The Dark Side of the Force: Characteristics, Powers and Abilities, and More
1. What is The dark side of the Force?
The Force could be used in two ways, one of which was the dark side. The price of using the evil side was subscribing to intense feelings such as hatred, rage, and desire. The negative aspects were greed, a fear of change, and a refusal to let go of possessions. People suffered because they were enraged and hateful when they held onto things.
It overtook those who were unable to conquer their dark side. The Jedi employed the light side of the Force, whereas the Sith were Force users known for employing the evil side.
The night was connected to the dark side. It existed in all living things, just like the bright side. As the soul's shadow, people had to continuously conquer the dark side in order to pursue the light Path. Acceding to the dark side led to an imbalance.
While the dark side was not more powerful than the light side, it was a more straightforward route that led to devastation. Even though the dark side would rule a person's future if they were unable to resist its temptation, they could always return to the light.
The temptation to use the dark side was common. Strong with the Force, Anakin Skywalker sank to the dark side because he was unable to let go of his attachments. He rebelled against the Force itself and the natural order of things because he was attached to his mother and wife and feared losing them. His fear of losing his loved ones drove him to seek power, which turned him into a wounded and malevolent cyborg.
2. What Are the Core Characteristics of the Dark Side?
Selfishness and possessions were the bad sides. They were linked to rage and hatred brought on by the dread of losing things. Both those who embraced them and those who abused their power suffered as a result. As a former Dark Side user, Asajj Ventress was aware that the Dark Side never truly gave happiness because its users were never content.
The dark side was associated with a dread of losing things and was possessive and selfish. Both those who embraced it and those who used its power suffered as a result of this fear, which gave rise to rage and hatred.
According to Jedi Grand Master Yoda, giving in to hate, rage, and fear is a route to the dark side. He also predicted that after a person attained hate, they would experience agony. Because the evil Path was addicting, Yoda thought that once someone followed it, it would permanently dominate their future. But there was always a way back to the bright side.
Darth Vader and Darth Sidious were examples of dark-side users who felt that their strength lay in their hatred, not in standing Yoda's warning that giving in to hatred would only lead to pain.
Darth Tyrannus, better known as Count Dooku, claimed to have overcome his pain in order to achieve ultimate power. According to Sidious, misery would only occur if one was unable to transform their hatred into power. Vader shared this belief, telling Sabé—who was not Force-sensitive but might be his lieutenant—that he had to decide between power and misery. She chose not to hate in response to his query.
On the dark side, Sidious was so strong that he drew strength from the animosity of others. During the Scourge of Coruscant, he admitted to Vader that he benefited from the animosity that Vader and others had for him. This implied that Sidious grew more potent as a result of Vader's attempts to use his hatred for his Master to gain more power. Instead of letting Vader live his life as he saw fit, the Scourge informed him that his hatred and dread only served to make him a more potent weapon for Sidious.
2.1 How Does Denial of Inner Darkness Strengthen the Dark Side?
Selfishness, fear, and violent emotions in all living beings were the dark side. Nonetheless, people were frequently tempted to reject this reality, viewing the evil side as something external to themselves that they could eliminate. Even Yoda, who had studied for hundreds of years to overcome his darkness, first refused to see his dark reflection. This type of hubris was easy to fall into. He just aided the lousy side by ignoring this reality.
On the volcanic planet Mustafar in 19 BBY, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi encountered his old pupil, Anakin Skywalker, who had turned evil and become Darth Vader. Vader believed he could defeat Darth Sidious, his Sith Master. The battle between Vader and Kenobi resulted in a draw, yet despite Kenobi's advantage, Vader persisted. Vader's pride and rage from the dark side caused him to disregard Kenobi's warning and launch another attack. Vader was consequently nearly burnt to death on the banks of a lava river when Kenobi severed his limbs.
2.2 Why Is Attachment Dangerous for Force Users?
In reality, attachment is about selfishness and possession, which are aspects of the dark side, although living things frequently confuse them for love. The dread of loss, another manifestation of greed, developed from its obsession with possession.
When attachment merged with love, it became a cause of suffering; according to Anakin Skywalker, the dread of losing something and the suffering that could result from it overwhelmed love. Therefore, it wasn't true love but rather a jail that imprisoned both the lover and the loved one. Jealousy followed attachment, and fear inevitably followed, which in turn led to hatred.
Anakin Skywalker, who married Padmé Amidala in defiance of the Jedi Code, found it difficult to reconcile his relationships with his existence as a Jedi. Skywalker had faithfully served the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars. But in the end, he preferred to sacrifice the galaxy to lose Amidala.
