All About Darth Maul Lightsaber
Darth Maul created the unusual double-bladed lightsaber to suit his formidable fighting style better. Known by most as Maul Saberstaff, the first double-bladed lightsaber owned by a Sith Lord, he took part in both the Clone Wars and the Naboo invasion.
An apprentice of the Sith, Darth Maul possessed a red lightsaber with two blades made by joining two hilts end to end. Maul's skill and extensive training allowed him to fight numerous opponents with his weapon as a single-bladed lightsaber or by using both red blades simultaneously. Darth Maul's double-bladed red lightsaber was a graceful weapon worthy of a powerful man. Its double-bladed lightsaber made it easier for him to lunge and slice.
Obi-Wan Kenobi broke the Sith lightsaber in half during a battle on Naboo. Maul used one half in battles until he lost it in a fight with his former master on Mandalore. He fixed the half into a double-bladed hilt after being released from prison. Still, it was destroyed in a duel with Ahsoka Tano, so he replaced it with another double-bladed red lightsaber he used until his death.
Darth Maul’s Legacy Lightsaber (Specifications at a glance)
Technical and Physical Parameters
- Hilt length: 19.48 inches (49.5 cm), providing a substantial grip and indicating a focus on close-quarters combat.
- Hilt material: Alloy metals, suggesting durability and strength, which are essential for the rigors of lightsaber combat.
- Crystal type: Kyber, along with an artificial lightsaber crystal. Using different kinds of crystals may have an impact on the characteristics and actions of the lightsaber.
- Design: based on designs found in a Sith holocron that belonged to Darth Sidious; this suggests a link to the dark side of the Force and could give the lightsaber special abilities.
- Blade color: Red, traditionally associated with the Sith and the dark side of the Force, indicating a shift from the peace and serenity of the Jedi.
- Blade type: Double-bladed, with the capability to function as a single blade when damaged, offering versatility in combat situations.
- Hilt shape: Cylindrical, a standard lightsaber shape, provides a comfortable and ergonomic grip.
Construction Information
- Creator: Darth Maul, a mighty and skilled Sith Lord known for his agility and ferocity in combat.
- Model: Originally a two-bladed Sith lightsaber, it evolved into a standard hilt. This implies that the weapon might have undergone changes or replacements over time.
- Type: Double blade, a distinctive feature distinguishing this lightsaber from traditional single-bladed lightsabers.
- Culture: Sith Order, which is known for its pursuit of power and the dark side of the Force.
- Construction date: It was created sometime between 37 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) and 34 BBY, which puts its creation in the years preceding The Phantom Menace's events.
- Destruction date: In the first half of 32 BBY, indicating that the original double-bladed lightsaber was destroyed or lost during the events of The Phantom Menace.
- Discovery date: In the second half of 21 BBY, suggesting that the typical-hilt Sith lightsaber was found or reacquired by Darth Maul or another character later in the timeline.
- Owners: Both Savage Opress and Darth Maul. Given that Savage Opress is a formidable warrior and the brother of Darth Maul, it is likely that the lightsaber was shared or passed down between the two Sith.
History and Usage
- Aim: Lightsaber combat. Since lightsabers are the preferred weapon for both the Jedi and the Sith in their dueling and fight, they all share this function.
- Association:
- Sith Shadow Collective: Within the Sith ranks, this is a closed-off and exclusive group renowned for its cunning and deception. Given their connection to the lightsaber, it's possible that it was utilized for special missions or covert operations.
- Death Watch: a super-commando group of Mandalorians specifically connected to Darth Maul. The dual-bladed lightsaber's emphasis on combat is consistent with their reputation as fearsome fighters.
- Nightbrothers: a group of cult members on the planet Dathomir who are connected to the dark side of the Force and are renowned for their savagery. Their connection to the lightsaber suggests a connection to the weapon's sinister past.
Darth Maul obtained a double-bladed lightsaber with crimson blades throughout the Star Wars saga. Later, when Obi-Wan-Kenobi cut it in half in 32 BBY, it changed into a red single-bladed lightsaber.
Darth Maul’s Double-Bladed Lightsaber:
One of the most iconic weapons in Star Wars is Darth Maul's red, double-bladed lightsaber. The Sith Lord created the peculiar weapon for a lethal purpose. After observing Darth Sidious use a Sith Holocron, Apprentice Sith Maul made his double-bladed lightsaber.
