The Siege of Mandalore: Origins, Key Events, and Aftermath
1. What is The Siege of Mandalore?
A significant battle that occurred in the Outer Rim world of Mandalore toward the conclusion of the Clone Wars was known as the Siege of Mandalore, the Battle of Mandalore, or the Attack on Mandalore. In the Mandalorian Civil War, the Galactic Republic intervened to support rebels against those who supported the Shadow Collective.
The former Sith Lord Maul was apprehended by a portion of the 501st Legion of clone troopers under the leadership of Clone Commander Rex and former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Through the puppet leader Prime Minister Almec, Maul was in charge of Mandalore. Maul's visions of his former master, Darth Sidious, depict the destruction of the Republic and the rise of the Galactic Empire. He intended for the fight to serve as a trap for Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Maul plans to assassinate Skywalker and get revenge on Kenobi in order to prevent Sidious from using him as his new Sith disciple. But Maul's scheme failed because the two Jedi were instead summoned up to fight in the Battle of Coruscant.
Despite Rex and Tano's mission success, everything changed when Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, who was truly Darth Sidious, issued Order 66. As a result, they were unable to bring the captive Maul to the Jedi High Council. Their victory was rendered meaningless by the expansion of the Empire. The Empire captured Mandalore and established an Imperial Academy there.
2. Why Did Mandalore Become a Battleground?
Maul's ascent to power through the Shadow Collective, his bloody coup of Duchess Satine Kryze, and the installation of a puppet regime led by Prime Minister Almec turned Mandalore into a battlefield. Bo-Katan Kryze and her supporters launched resistance campaigns as a result. When Maul's presence and influence threatened stability, the Galactic Republic's reluctance to step in and intervene in the neutral Mandalorian system intensified. At Bo-Katan's request, the Republic finally intervened, leading to an invasion with the goal of driving out Maul and his troops.
2.1 How Did Maul Seize Control of Mandalore and Face Resistance?
Violence on the planet continued despite Mandalore's resolve to remain neutral during the Clone Wars. In 19 BBY, Maul overthrew Mandalore and drove out Duchess Satine Kryze and her nonviolent government, the New Mandalorian's, using his criminal organization, the Shadow Collective. One of Death Watch's lieutenants, Bo-Katan Kryze, founded the Mandalore resistance to oppose Maul's rule after he seized control of the Mandalorian military group. When Maul killed Satine, her estranged sister, Kryze's hatred of him grew even more potent.
Kryze saved Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi from Maul during a battle against the Mandalorian super commandos. Kryze instructed Kenobi to inform the Galactic Republic of the situation on Mandalore before he left. She prayed that Maul would be defeated if the Republic attacked Mandalore. The Jedi High Council, on the other hand, believed that the Republic Senate would not wish to interfere in the internal politics of a neutral star system such as the Mandalore system.
In the meantime, Darth Sidious, Maul's former Sith Master, vanquished and captured him. Despite his subsequent escape from Sidious, Maul avoided Mandalore. The Republic continued to receive information from the Mandalorian resistance on global events, including the continued affiliation of Prime Minister Almec, the puppet leader Maul had installed during his takeover, with the Shadow Collective. Jedi Generals like Mace Windu and Kenobi were adamant about preventing the Confederacy of Independent Systems from taking control of Mandalore. The Republic attacked Maul and his Shadow Collective under their leadership, but Maul escaped. In the Second Battle of Dathomir, Sidious and the Confederacy ultimately destroyed the Shadow Collective, removing Maul's criminal power base, but he was able to reconstitute it later.
2.2 Why Did Maul Leave Mandalore and How Did He Return?
Kryze and some of her devoted supporters, including Ursa Wren, followed Maul through his transactions on Oba Diah with Marg Krim and the Pyke Syndicate after he fled Dathomir with Gar Saxon and Rook Kast. Kryze and her Nite Owls pursued Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi Padawan, back to Coruscant after witnessing her and her friends, the Martez sisters, flee the Pykes. They sought Tano for assistance in dealing with their shared nemesis, Maul.
