What do the Different Lightsaber Colors Mean in Star Wars?
Who can forget the scene from Episode II? In it, Samuel L. Jackson's Jedi Master, Mace Windu, wields a purple lightsaber. The canon added a new color, and admirers' brains worldwide burst with excitement. What about the moment we all sat up and took notice when Kylo Ren's crimson lightsaber's tri-blade appeared?
Different colors of lightsabers help build the world of Star Wars. Fans of the series will recognize these colors.
Each lightsaber color has a special meaning. This meaning reflects the user's personality. This is true even for people who have only seen the movies.
Where do Lightsaber Colors Come From?
The Kyber crystal that powers the lightsaber's core is the source of its colour. When a warrior uses a weapon, their choices, fighting style, and personality affect the weapon's color. These rare crystals determine the weapon's overall hue. Red crystals are the lone exception.
Manufacturers make these from synthetic materials. That explains why there are so many Sith using red lightsabers. Nature contains all the other crystals.
And the others? Let's examine the many hues of lightsabers.
1 - Blue Lightsaber & Blue Lightsaber Meaning
When it comes to youngsters who want to dress up like their favourite Jedi for Halloween, this is definitely the most popular hue. Many main characters in Star Wars use lightsabers.
These characters include Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Rey. Luke is known for his blue lightsaber. People associate this color with calmness, loyalty, trust, and more organic components like the sky or the ocean.
2 - Green Lightsaber & Green Lightsaber Meaning
Indeed! Luke Skywalker, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Yoda are all the same colour. This is essentially a Jedi Master favourite and stands for development, the natural world, and security.
3 - Dark Lightsaber & Dark Lightsaber Meaning
This represents the dark and enigmatic forces uncommon in Star Wars. You may have most recently witnessed the Darksaber wielded with a black blade in the Mandalorian series. A couple more exist in the video games and literature.
4 - Purple Lightsaber & Purple Lightsaber Meaning
Let's welcome Mace Windu, one of the most amazing Jedi Masters ever! Ty Yorrick and Venestra Rwoh were among the other wielders. Anakin Solo and Jina Solo both have violet lightsabers in Star Wars Legends. This symbolizes dignity, royalty, ambition, strength, and knowledge.
5 - Red Lightsaber & Red Lightsaber Meaning
The Sith love this colour because it is created with a synthetic Kyber crystal. This is coercing something to follow your wishes rather than allowing its inherent beauty to be seen, as with most things on the Dark Side.
Many Sith and certain Jedi Council members also use a red lightsaber. Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Kylo Ren, and Darth Sidious are the most well-known ones. This color represents strong emotions like anger, passion, power, fire, and love that can make you very upset.
6 - White Lightsaber & White Lightsaber Meanging
Technically speaking, this colour is achromatic, making it one of the rare ones. This indicates that it lacks colour. This represents fighters who prefer a hopeful and unbiased approach, focusing on new beginnings and positivity. The two prominent wielders are Orla Jareni and Ahsoka Tano.
7 - Orange Lightsaber & Orange Lightsaber Meaning
Yes, Cal utilizes this in the video games. Purple is also seen in Star Wars Legends. Jedi Master Yaddle, Sith Lord Tula Hord, and the Mandalorian Knights use purple lightsabers. It stands for vitality, warmth, fire, and sunlight.
8 - Yellow Lightsaber & Yellow Lightsaber Meaning
Yellow lightsabers represent vitality, optimism, warmth, caution, sunshine, and a shift in one's personality or identity. Because of this, they are also unique, and Rey's colour is different when she assumes the Skywalker moniker. The other wielders are the Jedi Temple Guard, Ventrilo, Tyvokka, and Dark Jedi Yum.
9 - Cyan Lightsaber
This colour is outside of the existing canon and is less well-known. Cal Kestis is a character in the Star Wars Jedi video game. He is the only known user of a dual-sided lightsaber, similar to Darth Maul's, in Fallen Order. For symbolic purposes, someone uses a combination of blue and green lightsabers.
10 - Indigo Lightsaber & Indigo Lightsaber Meaning
Once again, our friend Cal Kestis shows us a rare color. This color is not quite blue or purple. You can only find it in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. This colour is thought to be intuitive and spiritual.
11 - Magenta Lightsaber & Magenta Lightsaber
Yes, one more for ol' dependable Cal from the video games. Charm, harmony, femininity, and compassion are all represented by this one.
Where to Get Your Lightsaber Color?
The construction of the lightsaber hilt is less significant than the colour of your blade. Our sabres have several pre-installed colours; you can switch them out with a single button push. Now that you understand their significance and history more have fun altering the colour of your sabre's blade.