In the Star Wars story, blue, red, and green lightsaber hues are the most prevalent (and well-known). They make it possible to discern between the force's good and bad sides. However, many more colors are available for these weapons in the Star Wars world. For example, the orange lightsaber was added to the canon with the publication of the video game "Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order."
Depending on their function and the side of the force they are on, different people employ lightsabers with varying color tints that have symbolic meaning. For those who don't know, Jedi, Sith, and other force users fight and protect themselves using lightsabers.
We are going to explain to you the history of each lightsaber hue and where its color originates. This will not only help you learn more about the characters based on their blades, but it will also help you decide which color lightsaber appeals to you the most in case you choose to have one. Pay attention to the end to become an authority on the topic.
These weapons have a handle that emits a strong plasma beam powered by a Kyber crystal. Kyber crystals give the lightsaber its many hues. Except for the Sith, who employ manufactured kyber crystals, they are uncommon, derived from nature, and associated with the force. They covertly locate and fiercely guard them on several worlds inside the galaxy.
The color of a Kyber crystal is not set in advance. It is decided by the Jedi who finds it based on their choices or personality. They can change lightsabers' colors, but special methods are required to make colors like the Sith's red lightsaber.
Do you love Star Wars a lot? Buckle up and come with us on a space journey to learn about the meaning and symbolism of each color lightsaber.
The 8 most common lightsaber colors and their meanings
Green Lightsabers:
- Meaning: Harmony, peace, and diplomacy
- Notable Characters: Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn, Luke Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano
- Episodes/Series: I, II, III, V, VI, "A Beacon of Hope"
Blue Lightsabers:
- Meaning: Justice, loyalty, and protection
- Notable Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Rey, Terra-Sinobu
- Episodes/Series: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX
Yellow Lightsabers:
- Meaning: Guardianship and protection
- Notable Characters: Asajj Ventress, Ahsoka Tano, Jedi Temple Guards
- Episodes/Series: The Clone Wars, Rebels, The Mandalorian
Red Lightsabers:
- Meaning: Power, aggression, and the dark side
- Notable Characters: Darth Vader, Count Dooku, Darth Maul, Emperor Palpatine, Kylo Ren
- Episodes/Series: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX
Orange Lightsabers:
- Meaning: Individualism and self-discovery
- Notable Characters: Dark Jedi, Sith
- Game: Jedi: Fallen Order
Purple Lightsabers:
- Meaning: Combines passion of red with the calm of blue
- Notable Character: Mace Windu
- Episodes: II, III
White Lightsabers:
- Meaning: Purity, neutrality, and the absence of a crystal
- Notable Character: Ahsoka Tano (after leaving the Jedi Order)
- Episodes/Series: Rebels, The Mandalorian
Black Lightsabers:
- Meaning: Leadership and power
- Notable Characters: Tal Vizsla, Darth Maul, Moff Gideon
- Episodes/Series: The Clone Wars, The Mandalorian
There'sThere's a reason why having a blue lightsaber is essential. Star Wars Episode IV, "A New Hope," features the iconic Skywalker lightsaber as the first to come on screen, making it a universal emblem. Though not their only hue, this one is the most frequently used.
Blueblade users link themselves to the Jedi Guardians because they value their lightsaber fighting abilities over using the force. Anakin Skywalker was better at using a lightsaber than controlling the force and his emotions.
Many believe that blue lightsabers symbolize protection, boldness, righteousness, and bravery, reflecting the values of the Jedi. If a Jedi isn't spiritually connected to their crystal, the blue color of the lightsaber doesn't mean anything. It's important to remember this. Characters like Tera Sinube, Anakin, Luke, and Obi-Wan with lightsabers represent this color in the series.
The second most popular color utilized by Jedi lightsabers is green. Those who respect intelligence, harmony, helpfulness, cooperation, spirituality, and goodwill are linked to green color.
The oldest and wisest Jedi frequently wield the green lightsaber. The lightsaber belonging to Yoda, the most sage of all Jedi masters, is the most poignant illustration. Other exceptional fighters include Luke Skywalker and Qui-Gon Jinn, who both wield green lightsabers.