At last, Kryze's dream of a Republic invasion of Mandalore was realized. After some time of tracking, she and Tano discovered that Maul had returned to Sundari, the Mandalorian capital, using codes Tano had taken from the Pykes. Tano decided to call her former master, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, on his "Fulcrum" frequency because they were short-staffed and time was running out.
As part of the Outer Rim Sieges, the Grand Army of the Republic was engaged in numerous conflicts, and Jedi Generals Skywalker and Kenobi had just concluded a conflict on the planet Yerbana. Although Skywalker wished to assist Tano, he was unable to do so since he and Kenobi were dispatched to Coruscant to face an attack by General Grievous, who had taken the Supreme Chancellor hostage. Instead, Skywalker divided the 501st Legion and assigned his former trainee to a division of clone warriors, the 332nd Company. These soldiers had shown their devotion to Tano by repainting their helmets to resemble her face features.
In order to circumvent Tano's expulsion from the Jedi Order, which prevented him from being placed in command of the unit, Skywalker elevated Clone Captain Rex to Commander and formally appointed Tano as an advisor. He also returned Tano's lightsabers.
Tano was encouraged by Kenobi to capture Maul instead of killing him before they parted ways because it appeared that he had done it previously, but Maul had a way of avoiding death.
Nonetheless, Maul had expected Kryze to turn to the Jedi for help; in fact, it was a crucial component of his strategy. He sought to survive the mayhem after seeing a vision of his former master Sidious' Great Plan shortly come to pass. Maul had orchestrated the siege in an attempt to get revenge on Kenobi by luring him and his erstwhile disciple to Mandalore for their murder. Since Maul's visions had shown that the Dark Lord was preparing Skywalker to be his next apprentice, he wanted him dead in order to exact revenge on Sidious. The groundwork for a fierce struggle for Mandalore was laid by Maul's assistance from his fake Prime Minister Almec, his Mandalorian super commandos, including Saxon and Kast, and the rebuilt Shadow Collective.
3. How Did the Republic Launch the Siege of Mandalore?
With the help of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano and Bo-Katan Kryze launched the siege on the Republic. A 501st Legion division under the command of Clone Commander Rex and counseled by Tano was assigned to the operation, despite the fact that Skywalker and Kenobi were diverted to Coruscant. When the Republic forces arrived in Mandalore, they attacked Sundari, the capital, from the air, but Maul's super commandos fiercely resisted. Notwithstanding the intricate fortifications and early failures, the Republic gained ground, paving the way for a fierce conflict to free the planet.
3.1 How Did the Initial Assault on Mandalore Unfold?
With their forces on three Venator-class Star Destroyers, Tano, Rex, and Kryze arrived in Mandalore. A group of Kom'rk-class fighters/transports and LAAT/I gunships descended to Sundari from orbit. Almec sent a message to the attacking Force on the way down, yelling at Kryze that the Republic soldiers' presence was a violation of an ancient contract and that the Mandalorian people would view her as an enemy as a result. Kryze said that she didn't give a damn and that she was after him because he was Maul's puppet. After that, Kryze called Wren, who was in the city, to ask her where Maul was. Wren was able to verify that he was in the town, but she was unable to pinpoint his precise location.
Almec instructed Kast to notify the syndicate and Saxon to prepare Sundari's defenses. Soon, flying super commandos attacked the advancing forces, shooting down one gunship in the process. To combat the enemy, Kryze's warriors flew in the air on their jetpacks. Kryze also flew, followed by clone soldiers with jetpacks as Shadow Collective super commandos boarded a couple of gunships and slaughtered the troopers within. Rex apologized to Tano for not bringing her a jetpack as he prepared to enter the combat, but she reassured him that she didn't require one and proposed a competition to see who could descend to the Sundari cargo docks first before leaping from the gunship.