2.3 How Does Greed for Power Trap Dark Side Users?
The dark side's ravenous nature was its trap; no amount of money obtained through self-centered means was ever enough. The Sith were nearly destroyed during their battles with the Jedi because their avarice so consumed them that they turned against one another.
Darth Sidious' ultimate goal was to alter the universe itself by using the dark side's abilities. Because of his love for his wife, Anakin Skywalker first desired the ability to beat death; nevertheless, he later desired to control the galaxy and create the world he desired.
The dark side of the Force was alluring, even though Jedi were instructed to pursue the light side. To have a clear mind, sound judgment, and awareness of one's thoughts and feelings, one needs to be peaceful, quiet, and passive to prevent slipping into the dark side.
In some circumstances, the allure of the dark side may corrupt even a Jedi who had spent years learning the customs of the Jedi Order. The Jedi frequently referred to the dark side as a "quick and easy path" in spite of this.
Not all Dark Side users were motivated only by avarice and selfishness. The Son told himself he wanted the best for the galaxy. Dooku tried to use it to overthrow the corrupt Republic and establish a just new galactic order. Anakin Skywalker, before he became Darth Vader, wanted to save his wife by studying Plagueis' methods, and Darth Plagueis used them to try to make the beings he loved live forever.
3. Dark Side Abilities
Unavailable to practitioners of the light side, the dark side bestows special and frequently destructive abilities. But in order to use these abilities, one must completely embrace rage, hatred, and a desire to control other people.
Dark-side talents are useful for control and combat because they frequently involve attacking strategies. However, the user must pay a heavy emotional and physical price for these abilities. Overusing the dark side can also leave an impression of its evil energy, corrupting individuals, things, and even entire places. The Sith temple located under the Jedi Temple and the tainted energies of planets such as Dathomir are two examples.
3.1 What Unique Powers and Abilities Are Gained Through the Dark Side?
Specific powers, like possession and the capacity to control Force visions, were only available to those with the evil side of the Force. Using the dark side meant allowing one's wrath and hatred for someone to take over, which would make one feel angry, hateful, and driven to control others and inflict pain and suffering.
The majority of dark side abilities, like Force lightning, were only offensive. In addition to changing lives, dark side power might be utilized to prevent death or create new life.
Yupe Tashu, a Sith cultist and dark-side historian, told Wedge Antilles on Akiva that certain Sith Lords could use their prisoners' Force to prolong their own lives for decades past their expected lifetime. Dark side skills were viewed as abnormal by some.
3.2 How Is the Dark Side Used in Practice?
Similar to how Anakin Skywalker swore allegiance to Darth Sidious out of fear of losing his love, Luke Skywalker was tempted by the dark side when he fought his father out of fear of losing his sister. Fearing the loss of his companions, Jedi Padawan Ezra Bridger summoned a giant frock to attack the Grand Inquisitor using his feelings of fear, rage, and hatred.
Specific motivations may be behind a dark side user's devotion to suffering. Anakin Skywalker was a man in anguish who attempted to use more pain to calm himself when he transformed into Darth Vader. He tried to harm not just himself but also other people, but he was unsuccessful. Vader hated his old Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, for years, but his loneliness only grew after Kenobi's passing.
3.3 How Does the Dark Side Influence People and Places?
The evil side's power was destructive and piercing. The Jedi were gradually weakened over a thousand years as the dark side's power seeped upward through the Jedi Temple, which was built on top of an old Sith shrine.
Nearby Force-sensitive individuals frequently felt chilly if the dark side's presence was strong enough. Ezra Bridger and Kanan Jarrus experienced this multiple times when Darth Vader was in close proximity, as well as when Luke detected the sinister energy emanating from the Cave of Evil on Dagobah.
If used extensively, a planet could become tainted by the dark side's energy. One such location where the evil side had a significant effect was Dathomir. Physical items connected to people with a strong evil side presence, like Darth Momin and his mask, could likewise do this. Momin's mask corrupted beings in the vicinity, and they became mindless murderers.
4. How Do Different Groups Perceive the Dark Side?
The Sith perceive the dark side as a route to ultimate power via ambition and hatred, whereas the Jedi see it as corrupting and destructive, requiring discipline to resist. While they lack the Sith's discipline, some factions, such as the Knights of Ren, enjoy the turmoil and adaptability of the dark side.
4.1 How Do the Jedi View the Dark Side?
The Force's dark side was highly corrupting. Grand Master Yoda believed that although a person who chose to embrace the dark side would always be dominated by it, redemption was always possible.
One's course in life is defined by their decisions and deeds, both unselfish and selfish. The Jedi understood that fear is the dark side and that anger breeds hatred, which breeds rage, which breeds misery, primarily for the one who embraces the dark side. The Jedi conquered their dark side and stopped it from taking over them by being patient, disciplined, and trained.
