What Does a Blue Lightsaber Mean?
When did you most recently see a blue lightsaber while watching Star Wars?
Because the hue has always been there, don't overthink it.
Since the beginning, the "light" and "dark" powers have been symbolized by the hues of blue and red. Later on, a variety of colors entered the scene, including purple, yellow, green, black, blue, and red.
Star Wars Clones describes the blue lightsaber as belonging to Jedi fighters and knights and the rest to guards and consular. However, the story doesn't end there.
Blue lightsabers also come in a variety of colors, origins, and possessors!
It wouldn't be simple if it weren't Star Wars. Yes?
Then, however, get up!
To clear up any misunderstandings that are annoying Jedi fans, we are hereby dissecting the origins, functions, and look of the Blue lightsaber, among other things.
Now, let's get started.
Made or Found?
The lightsaber's blade is its most important part. It is more than the crystal. No matter where the crystal is sourced, it will vibrate and produce a unique color, forming a strong blade.
Ilium, Adage, and Dantooine are the planets from which the Jedi typically receive their crystals. The Jedi will meditate with the Kyber crystal for days after gathering the natural ores. The meditation imparts a unique tint and helps the crystal align with the possessor's force.
When the force is applied, the color emerges in accordance with the force's will. Each crystal has a special power. The color blue has a symbolic meaning for Jedi. Luke Skywalker, who was unable to obtain the natural ore at Tatooine, is one example of an exception.
So he used a metal crystal. Obi-Wan had a special furnace at his residence that Luke used to create the crystal. The crystal turned blue after he put his energy and personality into it while meditating.
Conversely, Sith is more of a fan of artificial crystals. Sith prepared their lightsabers in specially designed furnaces using extraordinary varieties, such as stones and gems other than Kyber crystals. However, the synthetic crystals precisely matched the dark force, making them weapons powerful enough to shatter Jedi lightsabers. This method of preparation gave the blade its nasty qualities.
However, the Jedi have purified the red Sith blades and used them to combat the evil side on numerous occasions throughout Star Wars history.
Crystals or More?
Kyber crystal, which was discovered on the planets Ilium, Adera, and Dentons, was not used to make all lightsaber blades. As time went on, you'll notice that in addition to the Kyber crystal, lightsabers were occasionally fashioned from glass, jewels, and stones like diamonds. They were not favored, nevertheless, as these sources lacked the Kyber crystals' potent weaponry. They were in great demand for illumination. The Jedi specially employed lightsabers constructed of Kunde Stones to replace Kyber stones in medicine because they had a wider beam.
Why Blue?
Two significant color breakthroughs have occurred since the original Star Wars movies—blue and red lightsaber hues. Red was clearly reserved for the evil half of the force, while blue stood for the good side. Put another way, the Jedi and Sith, the sworn enemies of the Sith in Star Wars, gave up the sabers. Instead of the Sith fighting for dominance and control, the Jedi strived to
'maintain peace and balance in the galaxy.'
Apart from that, the user's force is directly related to the color. The crystal reacted with a similar color because a Jedi utilized the force to deliver wealth. Thus, the significance of the color blue is
"stability, trust, strength, purity, and nobility."
Who used the Blue Lightsaber?
As you have probably seen, blue symbolizes the force's light side. However, all of the blues you encountered in the series still have differences.
This is due to the fact that numerous people have owned the blue lightsaber. They were similar in color, but they weren't the same lightsaber. Each Jedi has a distinct personality and set of traits, and the color of their blade is no exception. For this reason, Ben Skywalker's first lightsaber was aquamarine, while Anakin's was dark blue. Likewise, Ki Adi Mundi's indigo was contrasted with Nikko's Tyris' azure.
In addition, Star Wars: Rebels features a blend of medium blue with blue, cyan, and black cores.
Still confused?
Continue reading to learn about the well-known Jedi who owned blue lightsabers. What distinguished their personalities and blue hues from one another?
- Luke Skywalker: Faithful and calm.
- Obi-Wan Kenobi: Focused and resolute.
- Kanan Jarrus: Predictive and a blessing in disguise.
- Early Anakin Skywalker: Generous, self-assured, and compassionate.
- Shaik Tic: Compassionate and serene.
- Plow Koon: Kind and disciplined.
- Rey Skywalker: Powerful and determined.
- Ki Adi Mundi: Wisdom, logic, and intelligence.
- Ezra Bridger: Calm and tranquil.
- Leia Organa: Very talented and loyal.
- Aayla Securer: Skilled fighter with a fighting posture.
- Early Nikos Tyris: Quick and nimble.
- Early Meetra Surrik: Enthusiastic and productive.
- Tera Sinube: Astute and humorous.
Are Jedi the only ones?
The only people seen giving up blue lightsabers are Jedi. In keeping with their color, Jedi serve as the galaxy's guardians and supervisors, enforcing peace and putting an end to any unfavorable disturbance. All of The Order's Jedi are taught to be proficient lightsaber fighters. They typically receive training from a young age under the guidance of a master, where they also pick up other skills like telekinesis. They are proficient in other areas as well, even though a lightsaber is their most practical weapon.