Tano battled the enemy super commandos she came across while jumping from ship to ship, driving them out of one gunship before landing on a crippled LAAT that was sailing in Sundari's direction. Tano cut off the canopy to assist the pilot when he was unable to eject, and he thanked her before he did so. Before the crippled gunship smashed into the pier, Tano leaped off and faced a group of super commandos. Wren and her forces, together with the clone troopers, swiftly backed her up. Not until Rex came up to her and pointed out that she had won—to which he replied that certain things never changed—did Tano move into the city. Much of Mandalore would be destroyed and burned during the conflict, and numerous plazas around the world would catch fire.
3.2 What Happened During the Fight for Sundari?
Saxon and Kast's soldiers started to be driven back as soon as the Mandalorian and Republic forces seized control of the shipping ports. Upon learning of this, Almec commanded the two and their troops to proceed to the Undercity, where he assured them they would be greeted. Anticipating the assault, Maul was situated in the sewer system, preparing to set up a trap for the Jedi Kryze had brought along, whom he had hoped would be his former adversary Kenobi. A group of clone troopers under the command of Captain CT-0292, "Vaughn," pursued Saxon.
After Tano got back together with Rex and Kryze, the Mandalorian and her team headed to the Sundari Royal Palace to pursue Almec. Tano gave Rex the order to assist Wren at the ports in order to lessen the possibility that Maul would flee the city. Rex noted that all of their work would be in his favor if the former Sith were no longer there. Vaughn immediately got in touch with Rex and told him that he and his team had followed Saxon into the Undercity. Rex and Tano left when Tano replied that she would be there. When Tano arrived at the undercity entrance, Vaughn informed him that Saxon had moved into the city's maintenance and sewage pipes and appeared to have done so quickly. Together with Vaughn and his team, Tano headed into the tunnels.
Kast told Almec in the palace that, shortly before Kryze and her Nite Owls attacked, Tano had gone into the tunnels, just as Maul had said. Kryze demanded to know where Maul was and vanquished a number of fighters before defeating Almec in a brief battle. Almec mocked her, scared, saying that she had brought the incorrect Jedi to Mandalore, even though Maul had asked her to bring them. Kryze attempted calling Tano right away to warn her, but all he got was static.
3.3 How Did Maul Ambush Tano and Her Forces in the Tunnels?
As Tano and her army moved through the tunnels, Kast and her warriors watched. Tano deflected the missile into a wall, knocking her down as Kast exposed herself and fired it at her. While the clones were pursuing the Mandalorian's, Tano called Vaughn to wait for her to recuperate. Tano ran after her soldiers, but it was too late for they were all slaughtered by Kast and Saxon's warriors. Before he passed away, Tano found Vaughn in an open space, and he apologized to her for his failure. Saxons, Kast, and their troops immediately surrounded Tano in three directions. With Tano assuming a lightsaber posture and demanding to know why she had come rather than Kenobi, Maul emerged from the fourth tunnel.
When Maul mentioned that he recognized Tano's name but was unsure of her identity, she responded that she was aware of him. She answered it wasn't how she would characterize things when he mentioned that they had a number of friends in common. Maul acknowledged that he had hoped that Kenobi would bring Skywalker to Mandalore. Tano used her wrist comm to surreptitiously send a signal while he was speaking, alerting Rex, who had already reached the Undercity. Then, following the signal, Rex and his team moved into the tunnels.
Tano noted that Kenobi had a more "important" engagement, which is why he hadn't come. When Tano proposed that he surrender so he could explain to Kenobi what he was talking about, Maul warned that would be futile because the Jedi and Republic would soon lose control of the galaxy. Maul questioned whether "the moment" would arrive. When Tano inquired as to whether he planned to replace them, Maul replied that Darth Sidious—a name she was unaware of—would. When Rex and his soldiers got there, they started shooting at the Mandalorian's. For a brief moment, Maul and Tano came into contact, but he decided to back off, throwing Rex into Tano with the Force to buy himself an escape. He was pursued by Tano and Rex, who parted ways in the tunnels until running into each other once more and had to acknowledge that they had lost Maul's track.