Maul faced off against Eldra Kaitis with his lightsaber on the moon Drazkel. When the saberstaff had two blades, Maul used it on multiple missions for his master, Darth Sidious. Using it, he launched operations to eliminate adversaries and kill Jedi.
Maul dispatched Jedi Anoon Bondara, Siolo Ur Manka, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Darsha Assant using his lightsaber. He used his saberstaff to bring the criminal organization known as Black Sun to its knees.
After returning to the galaxy, Maul killed Finn Ertay, Jedi Bruu Jun-Fan, Grohto, and Ko Solok with his killer weapon. Maul used the lightsaber in battle on Moorjhone and in a fight with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Florrum. He also took it on trips to the palaces of Nal Hutta and Jabba D. Tiure.
Construction of Double-Bladed Darth Maul’s Lightsaber:
Forcibly, Darth Maul forged his double-bladed lightsaber. Maul was sent to the Jentares system to kill the reclusive Jedi Master Siolo Ur Manka. Recognizing that his opponent would be beyond his martial abilities, Maul depended on his cunning strategy. On their first encounter, Maul took a blow to the face from his opponent's Force-infused staff.
Upon his return to his ship, Maul fashioned two different lightsabers using the Sith blueprints he had with him. Maul welded the weapons together to create his new lightsaber.
Maul's lightsaber comprised two identically patterned weapons attached at the pommels. The activator and regulation circuitry were directly beneath the two weapons' projection plate and beam transmitter. Besides the activator was a small, corrugated handgrip and a control lock.
A second set of control locks followed the next control for blade regulation. The focal point of the weapon was the intersection of the two lightsabers.
Maul takes great pride in crafting the crystals for his weapon. He meditated for four days and used a compression furnace to create four lightsaber crystals. He controlled and watched over the crystals' formation using the Force.
Functionality of Darth Maul’s Double-Bladed Lightsaber:
Two lightsaber blades fused into a single line formed the saberstaff. Blade modulation controls allow each blade to be activated separately based on the situation and the enemy. It was constructed using ancient blueprints hidden in a Sith holocron that belonged to Darth Sidious.
Maul's double-bladed lightsaber can be converted to a single-bladed weapon anytime. Maul has to choose whether to use the second blade or not.
Maul fought multiple enemies at once. He used one or both of his red lightsabers. His agility and training helped him in the fight.
Major Feats
- Battle of Naboo
Darth Maul used his lightsaber against Qui-Gon Jinn on Tatooine. During the Battle of Naboo, Maul used his weapon against Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, his pupil. After striking Jinn with the saber hilt to defeat him, Maul transfixed him in the stomach, severely wounding him.
After that, Kenobi got angry and attacked Maul. He broke Maul's lightsaber in half, leaving him with only half of it to use.
Despite this, Maul propelled Kenobi into a trench, dropped his lightsaber into the abyss, and unleashed a hail of sparks at the youthful Jedi, compelling him to retreat. When Maul let down his defenses and charged at him, Kenobi knew it was his chance. Kenobi seemed to use Jinn's lightsaber to cut Maul in half, killing him. After falling down the shaft with his lightsaber, Maul was deemed dead.
- Return of Darth Maul
Despite his wounds, Darth Maul carried the usable half of the lightsaber with him during his escape to Lotho Minor. Maul escaped the garbage tube that had imprisoned him on Lotho Minor using his lightsaber. He then used it to destroy a Fire-breather, sparing Morley's life.
Maul's brother, Savage Opress, finds out that Maul has survived. After obtaining the lightsaber from Lotho Minor, Savage Opress sent Maul back to Dathomir, where their mother, Talzin, would tend to his wounds. Maul's lightsaber, which he used to exact revenge on Kenobi, was given back by his brother.
- Massacre on Raydonia
He used it to kill innocent Raydonian villagers and transport Kenobi to Maul. After traveling to Raydonia, Kenobi met Darth Maul and found himself imprisoned by both of his brothers. Obi-Wan was soon rendered unconscious by Savage Opress, and the two abducted him before dragging him aboard their pilfered vessel.
When Kenobi arrived, Maul and Savage Opress attacked and defeated him. Maul planned to use his lightsaber to torture Kenobi until Asajj Ventress arrived. Maul and his brother contest Ventress and Kenobi until they can escape.
- Outer Rim Slaughter
The lightsaber was used in 20 BBY by Jedi Masters Ko Solok, Bruu Jun-Fan, and Grohto. They used it against Pleem's Nexus, Yellowblade's Landing, and Paklan. It was also applied to several bounty hunters.
