Why Darth Maul’s Death is the Best in the Whole Franchise
Arguably, one of the greatest villains in the Star Wars universe is Darth Maul. His persona isn't fully revealed in the films, but Clone Wars and Rebels provide a deeper understanding of him. I'm not talking about his "death" in Phantom Menace when I say that he had the best character death in all of Star Wars. I'm referring to his passing in "Twin Suns," Rebels Season 3 Episode 20.
If you haven't watched Rebels and Clone Wars yet, you most likely don't know anything about Maul. I'll give you the essentials but won't give too much away: When Obi-Wan flung him into the pit, he did not perish. After surviving, he lived out the rest of his days exacting revenge and causing some mayhem. That being said, I'm here to talk about his death rather than his life.
We must first examine his first death to comprehend his second one properly.
During the last battle with Obi-Wan in A Phantom Menace, Maul perishes. Maul had just defeated Qui Gon by stabbing him in the stomach and striking him with the head hilt of a lightsaber.
Obi-Wan didn't have a chance after witnessing Maul surpass his teacher. It appears there is no hope left as he loses his saber and falls into the pit. But when we see Qui-Gon's lightsaber and hear the Force theme playing in the background, we ignite our hope again.
Leaping to his feet, Obi-Wan chops Maul in half. Now, in two separate pieces, Maul collapses to his purported demise.
But Maul survived and was found to have spider legs and was highly deranged in a cave. The Dark Sisters save him, and he returns to being the evil guy we detest.
Rebels features an amazing fight scene when Maul finds Obi-Wan on Tatooine. He uses the Sith and Jedi Holocrons, along with Ezra. The fact that this fight only lasted four seconds disappointed many people, but I can assure you that those four seconds were brilliant.
Obi-Wan assumes his standard combat stance at first. He does this many times in the series.
He holds his lightsaber to his ear. At the same time, he extends his other hand with two fingers forward. WookiePedia refers to this as Form 3.
Then, he takes a different action. Obi-Wan assumes different shapes to resemble his mentor, Qui Gon Jinn.
Maul saw the subtle alteration, as Obi-wan had hoped he would. Obi Wan initially parries Maul, but then he makes a deadly error. He attempts to headbutt. The identical technique he employed to murder Qui Gon.
However, Obi-Wan desired this. That's the reason he adopted Qui Gon's posture. Obi-Wan was prepared when Maul attempted the same move as he had foreseen. He cut Maul's saber in half and slashed Maul's chest with a deadly blade.
That is all. That is the entire conflict. I was very disappointed when I first saw it.
This is nothing like the enormous flash and trash lightsaber bouts I love. Every frame is so deliberate. It is bright even though it may not be lovely.