3.4 How Did Both Sides Prepare for the Final Confrontation?
Returning to the palace, Tano, Rex, and Kryze held a holo-call with Master Kenobi. The clone soldiers had been as victorious in combat as promised, although Kryze pointed out that there were still some fights going on in Sector 11. After Tano informed Kenobi that Maul had brought up Darth Sidious, Kenobi told the three what the Jedi Council knew about the enigmatic Dark Lord of the Sith: they believed he was the Sith Lord who had orchestrated the Clone Wars and had been swaying both sides from the start. Since Count Dooku had recently died at the hands of Master Skywalker, Kenobi had not had the opportunity to find out Sidious' public identity from him.
Kenobi informed Tano that the Jedi's most excellent chance of learning the identity of Darth Sidious was to capture Maul alive. Kenobi informed Tano that he would not be able to provide any reinforcements to assist with that since he had been dispatched to Utapau in order to pursue General Grievous. Tano requested that Skywalker support her, and Kenobi asked to talk to Tano alone. Following the departure of Rex and Kryze, Kenobi informed Tano that Skywalker had been tasked with essentially spying on the Supreme Chancellor since the Jedi were dubious of his intentions because the Galactic Senate had permitted him to remain in office for a long time after his term should have ended. Since the Chancellor was Skywalker's mentor and personal friend, Tano pointed out that Skywalker would not be happy with this mission. In agreement, Kenobi recommended that she speak with her previous master. Rex interrupted them to say that there had been an attack.
Maul, who was still hidden in the Undercity, had ambushed a group of clone troopers who were on their way to reinforce the C-deck access point. He had used the Force to take Jesse, an ARC trooper, captive since he was older than the other troops there and wanted to learn more about Tano. Prior to Sterling, a surviving trooper, informing her of Jesse's fate, she sent Rex to reinforce C-deck once Tano and Rex arrived and found out what had transpired. Saxon and Kast, Maul's lieutenants, were with his prisoner farther down the tunnels. Jesse's refusal to provide the dark side with any information thrilled Maul, who pondered the Sith's Great Plan and how Sidious had utilized both him and Dooku. The ARC trooper was perplexed because he didn't understand what Maul was discussing. In order to prevent the captured Almec from disclosing any intelligence to the enemy, Maul dispatched Saxon to assassinate him, considering the power of information. Jesse screamed in agony as he attempted to resist, and Maul then started using the Force to comb through his head for information about Tano.
3.5 What Strategies Did Maul Use to Counter the Republic Forces?
Tano, Rex, and Kryze visited the prison where Almec was being detained in order to ask him about his intentions. He was impressed that they had the time to do so. Almec said that although Kenobi was not the only Jedi the trap was meant for, Maul had been distressed for weeks over something and had hoped to entice him to Mandalore. As the former prime minister started to evade questions, Tano proposed that Kryze assist him in recalling. Afraid, Almec opened his mouth to speak, but Saxon shot him with a sniper gun.
Tano cared for the dying guy while Kryze and her guards pursued Saxon, and Rex summoned a medic. Almec informed her that Maul had given her the moniker "Skywalker" in a vision before passing away. After she halted a lift car, Kryze pursued Saxon into the turbolift shaft, where they engaged in combat atop it. Eventually, Kryze got trapped beneath a descending automobile in a nearby shaft after Saxon used his flamethrower to push her there. Because of the damage to her jetpack, she was unable to pursue Saxon, but she was able to use her power to stop the automobile at the bottom of the shaft before it could crush her.
Maul made new plans, including leaving Mandalore and the super commandos, after learning more about Tano from Jesse. Just as Saxon came back, he had completed the conversation with the leaders of Black Sun, the Pyke Syndicate, and Crimson Dawn, Ziton Moj, Marg Krim, and Dryden Vos, respectively, and ordered them to go hiding. Appealing to their sense of honor, Maul told the super commandos that their warrior culture did not value hiding and that they should confront the occupying soldiers because they would die valiantly in battle.