After that, Maul and Opress wreaked havoc throughout the galaxy, battling Jedi Masters Padawan Dray, Salmara, and Judd on Moorjhone. Maul's sabre severed Dray's hands.
Darth Maul kept his lightsaber in his hand as he and Savage Opress tore a hole in the Outer Rim. Maul chased after a Nikto Jedi and Jedi Knight Finn Ertay in a spaceport, using his lightsaber to defeat them.
Maul fought two Jedis. He then used his lightsaber to defeat many security droids at the Cybloc Transfer Station. After that, he attacked the facility.
Six pirates from Captain Hondo Ohnaka's group were forced to join Maul at Florrum by means of his lightsaber. Maul killed one of Hondo's loyal lieutenants and engaged in combat with Kenobi while his brother dueled with Adi Gallia.
- Skirmish on Florrum
Maul wielded it briefly against his brother in a struggle for dominance over the roles of instructor and pupil. Darth Maul used the saber blade to quickly end the blaster fire, ending the battle and forging a partnership. Maul had planned to recruit pirates above Florrum, but when the pirates, led by Jiro, mistook them for Jedi, Not too long after, he used it against Obi-Wan Kenobi on Florrum.
- Maul’s Upsurge to Power
Pre-Vizsla took Maul's lightsaber away when the Death Watch of Mandalore found him and Opress, and the two Zabraks recovered. Maul received his lightsaber back after Vizsla agreed to an alliance between Death Watch and him. Maul used his lightsaber to remove the numerous Hutt Clan and Black Sun villains to create the Shadow Collective, a cohesive criminal group. Maul used the lightsaber to fight Vizsla following the Shadow Collective's takeover of Mandalore.
Even though Vizsla fired it out of his hand during their battle, Darth Maul could still decapitate Vizsla using his Darksaber. Besides the Darksaber, Maul used his lightsaber against Darth Sidious after Kenobi left Mandalore. Sadly, Sidious lost both his lightsaber and the Darksaber when he defeated and captured Maul.
Afterward, Maul managed to retrieve both lightsabers. He modified the end of his first lightsaber into a second blade during the Siege of Mandalore, and he used this new weapon in his fight against Ahsoka Tano. Towards the end of the battle, an unarmed Ahsoka engaged Maul in combat, severing the bridge he was standing on and sending him toppling.
Conversely, after Ahsoka saved and captured him with her soldiers, Maul was forced to restore the lightsaber after it fell to the city below.
Inspiration for the Double-Bladed Lightsaber
With his lightsaber's aid, Maul could employ his natural athleticism and skill in battle, even employing martial arts techniques to add an element of surprise. Since Jedi and Sith make their lightsaber, no two are alike in personality and fighting style. A standard single-bladed lightsaber proved too limited and insufficiently robust for Darth Maul.
Its design was influenced by archaic blueprints buried beneath a Sith Holocron under Darth Sidious' command. The infamous double-bladed lightsaber is made by welding two separate sabers together after they have been forged. Before creating his own, Maul is also reported to have learned to wield a saber with two blades.
Lightsaber form of Darth Maul
Maul was trained to be a living Sith weapon as a pupil of Darth Sidious. He became a skilled and acrobatic Sith warrior who could follow his enemies with his double-bladed lightsaber. Maul was, in fact, a master of many forms of lightsaber combat. Being a master of the unarmed duel, Darth Maul regularly used it as part of his fighting style. Unlike the reckless fighter shown in "Nameless," Maul carefully trains to be as deadly as possible with the double-bladed weapon he has chosen before engaging in combat. There, his thinking is more focused on obtaining the intended results.
Maul employed the Juyo fighting style, an extremely violent Form VII that was practically forbidden to Jedi in the last years of the Republic. Darth Maul also mastered the Niman (Form VI) fighting style. Even though Maul had a lot of bad performances, he was an extremely effective fighter because the plot needed him to fail, so he mostly used his conceit. On the other hand, Lord Maul was revered as a great Sith Lord and shared Darth Vader's pure might and tremendous raw strength.
Teräs Käsi's master was Darth Maul as well. Hand-to-hand fighting, known as Teräs Käsi, was created to combat Jedi. Another authority on Jar'Kai is Darth Maul. Maul was so superior to Jar'Kai that he could fight Sidious on an even playing field, matching him blow for blow and kick for kick.
