What Does a White Lightsaber Mean?
In the beginning, all of the lightsabers in the Lucas Saga films were painted white. Did you know that?
Afterward, Ralph McQuarrie decided to tint the blades according to the possessor's moral status. The lightsabers were then colored using the rotoscoping method.
So, it's not all red and blue anymore. Is it so? Blacks, purples, and greens are all present.
The white lightsaber appeared just as suddenly. Therefore, each color represents a person standing firmly. So, what is meant by a white lightsaber?
As Dave Fiona explains, the white lightsaber is a clear symbol of Ashoka's neutrality versus the side of force. It was during "Star Wars: Rebels" in 2008 that he invented Ashoka Tano.
White is recognized as the "middle ground" and has its own course—whatever the owner feels is appropriate—not exactly the side of "light" or "dark."
Learn more about the history of the white lightsaber by reading on!
Untraditional way of acquiring
In contrast to the conventional method of obtaining your Kyber Crystal from Ilium's frozen caverns. The tale of Ashoka's white lightsaber is very unique. Following the siege of Mandalorian, she and Rex excavated a grave to trick the imperials, leaving behind her old green lightsaber. There was no weapon left for Ashoka.
The former Jedi in EK Johnston's Ahsoka novel was hiding out due to Order 66 until she realized she needed to do something to fight the Empire. Thankfully, a few years later, she ran upon the Sixth Brother, whom she had unintentionally battled and killed. Using his lightsaber, Ashoka performed the cleansing on her own. Ashoka was unable to abandon the lightsaber due to the intense call from the red Kyber Crystal.
After the crystal's impurities were drained off, Ashoka was bathed in a silvery white light, instead of selecting the natural green radiation that a Jedi would typically have, the crystal suited Ashoka's spirit.
Ashoka's look for the lightsaber
Ashoka used the double-bladed lightsaber of the impostor to steal the Kyber crystal. Then, they fastened the two uneven white lightsabers to the hilt. After the fall of the Republic, Ashoka accumulated scrap metal over the years, which made up the majority of the hilt. This explains why the first hilt was hurriedly put together during the conflict. Curved hilts are another unique feature of Ashoka's lightsaber.
She later updated the hilt, though, using better materials. Since Ashoka thought the Kyber Crystal had been taken from the Jedi Temple during the fall, it should have been in the proper hands.
Things Ashoka Tano did
In the Star Wars series, the white lightsaber was initially used by Ahsoka Tano.
The first Jedi pupil or Padawan to get direct instruction from Anakin Skywalker was Ahsoka Tano. She joined as a teenager and had developed both before and during the Clone Wars as a member of the Jedi Order.
She aided Anakin Skywalker in battling the Christoph is opposition droid army with the Republic clone army during her debut mission and series appearance. She also saved the son of Jabba the Hutt, Rota, who had been abducted at that time. But her old buddy Barriss Offee falsely accused Ashoka of carrying out an explosion at the Jedi Temple. She was nearly brought to her impending death. The structure and the Order's belief in Ashoka severely disappointed and discouraged her.
She had two green lightsabers at this point. One shorter than the other. She had benefited from these lightsabers in numerous duels and throughout the Clone Wars. Subsequently, the Order apologized and pledged to grant her Jedi Knight status. But Ashoka had been disillusioned and had concluded that not all Jedi were honorable.
Ashoka left her lightsabers at the scene following the siege of Mandalorian in order to pretend to be dead in order to escape the Order and protect herself from the emerging Galactic Empire. She spent the following year hiding on the planet Thabeska.
A few years later, Ashoka escaped the earth and ended up as "Ashlar" on the moon Radar. She was a mechanic there. To establish friends there, Ashoka, too, went to great lengths. Radar was soon confronted by the Galactic Empire, who threatened her allies. Ashoka had fought by scraping against rocks and mechanical parts until that point. She now required a legitimate weapon. Fortunately, she attacked the Sixth Brother, another name for an inquisitor.
Even though it was a crimson Kyber Crystal, Ashoka was summoned by the inquisitor's double-bladed crystal. Ashoka, in dire need of a weapon, gave in to the crystal. She thereafter used force to purify the crystal. After the "bleeding" has been reversed. After a while, the crystal became white. Ashoka used the parts she had gathered all along to transform them into two sabers and add a makeshift hilt.
With the addition of a new color, this was a significant moment in Star Wars history. Rather than succumbing to the "dark side" of red, Ashoka chose a different route and stayed unaffected. For this reason, the "Midway" is also symbolized by the white lightsaber, a neutral color that does not blend in with either the dark or the light.