The clone troopers and Kryze's warriors were in the midst of evacuating civilians from Sundari, which was devastated by the conflict. Many of the residents were angry at the Republic's presence, and Kryze, who was observing from a balcony, informed Tano that neither she nor the people would tolerate the occupation for very long. She had sought the Republic's assistance, Rex noted, and his troops weren't content to serve as a police force. After Maul was taken prisoner, Tano told Kryze that Republic forces would depart. Maul was waiting for the three when they reached the throne room, slouching on the throne and carrying the prisoner Jesse.
3.6 What Was the Result of Ahsoka Tano's Duel with Maul?
Kryze hurled her blasters at Maul as soon as she saw him, but Maul deflected the rounds with ease, using the Force before choking her and asking her if that was how she should treat her "rightful" ruler. Using the Force to take off the ARC trooper's handcuffs, Maul claimed to be releasing Jesse to them in his "good faith." Hurried by the trauma he had experienced, Jesse stumbled across the room and apologized to Tano and Rex for providing Maul with the information he had requested. Tano asked him to get Jesse out of there after Rex informed him that everything was fine. Explosions could be heard from within the room as Saxon's soldiers outside launched their onslaught as the two clones departed. The former Padawan was left alone with Maul when Tano demanded that Kryze fight because her people needed her.
The topic of discussion shifted to the enigmatic Darth Sidious's schemes. Tano assured Maul that he could assist the Jedi Council in thwarting Sidious's schemes if he turned himself in. In response, Maul offered Tano the opportunity to join him, pointing out that the Force had abandoned both of them using commands they had previously served and implying that they would be able to defeat his former master together. As the combat outside smashed the glass on one side of the room, Tano thought about the offer and accepted, but only after Maul responded to one question: what did he want with Skywalker? According to Maul's visions, Skywalker was being prepared to become Sidious' next apprentice, and his death would jeopardize the Sith Lord's schemes.
Tano ignited her lightsabers, sparking a furious battle between the two Force-sensitive outcasts because she was angry and didn't think Skywalker would ever turn evil. With only her shoto left after being momentarily disarmed of her primary lightsaber, Tano used the Force to knock Maul back and recover her weapon, saying that Maul was fortunate that Skywalker wasn't there because the Jedi would have easily defeated him. Tano kicked Maul through a glass panel behind the throne after yet another blade-to-blade battle.
Outside, the 332nd and a few of Kryze's warriors fought the invading super commandos as the Sundari residents who were not in shelters fled. After being beaten back at first, Kryze and other allied Mandalorian's changed the flow of the battle, allowing Rex and his forces to take control. Kast was taken prisoner along with a few of her soldiers. Whole areas of Mandalore were turned into combat zones. After watching the battle from outside the throne room, Tano finally spotted Maul ascending a building and followed him.
3.7 How Was Maul Finally Captured?
Tano went to the support beams above Sundari's bio-dome after Maul. Saxon called Maul while he was waiting for his ship and requested reinforcements because the super commandos were being pushed back. Before Tano made her presence known by lighting her lightsabers and declaring that Kenobi was correct about how difficult it was to kill the Zabrak, he advised Saxon to "die well" as a fighter. Tano ran toward him, and Maul swung his lightsaber in his direction. They then jumped around the bio-dome's support beams and fought in another combat, their blades clashing as they did so.
Tano was aware that doing so would enable Maul to replace Sidious, but he nonetheless remarked after the battle that if Tano had only kept her word, they could have eliminated Sidious. The combat was soon resumed, and Tano kicked Maul across the support beams. Maul just managed to catch himself before falling.
When Maul steadied himself, Tano lunged at him again, allowing Maul to kick her back and nearly knock Tano down. When Maul's spacecraft arrived as he was doing this, Tano returned to the battle and slashed her lightsabers at Maul, forcing him to lose his balance as he broke the dome's glass. Tano had to fight with just her shoto after Maul was able to dismantle her main lightsaber once more as the two re-engaged. Tano was forced into a defensive position as Maul effortlessly dispossessed her of the lesser weapon. When the support beam she was standing on sagged due to Maul cutting it, Tano started to lose her equilibrium. Then Maul leaped over the opening to land on the drooping beam above Tano.