Naturally, Maul is an expert with double-bladed lightsabers. Equipped with a terrifying double-bladed lightsaber, he battled with an overwhelming intensity. Apprentice to the Sith, Darth Maul wielded a double-bladed lightsaber that was created by joining two hilts end to end. Maul's skill and extensive training allowed him to fight numerous opponents with his weapon as a single-bladed lightsaber or by using both red blades simultaneously. In summary, he used the dual-wielding form Jar'Kai and Form VII, Juyo, mostly, maybe with a little Form VI Niman mixed in.
Darth Maul has displayed his deadly double-bladed lightsaber on multiple occasions. Listed below are a few notable appearances in The Phantom Menace Graphic Novel Adaptation, The Phantom Menace Golden Book, The Prequel Trilogy-A Graphic Novel, Episode The Phantom Menace, Darth Maul in Age of Republic, Queen's Peril, and Star Wars: Force Arena.
Find Darth Maul's Double-Bladed Lightsaber In The Real World
Who would turn down this fantastic, lethal lightsaber with two blades? If you wish to join the evil side of the force, nothing could be more thrilling than wielding Darth Maul's lightsaber. We have chosen to use a real-time duplicate. To view what's new, scroll down!
The trickle around Darth Maul's lightsaber is familiar to any severe franchise fan. One of the best, most elegant, and most swinging lightsabers is the LaserPointerWorld Original DM Double Blade Lightsaber. From its construction to its technical features, this Original DM Double Blade Lightsaber is a must-have for your lightsaber collection.
All you need to satisfy your inner Star Wars enthusiast is the Original DM Double Blade Lightsaber, which has outstanding features that make it appear as magnificent as the original lightsaber. This lightsaber has incredibly lifelike sound and light effects. It boasts a robust, volume-adjustable speaker and a 50-watt RGB LaserPointerWorld strip with an infinite color palette.
It also has a flash-on collision function, motion sensors that make sound effects as it swings, and a long, double-bladed, shatterproof, detachable polycarbonate blade with a defusing finish, perfect for heavy fighting. You may play lightsaber battling for an entire day with its nine configurable sound themes, various sound effects, and a detachable lithium-ion battery.
Lightsaber Nestling:
Darth Maul is a popular choice for fans of all stripes because of his extravagant lightsaber, regardless of his relation to the franchise. With our recommended choice, cosplaying will be a lot of fun. Seize it and crush every Bad (Good) Jedi. Goodbye!
1. What is Darth Maul’s lightsaber called?
Darth Maul designed the unusual double-bladed lightsaber to go with his intimidating fighting technique. Maul saberstaff was the name given to the Sith Lord's first double-bladed lightsaber, which he carried about him. Maul's Dual-Bladed Lightsaber is Also known as the Saberstaff or Lightstaff. Maul made it because he was desperate for a surprise.
In addition, Darth Maul's primary tool for a period was the Darksaber, an antiquated lightsaber with a dark blade that he took after slaying Pre Viszla.
2. Does Rey have Darth Maul’s lightsaber?
During her time as a Jedi trainee under Princess Leia, Rey had thought of creating a hinged double-bladed lightsaber, but she was deterred when she saw a dark culmination of the design in her vision of Kef Bir. During a brief battle scene aboard Death Star II, Dark Rey's weapon is seen, and its two red blades instantly bring to mind comparisons with Darth Maul's lightsaber from Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace.
There are a few critical differences between Darth Maul's double-bladed lightsaber from decades earlier and the one used by the villainous Rey in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Because of this, Darth Maul and Dark Rey wield double-bladed lightsabers, but their hilts and Kyber crystals differ.
3. How many lightsabers did Darth Maul have?
He had used three lightsabers in his lifetime. His most famous lightsaber was a red double-bladed weapon created by joining two hilts end to end. Obi-Wan Kenobi broke the Sith lightsaber in two during their battle on Naboo, and Maul used the other half in battle until he misplaced it in a battle with his former master on Mandalore. He fixed the half into a double-bladed hilt after being released from prison. Still, it was destroyed in combat with Ahsoka Tano, so he replaced it with another double-bladed red lightsaber he used until his death. He also had Darksaber, an ancient black-bladed lightsaber made by a Mandalorian Jedi. This sword belonged to Darth Maul, who killed Pre Viszla. The dark saber served as his primary weapon for a period.
4. Why does Darth Maul have a double lightsaber?
Using his lightsaber, Maul could take advantage of his innate quickness and athleticism in battle, even combining martial arts techniques for added surprise. Since each Jedi and Sith creates their lightsaber, no two are identical in personality and fighting technique. Darth Maul discovered that a lightsaber with only one blade was weak and limited his power.
