsaber, she buried it. The lightsabers were interred close to the sky-walker cabin in the Tatooine dunes.

Up to this moment, ancestry has not been revealed because it also marked the conclusion of the First Order and Resistance War. Finding her footing and a new weapon presented challenges for Rey.

Dark Rey Vision

Rey has chosen to construct her weapon. Thus, she was building her lightsaber on Ajan Kloss at quarters. In a terrifying vision, Rey discovers she is a direct descendant of Emperor Palpatine, her grandpa. Rey saw herself in the vision, wielding a red lightsaber with two blades. The lightsaber's hinged hilt and recognizable design from Darth Maul's hands are further features. She is advised to welcome her grandfather's legacy and accept her darkness by the voice in the background. As a "Dark Rey" moment, this is infamous among fans.

Yellow Lightsaber Construction

Did you know?

While creating the new lightsaber, Rey was already thinking of designing a double-bladed hinged lightsaber. But after the vision, she abandoned this notion prior to the Exegol combat and the interment of her mentor's weapons. Ray had begun to work on her new lightsaber already.

She finished designing the lightsaber, which came to life on Planet Tatooine. This was a significant achievement for Rey and a statement of her ancestry.

As demonstrated in Episode IX, an older woman on Tatooine spoke to Rey. She was "Rey Skywalker," Rey responded, enjoying gazing at the force ghosts of Luke and Leia Skywalker.

Among admirers, these brief moments have ignited a passionate moment. Despite numerous temptations, Rey's bravery and devotion to the Skywalker tradition have left many of her admirers in awe.

The Ending

The last time we saw Rey using a lightsaber was in "Rise of the Skywalker." Star Wars has not yet examined her journey after that. Her hardships and obstacles have thus far offered hope for the survival of Skywalker's legacy, which was in danger of dying out. If Star Wars creators ever choose to feature it, there is a ton of opportunity for more content, given Rey's affiliation with the Skywalker family!

Description of Yellow Lightsaber

We are aware that the quarterstaff is the source of lightsaber skills. As a result, prior to switching to cutting-edge technology, Rey carried a quarterstaff. Thus, a portion of her old quarterstaff is present in her new lightsaber.

Rey chose a heavy, stocky lightsaber hilt over a delicate design. She made use of the cloth grip and some metal that had been repaired from the quarterstaff. For this reason, her lightsaber is similar to the scaled-down version of her old weapon.

She still uses the same cloth handgrip in the middle of her lightsaber hilt. Despite its wear and tear, she was able to fit it precisely into her lightsaber. Her lightsaber is also well known for its elegant features and robust construction.

Furthermore, the hilt features the first-ever spinning activation button. For the first time, this distinctive characteristic is shown on her lightsaber. A yellow kyber crystal with a single blade is attached to the emitter. The blade can be smoothly retracted and released because of the unique mechanism.

Finally, lightsaber analysts note a drawback in the use of strong metal. Rey's lightsaber is weighty due to the metal, but it shields it from shredding and other harm.


Owner Rey Skywalker

Hilt Shape Cylindrical, Straight

Hilt Material Metal and Rey's Old Quater staff Parts

Blade Type Single Blade

Blade Color Yellow

Why Yellow Color?

On the Star Wars screen, there came a terrifying moment when a distinct and unexpected color appeared out of nowhere, even for someone who has a direct connection to the Sky-walkers. We all anticipated seeing a blue blade. Green would have been reasonable, too!

The series does not reveal how Rey obtained the Kyber crystal. However, there are theories regarding the color that suggest where she might have obtained it. The Jedi Temple guards are the same color as Rey's yellow lightsaber blade. Second, after defeating Kylo Ren in a fight, she might have used his Kyber crystal. Thus, she may have cleansed the crystal in a ritual.

From Rey's travels and the way yellow used to look. There is no denying it. Rey's independence and free spirit are symbolized by the hue. Instead, she stuck to her Jedi path, even though she had the option to adopt the hereditary Sith lifestyle. Seeing this shade of yellow also represents her nobility, loyalty, and devotion.

According to the team interviewed for the Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) Star Wars visual effect, selecting yellow was a sign of hope.

Rey Lightsaber Combat Form

After being instructed by Finn and Luke Skywalker, Rey demonstrates how far she has come by settling for an advanced lightsaber form. Later on, Rey mastered the all-around lightsaber combat form VI, also referred to as the Niman form. All of the earlier traditional forms have been combined to create Niman. Rey learned both offensive and defensive techniques from it.

Rey has already used her quarterstaff a lot. In a confrontation with Kylo Ren, she demonstrated the lessons she had learned from her instructors by using her new lightsaber effectively. As shown in the trilogy, she moved her lightsaber quickly and nimbly.

Skywalker Power

Rey Skywalker's spirit can defeat anyone.

In reference to Luke Skywalker. His courage and ancestry earned him a reputation in the Galaxy. Luke would undoubtedly prevail if he teamed up with Rey as a result of his experience and well-practiced fighting techniques.

Rey would be on par with Luke and Anakin Skywalker in a few more years.

Rey's spirit was always equal to her tutor Luke Skywalker's, and they shared the same passion.

Final Words

Many Force enthusiasts hold out hope for Rey Skywalker, the sole remaining Jedi Skywalker. For this reason, many fans have put their faith in her unique, brilliant yellow lightsaber. Perhaps the new ancestry and hue will give Luke Skywalker's sacrifice a new significance.

Skywalker, if you wish to have the same sense of pride as the final Jedi. Then visit LaserPointerWorld to see our Skywalker Neopixel Lightsabers. We sell reasonably priced replica lightsabers of your favorite character!

Canon Appearances

Star Wars: Episode IX -The Rise of Skywalker

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker -Expanded Edition

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker -Junior Novel

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker -Screen Comic

Star Wars: Episode VIII -The Last Jedi

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Non-Canon Appearances

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Rey a Sith Lord?

Rey was Dathan's daughter and the granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine, commonly known as Darth Sidious, the great Sith lord. Palpatine's bioengineered son was her father. Rey decided to become a Jedi in spite of her robust paternal heritage.

How did Rey build her lightsaber?

Prior to switching to the lightsaber, Rey carried a quarterstaff. Her lightsaber resembles the quarterstaff for the same reason. It resembles the quarterstaff in appearance and even has the same grip fabric. She used her old weapon as inspiration to build the new technology.

Why is Rey's blade yellow?

In Star Wars, the color yellow has always been associated with strife. Rey's yellow, however, conveyed contentment and optimism. Rey's blade color is exceptional and distinctive because she declares new heritage and devotion to the Jedi path.

Who is more substantial, Ren or Rey?

There was a time when Kylo Ren and Rey Skywalker were connected until Ren persuaded Rey to turn evil. As portrayed in the novels, Rey is able to outsmart Ren in the argument. Although both forces are equally powerful, Rey has an advantage due to her ancestry.

Why did Rey use Anakin's blade?

Anakin's Lightsaber blade beckoned to Rey as if it were fate. as she attempted to give it back to Luke Skywalker, his son. Rey was advised to train with his father's blade, Luke, who declined the blade.

How is Rey powerful without her lightsaber?

Even prior to her days of lightsaber training, Rey had exceptional skills. Her force abilities and even more potent Sith ancestry are to blame for this. Without her lightsaber, she navigated using psychometry.