A Jedi Consular is known for taking time to think before acting, and they typically use a green lightsaber. Greenblade Jedi focus on using the force, communication, and meditation over lightsaber combat due to their strong sensitivity to the force.
Purple is another extremely uncommon hue utilized by the Jedi, particularly by Mace Windu. Since Samuel L. Jackson'sJackson's favorite color, he requested the purple lightsaber. Therefore, there isn't much significance for this unusual lightsaber in the Star Wars movie universe. On the other hand, a purple lightsaber stands for the user's harmonious relationship with the light and dark aspects of the Force in the expanded world.
Because purple is a mix of red and blue, a Force user wielding a purple weapon was typically fearless, audacious, and brave, leading his allies into combat. It denotes doubt, reconstruction, and moral ambiguity. It demonstrates a connection to both the Force's light and dark sides. These are Jedi who possess perfect balance and understand how to maximize the benefits of both sides.
Jedi The purple lightsaber that Mace Windu wielded during his showdown with Darth Sidious in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith was lost when it crashed out of a window. It debuted in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones.
The Jedi Sentinel is most commonly identified with a Jedi brandishing a yellow lightsaber. As you may already be aware, one of the three "schools" of the Jedi Order, the Sentinels, stands between the Consulars and the Guardians.
The Sentinels tried to combine the best parts of both planets. Consulars focused on diplomacy. Guardians trained their exceptional fighting skills. Although they can play various duties, they are most recognized for being the nameless security unit comprising the Jedi Temple Guard.
The Jedi Temple guards utilize this lightsaber color from Star Wars; they have double yellow blade spikes. Although not much is known about this specific color saber, these impressive-looking pikes were associated with the role rather than the person. In other words, they weren't regarded as the guards' personal belongings; instead, they were utilized to carry out the responsibilities of that particular role. At some point, characters like Ahsoka herself and Asajj Ventress wore yellow lightsabers.
In Skywalker's Ascension, fans saw the first yellow lightsaber ever used in a Star Wars movie. In the movie's final scene, Rey appears to be using a yellow lightsaber. It seems that the staff she used before becoming a Jedi was used to create the hilt.
She crafted this yellow lightsaber for herself, representing the harmony she has discovered between the light and dark sides of the Force. It's similar to the purple lightsaber, perhaps.
She is merely Rey; she is not the next Anakin or Luke. Which, let's face it, might fit the bill for a Jedi Sentinel. It is up to you to uncover the solutions on your own.
Orange lightsabers are uncommon in the Star Wars swords canon; they can only be found in the 2019 Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order video game. As an incentive to pre-order the game, the color has been released thus far. Therefore, the story has not yet been revealed. Cal Kestis's lightsaber can be customized to include even more color options. Orange lightsabers are primarily associated with the Old Republic period in the Expanded Universe. Mandalorian knights wield orange sabers in the 2012 comic book series Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: War.
The Mandalorian Knights are an organization of renegade Jedi that undermined the Republic's military efforts during the Mandalorian Wars. They were founded and are commanded by former Jedi Council member Dorjander Kace. Since then, theories have surfaced, but none have ever been verified.
Some people believe that only Jedi who promised to only use their lightsabers when necessary were allowed to have orange lightsabers. This may explain why they were never depicted in the films. Another hypothesis holds that they result from a red kyber crystal that has partially healed and left a scarlet trail in its wake.
Ahsoka Tano's use of the white lightsabers is evidence of her Force proficiency. While hiding following the fall of the Jedi Order, Ahsoka retrieved the Kyber lightsaber crystal from an Inquisitor she had slain during the Imperial occupation of Raada. This one had a crimson saber blade when it was first released, but Ahsoka used the Force to purify it, turning it white.
Ahsoka Tano's white lightsabers symbolized her independence and objectivity to the fullest. If Ashoka Tano had been a true Jedi Knight, his swords would have been blue or green, maybe purple or yellow.
On the other hand, Tano saw them turn white, emphasizing her position as a Force user: devoted to the light side yet uninterested in the Jedi values and code. She put these new white crystals in two lightsabers, one with a shoto blade. In summary, the White Lightsaber stands for impartiality, self-reliance, and disassociation from the Jedi Order.