Ancient schematics influenced its design, which was found hidden beneath a Sith Holocron under Darth Sidious's control. A double-bladed lightsaber is created by forging two different sabers and combining them. Maul is believed to have trained using a double-bladed saber before building his own.
5. Where to buy a Darth Maul lightsaber?
Any true Star Wars fan knows about the trickle that surrounded Darth Maul's sword. The Original DM Double Blade Lightsaber, one of the trendiest, most attractive, and swinging lightsabers on the market, is offered by LaserPointerWorld. The Original DM Double Blade Lightsaber is an essential addition to any lightsaber collection in terms of design and technological features.
The LaserPointerWorld Original DM Double Blade Lightsaber has incredible features that make it appear just as magnificent as the original lightsaber, and it has everything you need to satiate your inner Star Wars fan. The sound and light effects of this lightsaber are incredibly lifelike. It has a 50-watt RGB Neopixel strip with infinite color options and a strong volume-adjustable speaker.
6. What color lightsaber does Darth Maul have?
Darth Maul created the unusual double-bladed lightsaber with a crimson tint to better suit his terrifying fighting style. An apprentice of the Sith, Darth Maul possessed a red lightsaber with two blades made by joining two hilts end to end. One of the most recognizable weapons in Star Wars is Darth Maul's red, double-bladed lightsaber. The Sith Lord created the unusual weapon with a lethal intent. Darth Maul, therefore, brandished a red lightsaber.
7. How old was Darth Maul when he died?
52 BBY was his age when he passed away. On Tatooine, Obi-Wan Kenobi murdered Darth Maul.
8. Who played Darth Maul in Phantom Menace?
One well-known villain from Star Wars is Darth Maul. In Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, actor and martial artist Ray Park played Darth Maul. Ray Park is the only actor to have ever physically portrayed the villain in Star Wars.
9. Who played Darth Maul in Star Wars?
One well-known antagonist from the Star Wars galaxy was Darth Maul. Actor and martial artist Ray Park played Darth Maul in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. Ray Park is the only actor to have ever taken on the role of the Star Wars villain in person.
10. How did Darth Maul become a Sith?
Maul is a Zabrak who was taken as a child by Sidious and is from Dathomir. Darth Sidious instructed him in the ways of the Dark force. The Dathomirian, called Darth Maul by his Sith Master, was bred to hate Jedi Knights who followed the light side of the Force.
He was a Dark Lord of the Sith and the pupil of Darth Sidious. The Dark Side was opening up to maul hate, just as Sidious had wanted. He gained notoriety as a crime lord during the Galactic Empire's reign. Maul was a vicious fighter with a dark side and deadly lightsaber-fighting abilities since he had been taught the ways of the Dark Force.
11. Who kills Darth Maul?
It was Obi-Wan Kenobi who killed Maul. Ezra Bridger was lured to Tatooine by Maul to find Obi-Wan Kenobi. The plot worked, and Maul was brought to Obi-Wan. After a cordial conversation, Maul concluded that Kenobi was on Tatooine to protect someone or something. They used their lightsabers to transform into Obiwan's Soresu form, which he rapidly transformed into his former teacher Ataru's form a few seconds later. Maul attacks Obi in the same manner that he attacks Jinn because of this. Maul is "sliced" in half in three places as the blades collide. That is how Obi-Wan Kenobi brought Darth Maul to his demise.
12. Is Darth Maul black or red?
Darth Maul has black tattoos and a naturally crimson complexion. I am having crimson skin and black marks as a result.
13. What species is Darth Maul?
Maul is a Zabrak who was taken as a child by Sidious and is from Dathomir. The Zabrak have two homeworlds: Iridonia and Dathomir. Maul is sometimes called Dathomirian because he is a native of Dathomir.
14. How tall is darth maul
5'9 6'3 (Cybernetic legs Phase II)
15. What is darth maul's species?
Both Darth Maul and his brother Savage Opress are Zabraks. Mother Talzin, the Nightsister, is his mother. Unlike Sugi and the Zabrak, the bounty hunters in The Mandalorian, Maul and Savage Opress had tattoos from birth!
16. What happened to Darth Maul after the Clone Wars?
Maul restored his rule on Mandalore after making his getaway with the aid of his super commandos from Mandalore, until the Grand Army of the Republic toppled him. Maul lived to see the Great Jedi Purge of Order 66 and the ascent of Sidious to the position of Galactic Emperor after the Clone Wars.