With complete faith in his lightsaber, a Jedi enters a battleground. All of the well-known blue lightsaber users in the Star Wars parallel reality were self-assured, powerful, and devoted to their cause. If not, they also had to deal with the fallout. When Luke Skywalker had to battle his father, Anakin Skywalker, in the shape of Darth Vader and win at all costs, it was the largest and most intense conflict in history.
The Blue lightsaber accompanied them to the final military battles despite the fact that numerous other Jedi suffered injuries throughout their missions. Once a lightsaber is tuned to the yielder, only the Jedi can command it like no other.
Appearance of Blue Lightsaber?
In Star Wars 1977, New Hope Novelization, the blue lightsaber made its debut as a story device from the Lucasfilm Star Wars series. It appeared like a crystal embedded in the lightsaber. The first person to appear to possess the blue lightsaber was Luke Skywalker. Additional appearances consist of
- Star Wars: The Old Republic's Knights of Suffering: The First Revelation Knights of the Old Republic A video game called 48 Knights of the Old Republic came out.
- In Knights of the Old Republic II, the Sith Lords are included.
- The Star Wars Old Republic
- The Hutt Cartel: The Old Republic's Ascent in Star Wars
- Strongholds of the Galaxy in the Old Republic of Star Wars
- Star Wars Shadow of Revan in the Old Republic
- Knights of the Fallen Empire in Star Wars: The Old Republic
- Knights of the Eternal Throne: The Old Republic in Star Wars
- Attack from the Old Republic in Star Wars
- Highlights of Obi-Wan Kenobi's Past
- Hunter of the Dark The Darth Maul
- Star Wars: The First Jedi Quest: The Path to Truth · Jedi Quest: The Last Great Battle
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars "Chapter 14" and "Chapter 15", respectively
- "The Gathering" from the Clone Wars film Star Wars
- "A Test of Strength" from Star Wars Clone Wars (formerly known as Kyber Crystal)
- The Star Wars Clone Wars episode "Bound for Rescue"
- The Star Wars Clone Wars episode "A Necessary Bond."
- In MedStar II, the Jedi Healer
- The Last of the Jedi's sinister caution
- Shadow Street from Coruscant Nights II
- Star Wars: The Unleashed Force
- The Star Wars sequel to The Force Unleashed
- The Star Wars Galaxy's Yavne Jewel: A Split Empire
- Imperial Conflict in Star Wars
- Forces of Corruption in Star Wars: Empire at War
- Jedi Knights in their youth: Lightsaber
- The Swarm War: The Dark Nest
What More?
By far, the most prevalent color is blue. It will continue to appear in the Star Wars films. It's a pledge! Rey Skywalker will be shown wielding the blue lightsaber, which is more akin to a Skywalker heritage, as is the case with all Star Wars sequels.
If you're a real Skywalker fan, you'll undoubtedly have a blue lightsaber waiting for you when you finish reading this article.
Be the protectors who can stop the anger and hatred that the red sabers are spreading by giving up your blue sabers. Last but not least, what color complements your force if the blue lightsaber does not? Learn more about the meaning of various colors here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who else has a cyan lightsaber?
Cal Kestis, the primary character in Star Wars: The Fallen Order, obtains a cyan lightsaber outside of the story. Nevertheless, Vader also killed him with the lightsaber.
What Jedi's have blue lightsabers?
Blue lightsabers are produced by Jedi, who serve as the galaxy's guardians. Green and yellow lightsabers are among the additional hues produced by sentinels, such as the consular.
Is Luke's saber blue or green?
In Cloud City, Luke Skywalker first fashioned a blue lightsaber, which he wielded. Later, he swapped it out with a green blade that resembled the lightsaber used by Obi-Wan Kenobi and was fastened to the hilt.
Why did the producers change Luke's lightsaber from blue to green?
Because it blended in with the sky, it was hard to see the blue lightsaber. It was especially clear during the daytime filming scenario when he saved Jabba on the Hutt's sail barge. As a result, the lightsaber was turned green.
Is Rey's blue lightsaber Anakin's?
It is the identical lightsaber that Anakin gave to Luke and Rey. Known as the blue Skywalker lightsaber, Anakin built it, and all Sky walkers utilized it.
Why is Obi-Wan's lightsaber blue?
Obi-Wan's lightsaber symbolizes his character and his status as a force. However, Qui Gon, his master, also had a significant influence on the color blue. Out of reverence for his deceased master.
What color is Leia's lightsaber?
Leia joined The Order and began training early, instantly embracing her strong family heritage. During the years of training, she used a blue lightsaber that was silver and copper in hue with mother-of-pearl inlays.
How did Rey have 2 blue lightsabers?
Not that she had two lightsabers from the beginning; instead, she was left with two after Ben Skywalker used up all of his remaining energy to bring Rey back to life. Because Palpatine had already taken up Rey's energy.