Conquests of Ashoka and white lightsaber
Ashoka was aware of the danger facing the Order and the rise of the Galactic Empire. She helped in the battle on Radar with her white lightsaber, which let her free her comrades who had been taken. Taking on the role of the Fulcrum, she focused on moving her lightsaber's hilt forward. Fourteen years later, Ashoka first encountered the Specters and trained with them using her new weapon. Ashoka battled the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister in Hammer town using the white lightsaber.
Then, facing the challenge, she returned to her master with her new weapon. But she could never have been prepared for what greeted her when she landed at the Lothal Jedi Temple.
The imposters struck in an attempt to find Maul while she was at the temple. After that, Tano and Jarrus joined forces to combat the three inquisitors.
The famous meeting between Anakin Skywalker, the master, and his erstwhile pupil took place here. When Ashoka battled Darth Vader, she was thrown from the temple and thrust into an eternal world. After that, Ashoka remained unaffiliated and uncategorized as belonging to either the light or dark side.
She later persisted in preparing the rebels to defeat Darth Vader by giving up the white lightsaber.
Emergence of the unusual white
The big question is why Ashoka's lightsaber changed to such a distinctive and uncommon color. The crystal chose its course as a result of the force she applied to purify it. Ashoka never let her feelings control her. Given the Order's betrayal, she had the option to convert to the evil side, but she chose not to.
However, she had the option of taking retribution, particularly after learning of Darth Vader's identity. However, no. Her goal was to lead her way away from both sides of the force.
Furthermore, Ashoka's reappearance in "The Rebels" distinguished the character as a significant depiction. She was very well-liked by fans, who wanted to see more of her. "Ahsoka Lives" became the catchphrase used by her admirers whenever she vanished. They survived the cancellation of Clone Wars, her supposedly pivotal encounter with Darth Vader on Rebels, and her comeback in the show's last episode.
Additionally, in the next live-action TV series, "The Mandalorian Season 3," we will witness more of Ashoka's voyage with her white lightsaber, whether it be in pursuit of Ezra or for training on Grog!
To think Ashoka isn't the only one!
If you have followed the series to the end, you must have anticipated the next lines to emerge in the article.
The use of the white lightsaber was not limited to Ashoka. However, it was the only reason for its popularity!
The white knights
Under the Fel Empire, there was an entire army of White Knights who wore the white lightsaber. They were just as skilled as the Jedi, if not more cruel. Additionally, similar to Ashoka, they had opted to follow their own ideology rather than govern alongside the military. To withstand the dark side's call, they would even engage in mental discipline.
The second distinctive feature that distinguishes the imperial knights is their red armor and white lightsaber. They did not support the dark force despite having received force training, so much so that their ruler would be instantly cleared or restored to the light if he were to turn black.
They made their weapons similar to how the force was created. But instead of using a natural lightsaber resource, they employed a manufactured crystal source. It's also important to note that, in contrast to Jedi, Imperial Knights engaged in casual chat or dueling with their lightsabers, additionally to prevent the opponent from firing blaster bolts. They were sheathed to their forearms and belts while not in use.
Let's go way back
Ashoka Tano was preceded by two Jedi Knights in the heyday of the "High Republic," which occurred 200 years ago in the Skywalker Saga. Orla Jarena and Jota Mali both utilized white lightsabers, which set them apart.
Orla Jarena
The scathing and piercing Orla Jarena is a new Jedi who was first shown in "Star Wars: The High Republic Show" and then in Claudia Grey's 2021 novel "Star Wars: Into the Dark." Jedi Master Lartet Several trained Orla Jarena as a Padawan. Lartet instructed her in the use of force. In addition, Orla was raised under the Jedi Order's tutelage, just like the majority of Jedi.
Furthermore, Orla immediately won the respect and confidence of the Jedi. In order to resolve the Erma E Rannoch Crisis, she and another Jedi were sent to the outside regions. Here's where you have to recall seeing Orla Jarena in a white robe, wielding a white lightsaber!
It's also worth noting that Orla Jarena's white lightsaber is exceptionally well-designed. The design is distinct even if the white color is comparable to that of the other few white lightsabers. Orla claimed the ranks of the Jedi and became a Jedi Knight, declaring herself a "Way seeker" like Ashoka Tano. During her voyage to Beacon Space in the Outer Realms, Orla demonstrated her independence from the Jedi council, proving the white color theory correct.