Rex ordered for the gunships to finally capture Maul after spotting his ship above the bio-dome while escorting a captured Saxon below. Tano was given a final chance by Maul to join him, but she once again declined and had to avoid his oncoming blows.
After gaining the upper hand, Tano was able to seize Maul's lightsaber and hurl him over her back, sending him flying on the surface of Sundari. Tano, however, used the Force to capture him as Maul pleaded with her to release him and allow him to perish. While she restrained him, two Mandalorian's used their whipcords to grab him as the gunships Rex had summoned arrived. When he was taken into custody, Maul cried out in fear of what would happen, saying that everything would burn and perish. His cries were cut off when Rex stunned him. Tano then gazed up, reflecting on all that had transpired and what might yet occur.
4. What Were the Long-Term Effects of the Siege of Mandalore?
Kryze went on to become the Regent of Mandalore. To aid in her rule, a few clone troopers were later abandoned on Mandalore. The Republic's prosperity, though, was short-lived. The clones turned against Tano when Chancellor Palpatine, who was actually Darth Sidious, turned Anakin Skywalker to the dark side of the Force and issued Order 66 while Rex and Tano were traveling to Coruscant to deliver the captured Maul aboard the Tribunal. After troopers Tup and Fives were killed, the Kaminoans implanted "inhibitor" chips in the clones, which raised suspicions. Rex resisted the compulsion long enough to provide Tano with the hint she needed to subdue him and take out his chip finally. Tano freed Maul from his Mandalorian-made containment pod during the battle to divert attention from the mind-controlled clones. Maul eventually managed to break out of the Venator-class Star Destroyer by stealing a Nu-class shuttle and destroying its hyperdrive.
Tano and Rex fled to the Outer Rim to hide while Palpatine launched a Great Jedi Purge across the galaxy to eradicate the Jedi Order. Tano and Rex survived the Star Destroyer crash alone, along with the escaped Maul. Tano faked her death at the crash site, leaving her lightsabers behind to hide their tracks. But even though the Jedi Order was no longer there to defend the galaxy from Maul's wrath, Tano felt terrible for letting him get away. After his starship crashed on the Sith wasteland planet of Malachor, Maul found himself stranded there, but he eventually took over the Crimson Dawn crime syndicate. On Malachor, some sixteen years after the Clone Wars, Tano and Maul engaged in combat once more.
The Outer Rim world's power dynamics were further upset by what became known as the Siege of Mandalore. The clone troopers who had been stationed on Mandalore were taken over by the Galactic Empire, which had supplanted the Republic through the schemes of the recently crowned Emperor Palpatine. Additionally, the Empire converted the Royal Academy of Government of the New Mandalorian's into a local Imperial Academy in order to prepare cadets for its new military. Additionally, the Empire outlawed the Mandalorian's mercenary activities, but in return for their allegiance, it compensated some organizations, such as the Mandalorian Protectors of Concord Dawn. Since she refused to follow the Empire's orders, Kryze's reign as regent was short-lived. Clan Saxon swiftly ousted her, and Gar Saxon took her place as Mandalore's leader, holding the titles of governor and viceroy.
Years later, Ahsoka Tano would confront her past in the Clone Wars with Anakin Skywalker's Force ghost in the World Between Worlds. Tano would be fighting Mandalorian super commandos alongside 332nd company clone troopers during the siege of Mandalore in one vision, with Clone Commander Rex praising Tano for her efforts before advancing. Skywalker walked up to Tano, who said he did not recognize the battle that was taking place and took a moment to look around. It was the Siege of Mandalore, Tano told Skywalker, and it happened after they got separated. Skywalker proudly confirmed that Tano performed well and called the battle "intense."