White Lightsaber Meaning and Users

In "Fire Across the Galaxy," the first season finale of "Star Wars Rebels," white lightsabers were first used. Compared to other colors like red, blue, and green, they are less prevalent.

The only person known to wield a white lightsaber in the canon of Star Wars is Ahsoka Tano. But white lightsabers have also been utilized by other characters in Star Wars Legends.

The significance of white lightsabers and the personalities who have wielded them will be examined in this article.

What Does a White Lightsaber Mean?

Purity, neutrality, peace, hope, independence, and disassociation are all symbolized by the white lightsaber.

  • Purity: Kyber crystals tainted by the evil side of the Force are usually purified to produce white lightsabers. This procedure balances the crystals and produces a white blade that symbolizes a break from the conventional light-dark duality and a dedication to using the Force for peacekeeping and lifesaving without being constrained by any certain set of laws or associations.
  • Neutrality: The wielder of a white lightsaber is considered neutral. They don't fit into any specific group. They assist people without picking a side in disputes.
  • Peace: The color white symbolizes a soothing energy that instills a sense of security and tranquillity in those in its vicinity.
  • Hope: The white lightsaber represents both the capacity to defend others and hope during difficult times. Instead of being utilized violently, it serves as a lighthouse.
  • Lack of Affiliation and Independent Spirit: The white lightsaber represents the wielder's independence. They make their own choices and go along their road.

See our post 17 Lightsaber Color Meanings Explained for additional information on the meanings of lightsaber hues.

Who Has a White Lightsaber in Star Wars?

The only characters in the Star Wars world with a white lightsaber are Komat, Lomi Plo, Jora Malli, Orla Jareni, Imperial Knights, and Ahsoka Tano.

1. Ahsoka Tano

Who is Ahsoka Tano?

After the Clone Wars, Ahsoka Tano, a Togruta girl and Force-sensitive former Jedi assisted in establishing a network of rebel organizations against the Galactic Empire.

She was discovered on her native planet Shili by Jedi Master Plo Koon, who took her to train at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Jedi Grand Master Yoda appointed her as Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker's Padawan at the beginning of the Clone Wars.

Before the Empire's rule altered everything, Ahsoka developed into a formidable warrior. Long after the Republic collapsed, she continued to support those who battled for justice and peace in the galaxy despite leaving the Jedi Order.

A pair of white lightsabers served as Ahsoka Tano's primary weaponry for more than a year after the Clone Wars. Her old lightsabers, which she had abandoned to pretend to be dead and flee the Galactic Empire following the Siege of Mandalore, were replaced by these new ones.

Ahsoka Tano's White Lightsabers

Ahsoka Tano's white lightsabers featured rectangular, curving hilts. Because she had to assemble them fast in the middle of a battle using scrap metal, the hilts were rough when she created them.

She carried two lightsabers, one ordinary and one shorter shoto, just like her originals. Before putting her lightsabers together, she cleaned the two kyber crystals from the Imperial Inquisitor's lightsaber, known as the Sixth Brother, of any dark side corruption. The blades were white and powered by these crystals.

Tano thought the kyber crystals were initially taken from the Jedi Temple after the Jedi Order fell, so she used a variety of mechanical parts she collected while traveling and unique parts from the Sixth Brother's lightsaber.

The Meaning Behind Ahsoka Tano's White Lightsabers

The White Lightsabers of Ahsoka Tano stand for a spirit that is independent and unaffiliated with the Jedi or Sith.

Ahsoka departed the Order after serving as a Jedi. She is not constrained by Jedi regulations or Sith doctrine, as evidenced by her use of a white lightsaber. In contrast to the rigid Jedi codes or the sinister Sith methods, it represents her freedom to make her own decisions and live by her convictions.

2. Imperial Knights

Who Are The Imperial Knights?

Under the Fel dynasty's control of the Galactic Empire, the Emperor's loyalist Force-users were called Imperial Knights, also called Knights of the Empire or Imperial Jedi. Unlike previous Imperial Force groups, they were trained entirely in the Force and eschewed the evil side.