The only thing that is common now is white. Why? She wielded a remarkable white lightsaber with two blades and a unique hinge. In other words, she was able to bend her lightsaber into two parallel blades thanks to the inventive hinge in the hilt.
Jota Mali
Being a Jedi Knight in Star Wars is not yet complete!
In addition to Orla Jarena and Ashoka Tano, we have another term for the canon who disagreed with the Order's ideological views. At Kur Nebula, Jota Mali tragically died too early in the series to make a lasting impression. She proved that the white lightsaber notion was confirmed.
Jota Mali and Ashoka Tano are similar and different in many ways, as the majority of fans like to say. Jira, a Jedi Master and High Council member, was impetuous and preferred to drag out issues until they were resolved. As Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh stated, she possessed numerous "non-Jedi traits."
She shared Ashoka's belief that the force had no "light side." She was a Togate woman. However, she also believed that the Jedi's actions were invariably the result of the force. In the end, Mali left the Order behind.
Mali shared a white lightsaber with Ashoka, and they were both of the same race and gender. Similar to Ashoka, Mali obtained her lightsaber from a Sith light spear and cleansed it to expose a white Kyber Crystal to the public. Despite her initial interest, she eventually developed an attachment to it and installed the crystal as her primary weapon.
The curled platinum handguards on the golden cylindrical hilt of her white lightsaber curved, giving the hilt a winged appearance that reflected her personality.
Appearance of a white lightsaber
Episode 15 of Season 1 of "Star Wars Rebels" marked the debut of Asoka's white lightsaber. The 2015 season finale of "Fire across the Galaxy."
Additional Ashoka appearances include
- Forces of Destiny: Darth Vader's Battle Strategies for Star Wars Rebels: "A Disarming Lesson" from Star Wars
- Star Wars Rebels' "The Lost Commanders"
- Star Wars Rebels' "Relics of the Old Republic"
- Star Wars Rebels' "The Future of the Force"
- Star Wars Rebels' "Shadow of Darkness"
- Star Wars Rebels' "The Mystery of Chopper Base"
- The Star Wars Rebels episode "Twilight of the Apprentice"
- Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 2 Junior Novel
- Chapter 13 of The Mandalorian, "The Jedi," discusses the Force's Path.
- The High Republic: A Journey into the Shadows
- The Jedi's Light in the High Republic
- The Fallen Star in the High Republic
What more?
If you're wondering if you'll see more of the white lightsaber, don't worry—Ahsoka should still wield two lightsabers when she next makes an appearance. Hardcore aficionados like you must be giddy with anticipation to witness that in action!
In "The Mandalorian," that is unless she forgot to pick up one of the white lightsabers from the ocean during her conflict with the Magistrate. Let's wait and see what else we may learn about her and the white lightsaber trip in the upcoming season, which is most likely scheduled for 2023. Use your white lightsabers at home to stoke your imagination until then!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Are white lightsabers rare?
However, some colors, like purple and green, are relatively uncommon. White, however, outperforms them all. White lightsabers are highly unusual and seem to be connected only to Ashoka Tano and White Knights. Allowing you to experience the might of the white lightsaber in all of the Star Wars films.
Who uses a white lightsaber?
After she stopped the "bleeding" on the Kyber Crystal, Ashoka Tano became the famous figure linked to the white lightsaber. She is also still the only one with the white lightsaber.
What kind of Jedi have white lightsabers?
Ashoka Tano joined the Order as an adolescent canon or Padawan and trained with all Jedi during the Clone Wars. She had a lightsaber of her own, just like any Jedi. She utilized the white lightsabers she had obtained in combat after that was abandoned.
Is the color of the lightsaber important?
Initially, there wouldn't be many colors if the lightsaber's color didn't matter. Each hue represents the character's moral aspect. Red and blue are two prevalent colors with precise meanings. Yellow, white, and black lightsabers, on the other hand, stand for the various positions versus force.
Where do the lightsabers come from?
Kyber Crystal, which originates from the unidentified location of the planet Ilium, is used to make lightsabers. Once you get beyond the obstacle, the gem is shown to you in the ice caverns. Every Jedi must complete the "Gathering" rite, which involves sending them to Ilium to retrieve their crystals. After that, the hilt is inserted to finish the lightsaber and make it work.
How many lightsabers did Ashoka Tano have?
Two white Kyber Crystal lightsabers that Ashoka Tano had cleansed and obtained from the Sixth Brother LaserPointerWorld lightsabers were used.