Jedi Master Avar Kriss interpreted the failure of the Jedi Order's attempt to infiltrate the Nihil marauders during the battle on Xais as evidence that the Jedi and other people who identified as light-side servants could not afford to lurk in the shadows. She thought the Jedi needed to overcome this as it was their adversaries' domain. As a result, they directly attacked the Nihil in their subsequent offensive, the Battle for No-Space.
4.2 How Do the Sith Interpret the Dark Side?
The Sith were loyal to the dark side of the Force, in contrast to the Jedi, who adhered to the principles of the light side. The Sith used hate, deceit, and ambition to harness the dark side's energies because they wanted power at all costs.
Darth Sidious said that his anger and the hatred of others he fed off of were the sources of his strength. The hatred one felt for Sidious actually made him stronger. Yupe Tashu claims that Sidious likewise thought that the cosmos outside of the known galaxy was the source of his dark side power. Darth Vader thought he embodied the power of the dark side and saw it as a source of strength.
Lord Momin viewed the dark side of the Force as a superior force. In particular, Momin thought that artists may be given perpetual life if they create work that exalts the dark side. Because of these strong opinions, Momin was disregarded by both Jedi and Sith Holocron chroniclers. After Momin's spirit resurrected his body and engaged in combat with Vader, he accused the modern Sith of failing the dark side by concentrating on annihilating the Jedi. However, Vader killed Momin.
4.3 What Is the Knights of Ren's Approach to the Dark Side?
To become a member of the Knights of Ren, one had to possess the dark side. However, one of the requirements was that a prospective member must voluntarily sacrifice themselves by killing someone.
Seven skilled fighters—Ap'lek, Cardo, Kuruk, Ren, Trudgen, Ushar, and Vicrul—were members of the Knights of Ren. They were marauders who roamed the cosmos, especially in the Unknown Regions, where they preyed on remote civilizations on worlds with few inhabitants. They did not practice any Force-based religion despite the fact that the Knights of Ren were Force-sensitive. However, their leader referred to the dark side of the Force as the "shadow," which was the Knights' source of power.
The ideals of the Knights of Ren, who were dark-side users who flourished in a lawless environment, diverged significantly from the Jedi Order's customs. In contrast to the Jedi, who Snoke of the First Order believed were inflexible because of their code, the Knights were flexible and allowed to act as they wanted because they disregarded the laws. Even while Snoke thought the Knights were strong, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker noted that they lacked discipline and proper training and that their dark side skills were limited to the most basic.
Following the destruction of his uncle's Jedi Temple, Ben Solo—the nephew of Luke Skywalker and the grandson of Anakin Skywalker—became a member of the Knights of Ren. The evil warrior pushed Skywalker's apprentice to join the Knights of Ren in order to learn more about the dark side after sensing Solo's connection to it after their initial encounter with Elphrona.
After Ren killed his comrade Tai, Solo, who had been intrigued by the Knights' philosophy and emphasis on power, succumbed to his darker side and killed Ren in a duel. He then took on the name Kylo Ren and became the Master of the Knights of Ren. Despite not being a Jedi or Sith, Kylo's perception of the Force was influenced by both professions.
The need to go back to the light side would, however, upset Kylo Ren. He killed his father, Han Solo, during the Battle of Starkiller Base in an attempt to get over his regrets and embrace the dark side, but the deed only made Ren more hostile. Ren attempted to further solidify his evil side by executing Snoke and assuming the position of Supreme Leader despite his mental agony.
Ren was finally brought back to the light during the expedition to Kef Bir thanks to the sacrifice made by his mother, Leia Skywalker Organa Solo. In the Battle of Exegol, the redeemed Ben Solo assisted in overthrowing the reborn Sidious following a conversation with what he thought was a recollection of his father.
5. What Are Some Lesser-Known Dark Side Groups?
Members of the Sorcerers of Tund who adopted the dark side were viewed as traitors by their order. Since the Sorcerers had a different term for the Force, they referred to the dark side as "the dark side of the Unity." The Convocation of the Force was attended by representatives of the Sorcerers, Jedi, and other Force religions, although dark side faiths were not allowed because the moon of Jedha is significant to many of them.
The majority of the Dank Graks criminal organization's members had formerly belonged to cults with dark-side affiliations. People who utilized the Force were despised by the Path of the Open Hand cult because they thought that any use of the Force could injure someone else in the universe just as much. The Children of the Path, therefore, sought to seize Force artifacts, including those made by dark-side adherents, and imprison them in order to stop their use. In contrast to the Sith's "order," the Final Occultation was a dark side cult that aimed to spread disorder to the whole galaxy.