The Sith Lord's trademark is the red lightsaber. The Sith cannot connect spiritually with their Kyber Crystals like the Jedi can, which makes the crystals change color. Additionally, the Sith could not access the valuable crystals due to the Jedi's control over the planet Ilum, where the Kyber Crystals were discovered.
They had to become creative. Consequently, the Sith started creating artificial lightsaber crystals using special ovens and extended concentration periods.
It's called "bleeding" because all the hate, fear, and other negative emotions are poured into the crystal, making it "bleed" and turn crimson. Regarding their owner'sowner's personality, warriors who wield them tend to get easily agitated. The red lightsaber symbolizes someone who can't control their emotions and resorts to cruelty, violence, and brutality to solve their issues.
These fighters are determined individuals. They will do anything to achieve their goals, even if it means sacrificing everything they hold dear. Most well-known Sith employed this color, such as Darth Vader, Count Dooku, Darth Maul with his dual-bladed lightsaber, or Darth Sidious and Kylo Ren with his quillon saber.
Created by Mandalorian Tarre Vizsla, the Darksaber is unlike any other weapon. He made a shorter-than-typical dark obsidian blade that was thin and flat.
The uncommon weapon resembles a sword rather than a lightsaber. Furthermore, the Darksaber produces a louder sound effect than a traditional lightsaber. There's also the sound of an electric crackle as it strikes another blade.
With only one in existence, it is an extremely rare saber. The black lightsaber was stored in the Jedi temple after Vizsla died.
Members of House Vizsla later retrieved it and passed it down to their descendants. The Mandalorians see the weapon as a symbol of leadership. To claim it, one must defeat the current owner in combat.
The Darksaber symbolizes tradition and leadership. It inspires people to follow ancient customs and shows the owner's leadership qualities. The final episode of the first season of The Mandalorian is where you may first see this lightsaber, commonly known as Darksaber.
Other Unique Lightsaber Color Meanings
But there's a world of possibilities beyond the recognized colors. Other than kyber, crystals have also been utilized to construct lightsabers with different colors and effects. These one-of-a-kind works provide insight into the infinite imagination and resourcefulness of Force users around the galaxy.
The rare and lethal Sith Poison Saber was created by the ancient Rakata, who were practitioners of Dark Side energies. This weapon, loaded with potent poisons, was a deadly extension of their evil.
Jedi Master Plo Koon had a crystal that glowed orange. This crystal was in a blade. The blade showed his excellent piloting skills. It also showed his strong connection to the Living Force.
Legendary Jedi Exile Meetra Surik made her way and created a silver lightsaber crystal that symbolized her independence from the Jedi Order's customs.
Kit Fisto's lightsaber emits a cyan-colored blade. Bright blue-green cyan is a color that stands for negotiation and diplomacy. Though less prevalent, this lightsaber hue is connected to Kit Fisto's cool-headedness.
A few Force users have channeled the energy of unique crystals found on several worlds, each granting remarkable properties. Some crystals, such as Adegan and Kaiburr, can enhance a person's abilities and strengthen their connection to the Force.
It's crucial to remember that saber characteristics and colors are not exclusive to the official Star Wars world. With their hues and effects, lightsabers continue to pique people's interest in the wide world of expanded lore found in books, comic books, video games, and fan works.
In the end, saber colors have a deep symbolic value that reflects the character and experiences of individuals who wield them. Each color represents a different group in the Star Wars universe.
The red lightsabers are associated with the Sith. The blue and green lightsabers are associated with the Jedi. Each color symbolizes power, loyalty, and the choices made by individuals on their journey through life.
The kaleidoscope of hues found in weapons shows how the Force and the vivid spectrum of life are woven together in the Star Wars world. Enter the magnificent world of lightsabers, where colorful lights mold your destiny and illuminate warriors' paths.
What Would Your Lightsaber Color Be?
Ever wondered, "What lightsaber form am I?" The internet has made it possible to find the answers to these kinds of inquiries. This page's lightsaber color quiz analyzes your personality to determine the color of your laser sword. You only need to respond to 20 questions on Star Wars.
A Brief History of Lightsaber’s Colors in the Jedi’s Universe
Prior to the introduction of the Expanded Universe and Canon, a Jedi's color was a personal preference. However, each laser hue now has a deeper meaning thanks to the future spin-offs and new stories, making it clear to fans what each one symbolizes.