They did not strictly adhere to the light side or the evil side. The Jedi were like family to the Imperial Knights, and the New Jedi Order viewed them as gray.

Serving the Force as he represented, the Imperial Knights swore allegiance to the Emperor. The group's leader, Emperor Roan Fel, was a fully-trained Imperial Knight by 130 ABY.

The Imperial Knights had a responsibility to either remove the Emperor from power, even if it meant murdering him, or restore him to the light if he ever veered off course. The Force was their ultimate allegiance.

Along with their Emperor, the Imperial Knights departed the city after Darth Krayt seized power in 130 ABY, joining his Empire-in-exile.

By 137 ABY, Emperor Roan Fel had dispatched Imperial Knights regularly to establish agreements with the Jedi Order and the Galactic Federation of Free Agreements. They frequently engaged in combat with Darth Krayt's forces on planets such as Vendaxa, Mon Calamari, and Had Abadon during the Second Imperial Civil War.

The Imperial Knight Lightsaber

Every Imperial Knight was armed with a lightsaber of white silver. The design demonstrated their solidarity and the Empire's authority over every Knight. Unless it was altered, the lightsaber's white-silver blade was usually produced by a slanted emitter. Its gray, tube-shaped handle had black ridges.

Using artificial crystals and methods from Emperor Palpatine's Book of Anger, each Knight crafted their lightsaber while undergoing training. One of the weapons the Knights employed to safeguard their leader—their primary responsibility—was the lightsaber, which could be wielded both on land and underwater.

Imperial Knights utilized their lightsabers to attack and wore unique cortosis gauntlets to defend themselves. These gauntlets could turn off an enemy's lightsaber, allowing the Knight to attack. The Knight would often clip the lightsaber to his belt while not in use.

The Order began using lightsabers for Imperial Knights, approximately 130 ABY. When the Empire-in-exile fought Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire in 137 and 138 ABY, they were widely utilized in the Second Imperial Civil War.

The Imperial Knights Antares Draco, Ganner Krieg, and Marasiah Fel engaged Darth Krayt's Sith on the planet Vendaxa early in 137 ABY, using their lightsabers. Cade Skywalker, a former Jedi who is now a bounty hunter, fought the Sith during this conflict by grabbing Marasiah's lightsaber. This was the first step in his return to the Jedi Way.

Over the following year, Imperial Knights engaged Krayt's armies on planets such as Had Abbadon, Dac, and Bastion; Sith was vanquished on Taivas and Coruscant. In the conflict on Coruscant, Roan Fel attempted to wipe out all life on the planet using a bioweapon. Fel was murdered by Draco using his white lightsaber to prevent the Emperor from carrying out a sinister deed.

3. Orla Jareni

Who is Orla Jareni?

Orla Jareni was a female Umbaran Jedi Master and Way seeker who operated independently of the Jedi High Council during the High Republic. She was a part of the Eiram–E'ronoh crisis as a Padawan. She was one of four Jedi on the starship Vessel, which was bound for the Starlight Beacon when the Great Hyperspace Disaster occurred twenty-five years later.

A year or two later, she assisted the Jedi in Starlight Beacon with personal problems and disputes between Nihil and the Drengir. Before returning to Starlight Beacon to search for a deadly concealed menace that ultimately resulted in her death, she also assisted Jedi Master Elzar Mann in regaining his mental equilibrium following the Attack on Valo.

Before a young Obi-Wan Kenobi unearthed her story in the Jedi Archives, the Jedi Order had long since forgotten her function and life.

Orla Jareni's White Lightsaber

Orla Jareni wielded a hinged double lightsaber with a white blade during the High Republic Era. The weapon may fold into two parallel blades thanks to a hinge in the middle of the hilt.

4. Jora Malli

Who is Jora Malli?

During the High Republic Era, Jora Malli was a female Togruta who held the rank of Jedi Master. She mentored Padawan Reath Silas and served on the Jedi High Council. She trained Jedi Knight Dez Rydan and two other trainees prior to Silas.