Fans wanted to know what color lightsaber they would receive once colors started to have meaning. As a result, interactive examinations and online quizzes were developed to give the fans precise answers.
Laser Sword Hilt Analysis
The findings include guesses regarding the handle of your laser sword, even though it's not really a lightsaber hilt quiz. One essential component of a Jedi's weapon is the hilt. It can determine the laser's purpose, as demonstrated by the two-sided halts. For this reason, the lightsaber color quiz examines both the laser's color and grip.
Personality Analysis
Which type of Sith or Jedi are you? We think that's evident from the color of your lightsaber. Therefore, in addition to other information, the quiz is meant to provide you with a quick personality profile at the end.
Force Analysis
Do you belong to the Light Side or Dark Side of the Force? Will the color of your lightsaber reveal your inner Sith or will it transform you into a Jedi? You may get the answers to all of these questions by taking the Lightsaber color quiz. "May you be blessed by the Force."
1. What is the rarest lightsaber color?
In the canon of Star Wars lightsabers, the black lightsaber also called the " dark saber," is among the rarest. Despite being uncommon in canon, anyone who has watched The Mandalorian Season will probably be familiar with the Darksaber.
2. What is the most robust lightsaber color?
Purple is considered the most robust lightsaber hue in the Star Wars universe. Jedi with lightsabers this color were scarce. Mace Windu and Darth Revan are the only two individuals who have ever handled a purple lightsaber.
3. Why are Sith lightsabers red?
Kyber crystals that "bleed" give Sith lightsabers their red color. This is what happens when people on the dark side manipulate the crystal with an aggressive and dominant will, which reflects the Sith's violent and power-hungry nature.
4. Can anyone use a purple lightsaber?
Extremely uncommon, purple lightsabers represent both the wielder's anger and the harmony between the light and dark parts of the Force. The most well-known Jedi Knight who brandishes a purple lightsaber is Mace Windu, who does so to represent his skill and distinct combat technique. Although purple lightsabers are theoretically usable by everyone, they represent an extraordinary and uncommon path in the Force.
5. Why is Ahsoka's lightsaber white?
Her lightsaber turned white when she realized that to use the kyber crystals she had retrieved from the Sith, she needed to realign them with the light side of the Force. It demonstrates the harmony of independence and power that Ahsoka possesses.
6. Is there any meaning behind the yellow lightsaber?
Jedi Sentinels historically wield yellow lightsabers. This group of Jedi tries to find a balance between fighting and studying, like the Jedi Guard and Jedi Consul. The yellow lightsaber signifies wisdom, vigilance, and theOrder'ser of the Order's knowledge and secrets.
7. Is Cal Kestis' Canon lightsaber color orange?
Orange blades are rare in regular lightsabers, usually only seen in specific situations in modern Star Wars literature. In Jedi: Fallen Order, Cal Kestis's laser sword could be unlocked in orange, however its canonical color is blue.
8 What is Obi Wan Kenobi lightsaber color ?
Three lightsabers were used by Obi-Wan Kenobi in battle during his time as a Jedi. His first possessed a blue plasma blade with a hilt resembling Qui-Gon Jinn, his master's. Before Darth Maul kicked it into a deep shaft on Naboo, Obi-Wan wielded this sword. Then he made another lightsaber with a blue blade and a similar style.
9. What does Rey's lightsaber color mean?
Rey's yellow lightsaber is appropriate for her position as the New Jedi Order's leader. This is also the symbolic meaning of Rey's new lightsaber, particularly in light of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker's confirmation of her status as the New Jedi Order's lone rebuilder.
10.What is luke skywalker's lightsaber color?
Following his father's lightsaber loss on Cloud City, Luke Skywalker created a green plasma blade substitute, resembling Obi-Wan Kenobi's weapon in style.
11 What is Cal Kestis canon lightsaber color?
The original appearance of Cal Kestis' second lightsaber was in the 2019 video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. The weapon's kyber crystal can be personalized with any of the following colors: green, orange, purple, yellow, indigo, cyan, and magenta. However, the weapon's blade is only available in blue.