Master Sskeer served as Malli's second-in-command, and she oversaw the Jedi portion of the space station Starlight Beacon. When Avar Kriss answered the summons to use the Force to save the Hetzal system from the Great Hyperspace Disaster, he felt their arrival.

Later, Malli was slain at the Kur Nebula in combat with the Nihil. Since Maru couldn't locate Sskeer prior to Starlight Beacon's dedication ceremony, Estala Maru believed he might hold himself responsible for her passing. Ry Ki-Sakka succeeded her as a member of the Council.

Jora used a white lightsaber most of the time, although she also possessed a blue lightsaber. She wore Jedi robes that were gold and white. Her lord gave her a headpiece, which she wore.

Jora Malli's White Lightsaber

With its gold hilt and curving platinum guards that resembled wings, Jora Malli's lightsaber featured a white blade. She obtained the lightsaber's kyber crystal from an old Sith light spear, a Sith weapon that included a kyber crystal. She inserted the crystal into her lightsaber after purifying it and eliminating the pain and rage from it. She felt a deep connection to it.

When she was pursuing criminals on Coruscant with her Padawan Reath Silas, she once used this lightsaber to chop into a stolen air speeder. When Malli died at the Battle of Kur, she also used it to activate her Vector's armaments.

5. Lomi Plo

Who is Lomi Plo?

A Night sister and Sith Master, Lomi Plo was a human woman who fought in the Yuuzhan Vong War.

She could have had ties to the Second Imperium and the Shadow Academy, but she had joined Darth Krayt's One Sith by the time the Yuuzhan Vong took her prisoner.

She assisted the Myrkr attack team in their fight against the Voxyn after they saved her. But she stole the Tachyon Flier carrying Raynar Thul and another Sith named Welk. They established the Gorog, a covert Killik nest, after fleeing to the Unknown Regions. Lomi was responsible for both the Swarm War and the Dark Nest Crisis.

Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker murdered her at the conclusion of the Swarm War.

Lomi Plo's Lightsabers

She was proficient with a lightsaber in addition to her Force powers. In her last two fights with Luke Skywalker, she employed the Jar'Kai method, using two lightsabers—one with a purple lightsaber shoto and the other with a white blade. She had previously wielded Luke Skywalker's green lightsaber.

6. Komat

Who is Komat?

A previous member of the Acolytes of the Beyond, Komat was a female human. She organized raids to gather relics and was adept at spotting starships leaving hyperspace. She was there when a New Republic station on Devaron was attacked.

When another Acolyte, Kiza, was taken over by a Sith mask, she lost her intimate relationship with her. When Komat attempted to remove the mask from Kiza, a struggle broke out, killing their commander, Tashu and sending Kiza running.

Komat thought Kiza was a threat and went in search of a Sith lightsaber, but Luke Skywalker saved her. After leaving the Acolytes, she resided on Polaar as a farmer with her pet, mouse droid and droid.

Skywalker and Lando Calrissian traveled to Polaar in 21 ABY in search of an opulent vessel. Komat assisted in its tracking and went with Calrissian to save a family from Ochi, a Jedi hunter, and the Corporate Sector Authority. After that, Komat and Skywalker battled the Sith Lord Panshard, who was in control of Kiza. Panshard was vanquished by Skywalker, who destroyed his mask.

Following the altercation, Komat went to bury two family members: Skyw, Alker and Calrissian. After that, she returned to Polaar, handed Calrissian her armor and ship to aid him, and advised him to rest before pursuing his hunt for Ochi.

Komat's White Lightsaber

The blade of Komat's lightsaber was white. The saber's blade was originally red when she received it while she was with the Acolytes. He cleansed the saber's kyber crystal, turning the blade white and signifying the eradication of evil from Komat when he and Jedi Master Luke Skywalker managed to flee the Acolytes.

The Sith Lord Exim Panshard, who had taken the body of another former Acolyte named Kiza, engaged Komat in combat with the lightsaber in 21 ABY.