12.How many lightsaber colors are there
As of 2021, there were 11 canon lightsaber colors in Star Wars:
By default, there are nine Lightsaber blade colors: blue, green, purple, yellow, cyan, magenta, indigo, orange, and white.
Does Lightsaber Color Matter?
One of the things we know about the Star Wars universe is that the Jedi wield multicolored lightsabers. Since Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker (using Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber) wielded blue sabers, so the hue was frequently utilized in the original trilogy. Naturally, we also know that the Sith and Darth Vader wielded crimson sabers. Luke unveiled his new green lightsaber in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
But during the prequel trilogy films, when the Jedi Order was still active and prospering, things took a different turn. At that point, we began to see lightsaber hues other than the blue, red, and green that were typically used in the previous three films.
Because of this, different Jedi had distinct lightsaber colors, which only enhanced the vibrancy of our screens when multiple Jedi were fighting. However, did the color of a lightsaber really affect how strong it was?
Basically, the only significance of a lightsaber's color is to give it a more stylish appearance. Since the power and capabilities of all lightsabers are roughly the identical, the color of the saber has no bearing on how strong the blade is. Depending on the user's preferred fighting technique, subtle variations in the saber's hilt design may be significant. However, there is absolutely no difference in the lightsaber's actual color.
Therefore, the person wielding the lightsaber is the most crucial element in a combat, regardless of the color of the weapon. According to the current Star Wars canon, a lightsaber's hue is nearly entirely random. Naturally, in the past, the type of Jedi holding the lightsaber determined its hue. However, lightsaber colors are essentially random and have no intrinsic meaning since Disney purchased the Lucasfilm rights.
Red and white are the only lightsaber colors with significance. The crystal of a red lightsaber "bled" through the Force's dark side. In the meantime, a red lightsaber crystal's corruption had to be cleaned in order to turn it white. Both saber colors have symbolic implications, but they lack unique qualities that would make them more potent than other lightsaber hues.
Which Lightsaber Color Is the Strongest?
We have demonstrated that a lightsaber's color has no bearing on its power since it has no effect on the saber's power. No lightsaber color can be regarded as more powerful than any other in that sense.
However, in terms of their significance to the plot, some Jedi are associated with lightsaber colors that are far more powerful or, at the very least, more unique than others.
According to the canon, Mace Windu was the only one with a purple lightsaber. The actor who plays Windu, Samuel L. Jackson, desired a purple lightsaber because purple was his favorite color. This is the real-life reason he possesses a purple lightsaber. When he built his lightsaber, the hue changed to purple, which is why he possesses a purple lightsaber in canon.
Prior to its demise, Mace Windu was possibly the Jedi Order's most formidable fighter. Even though Yoda was the strongest Jedi Master at the time, Windu was without a doubt the most formidable fighter. As a result, his skill as a swordsman and his amazing skill in the Vaapad lightsaber combat style—a form that only Mace Windu was able to wield successfully without succumbing to the dark side—are linked with the color purple.
Ahsoka Tano, meanwhile, ended up with two lightsabers with white blades after departing the Jedi Order. Because there weren't many Jedi remaining in the galaxy during the Empire's rule, Ahsoka was one of the strongest Force users alive even though she isn't the greatest Jedi. She obtained her white lightsabers after defeating the Inquisitor and purging the corruption from the Sixth Brother's red lightsaber crystals.
It goes without saying that the Darksaber is the only lightsaber with a black blade.It is an antiquated weapon that predates the mainline Star Wars film events by over a millennium. The Darksaber was forged by Tarre Vizsla, the only Mandalorian Jedi in history, and has a distinctive color and design. Since the person using the weapon was the legitimate leader, it gradually came to represent authority among the Mandalorians, making it a unique weapon.
None of the lightsaber colors listed here are more powerful than the others. Nevertheless, their colors do have unique connotations. Additionally, people who wielded those lightsabers were notable and powerful fighters.
However, a lightsaber's power is dependent on its user, therefore the person brandishing the lightsaber remains the most crucial element. Therefore, although some people think that the purple lightsaber is the strongest, the truth is that Mace Windu's strength was the primary reason it came to be associated with that idea, not the reality that it was intrinsically more powerful than any other lightsaber color.